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Touching the Lord Jefus, of whom Mofes and the Prophets wrote, and whom the Apoftles preached, is the b Sonne of God the Father, the brightneffe of his glory, the ingraven forme of his being, God with him and with his holy Spirit, by whom he made the world, by whom he upholds and governes all the workes hee hath made, who allo when the fulneffe of time was come, was made man of a woman, of the Tribe of Judah, of the feed of Abraham and David, to wit, of Mary that bleffed Virgin, by the holy Spirit comming upon her, and the power of the moft High overshadowing her, and was alfo in all things like unto us, finne onely excepted.

a Gen.3.15. & 22.18.& 49.10. Dan.7.13.& 9.24,25, 26. b Prov.8.23. Joh.1.1,2,3, Col.1.1.15, 16,17. c Gal.4.4. d Heb.7.14. Rev.5.5. with Gen.49.9, 10. Rom.1.3. & 9.5. Mat.1.16.with Luke 3.23.26. Heb. 2.16. fEfa.53.3,4,5 Phil. 2.8.


Touching his Office, a Jefus Chrift onely is made the Mediator of the new Covenant, even the everlaſting Covenant of grace between God and Man, to be perfectly and fully the Prophet, Prieft and King of the Church of God for evermore.

22 Tim.2. 15. Heb.9.15. Joh.14.6. b Heb.1.2.& 3 1,2. & 7. 24. Efa.9.6,7. Acts 5.31.


Unto this Office hee was fore-ordained from everlafting, by the authority of the Father, and in refpect of his Manhood, from the womb called and feparated, and banointed alfo moft fully and abundantly with all gifts neceffary, God having without meafure poured the Spirit upon him.

a Prov.8.23.1 Efa.42.6.& 49.1.5. b Efa. 11. 2, 3, 4,5.& 61,1,2, 3. with Luk. 4. 17.22. Joh.1.14 16.7 &3.34.


In this Call the Scripture holds forth two fpecial! things confiderable; firft,the call to the Office; fecondly, the Office it felf. Firft, that none takes this honour but he that is called of God,as was Aaron, fo alfo Chrift, it being an action efpecially of God the Father, whereby a fpeciall covenant being made, hee ordaines his Sonne to this office: which Covenant is, that Chrift fhould be

4 Heb.5 4,5,6 Efa.53.10. II,