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made a Sacrifice for finne, that hee fhall fee his feed, and prolong his dayes, and the pleafare of the Lord fhall profper in his hand; which calling therefore contains-in it felfe chufing, fore-ordaining, fending. Chufing refpects the end, fore-ordaining the means, fending the execution it felf, all of meere grace,without any condition fore-feen, either in men,or in Chrift himfelfe.

Efa.42.1; d1 Joh.3.17.& 9.17.& 10.36 Efa.61.1. f Joh.3.16. Rom.8.32.


So that this Office to be Mediator, that is, to be Prophet, Prieft, and King of the Church of God,is fo proper to Chrift, as neither in the whole, nor in any part thereof, it can be transferred from him to any other.

I Tim.2.5. Heb.7.24. Dan.1.14. A&.4.12. Luke 1.33 Ioh.14.6.


This Office it felf to which Chrift was called, is threefold, of a Prophet, of b Prieft, & of a King: this number and order of Offices is fhewed; firft, by mens neceffities grievously labouring under ignorance, by reafon whereof they ftand in infinit neceffity of the Prophetical office of Chrift to relieve them. Secondly, alienation frō God, wherein they ftand in need of the Prieftly Office to reconcile them: Thirdly, our futter difability to return to him,by which they ftand in need of the power of Chrift in his Kingly Office to affift and govern them.

a Deut. 18, 15. with A&ts 3 22.23. 6 Pfal. 110.3. Heb.3.1. & 4. 14.85 & 5.6. & 6.11. Pfal. 2.6. d A&s 26.18. Col. 1.3. eCol. 1. 21:] Eph.2.12. f Cant. 1.3. Ioh.6.44.


Touching the Prophefie of Chrift, it is that whereby he hath perfectly revealed the whole will of God out of the bofome of the Father,that is needfull for his fervants

a Ioh.1.18. & 12.49-50. & 15.& 17. 8. Deut.18.15.7