Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1167

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A917567 - A917607
JUL-DEC. 1977

i917 566 (con.) Potoiiac Telephone Coipany of Haryland; 1NOV77: »917566.

4917567. Bali»ore suburban east yelloM pages, Noveiber 1977. C The Chesapeake and Fotoaac Telephone COBPany of Maryland: 1NOV77: »9175b7.

i917568. BalniBOre Betropolitan area telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. O The Chesapeake and Potoaac Telephone Coipany o£ Barylaud; 1No»77: A917568.

49 17 569. Dollhouse construction and restoration. By Nina Glenn Joyncr. 123 p. Nina Glenn Joyner: 14Bo»77: i917569.

4917570. Chilton's Repair and tune-up quide Honda 350-550 fours, 1971-77. Prepared by the 4utoaotxve Editorial Departient, Chilton Book Coapany, associate editorial director: Glen B. Buh, aanaqinq editor: John H. Beise. senior editor: Joseph F. Pellicciotti. 159 p. »dd. ti: Chilton's Honda 350-550 fours, repair and tune-up quide. e Chilton Book Coapany, iutoaotive Editorial Departaent (in notice: Chilton Book Coapany); 180ct77: 49 17570.

4917571. CIS OS serial set index. Pt. 1: iaerican state papers 6 the 15Ui-3itth Congresses, 1789-1857, findinq lists, p. 2085-2668. conqtessional Inforaation Service, Inc.; 30Sep77: 49 17571.

4917572. Tell «e a Trudy. By Lore seqal, pictures by Boscaary Hells. 1 v. on text; Lore Seqal; 281iov77; 49 17572.

4917573. Tell ae a Trudy. By Lore Seqal, pictures by Boseaary iells. 1 >. on illus. ; Boseaary Bells; 28llo»77; 4917573.

49175711. The Deskbook of art law. By Leonard D. DuBoff. 1345 p. C Federal Publications, Inc.; 18»o»77; 491757*.

4917575. Cuoeo on Governaent contracts; course aanual. 207 p. 4ppl. states no copyright cldiaed on aaterials taken fcoa U.S. GoTt. sources. Federal Publications. Inc.: 16IIOV77; 4917575.

4917576. Hvpertensioa: aechanisas, diagnosis and aanaqeaeut. Edited by Jaaes O. Davis, John H. Laraqh 6 4ay Selvyn. 27'* p. Adapted froa Hospital practice. NB: additions 6 updatinq. O HP Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 110ct77; 49 17576.

4917577. The Ice 4qe. By Sarqaret Drabble. 295 p. sarqaret Drabble: 12Sep77: 4917577.

4917578. The Key to Chinese cooking. By Irene Kuo, dravinqs by Carolyn Hoy, editorial; Suzi 4[ensberq. 532 p. O Irene Kuo; 27Scp77; 4917578.

4917579. Hichiqan appeals reports; cases decided in the Hichiqan Court of 4ppeals froa Bar. 2, 1977 to 4pr. 18, 1977. Vol. 71. Supreae court reporter: lilliaa a. Leais, chief deputy court reporter for the Court of 4ppeals: C. B. Busko«ski. 825 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial secured froa official O.S. Govt, sources. NH: coapilation, additions & revisions. Bichard H. 4ustin, Secretary of State, State of Michigan; 16Sep77; 4917579.

4917580. 4aerican la» reports: 4LB3d: cases and annotations. Vol. 80. 1302 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed iu any aaterial secured froa official O.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Coapany 6 Bancrof t-Bhitncy Coapany; 10Oct77; 4917580.

4917581. 4aerican law reports: 4LB Federal: cases and annotations. Vol. 3«. 860 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial secured froa official O.S. Govt, sources. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Coapany 6 Bancroft-Hhitney coapany; 19Sep77; 4917581.

4917582. Piatfora tennis. By Bob Callaway E Hichael E. Hughes. 22» p. C Bob Callaway 6 Michael E. Huqhes; 7Sep77; 4917582.

4917583. The Lowell offering; writings by Hew England aill woaen (18U0-1845) Edited with an introd. by Benita Eisler. 223 p. DM: additions £ coapilation. Benita Eisler; 110ct77; 4917583.

491758H. The Eoaael plot. By John Tarrant, pseud, of Clive Egleton. 250 p. J- B. Lippincott Company; 20Hay77: 4917584.

4917585. so laughing aatter: the autobiography of a B4SP. By Margaret Halsey. 250 p. O Hargaret Halsey; 20Jul77; 4917585.

A9175B6. The Tenth life. By Bichard Lockridge. 201 p. Bichard Lockridge; 170ct77; 4917586.

4917587. The Killers of starfish. By Jackson Clark Gillis. 240 p. Jackson Clark Gillis; 20JU177; 4917587.

4917588. Choices: coping creatively with personal change. By Frederic F. Flach. 187 p. Frederic F. Flach: 84ug77: 4917588.

4917589. Saart squash: using your head to win. By 4ustin Francis, introd. by Victor Niederhof fer, illus. by Hichael, Bitte. 192 p. O 4ustin Francis; 40ct77; 4917589.

4917590. Skiing froa the head down; a psyc- hological approach. By Leonard 4. Loudis E B. Charles Lobitz. 184 p. O Leonard 4. Loudis 6 B. Charles Lobitz; 15Sep77; 4917590.

4917591. 411ergies. By 41vin Silverstein 6 Virginia B. Silverstein, with introd. by Sheldon G. Cohen. 128 p. BH: text. O 41vin and Virginia B. Silverstein; 27Sep77; 4917591.

4917592. Death of a guru; a Hindu coaes to Christ. By Babindranath B. Haharaj, with Dave Hunt. 224 p. O Babindranath B. Maharai; 6Jul77; 4917592.

4917593. Space aonsters: froa aovies, television, and books. By Seyaour Siaon. 80 p. O Seyaour Siaon; 9Sep77; 4917593.

4917594. How to make your own moccasins. By text 6 Sylvia Grainger. 128 p. drawings. Sylvia Grai 21Sep77; 4917594.

4917595. How you can learn to live with coaputers. By Harry Kleinberg. 216 p. Harry Kleinberg; 26Jul77; 4917595.

4917596. Bright rivers. By Hick Lyons. 166 p. soae sections of this book originally appeared in Fly fisheraan 6 others. NM: additional text 6 editorial revision. O Hick Lyons; 25Jul77; 4917596.

4917597. 4npao: an 4aerican Indian odyssey. By Jaaake Hiqhwater, pictures by Fritz Scholder. 256 p. on text; Jaaake Hiqhwater; 194ug77; 4917597.

4917598. 4npao: an 4Berican Indian odyssey. By Jaaake Highwater, pictures by Fritz Scholder. 256 p. on illus. ; J. B. Lippincott Coapany; 194ug77; 4917598.

4917599. To be preserved forever. By Lev Zalaanovich Kopelev, translated 6 edited by 4nthony 4ustin. 268 p. Portions prev. appeared in Quest/77; prev. pub. abroad as No jail for thought, 13Jun77. 41-16848. O on English translation; 4ntfaony Austin; 14Jun77; 4917599.

4917600. To be preserved forever. By Lev Zalaanovich Kopelev, translated 6 edited by 4nthony 4ustin, foreword by Lillian Hellaan. 268 p. Portions prev. appeared in uuest/77; prev. pub. in England as No jail for thought. O on foreword; Lillian Hellaan; 14Jun77; 4917600.

4917601. To be preserved forever. By Lev Zalaanovich Kopelev, translated 6 edited by 4nthony 4ustin, afterword by Bobert G. Kaiser. 268 p. Portions prev. appeared in auest/77; prev. pub. abroad as No jail for thought, 13Jun77, 41-16849. on afterword; Bobert G. Kaiser: 14Jun77; 4917601.

4917602. Second chance: blueprints for life change. By Herbert B. Livesey. 238 p. Portions prev. pub. in Quest 6 Travel and leisure. DM: additional text. Herbert B. Livesey; 28Jul77; 4917602.

4917603. Catskill flytier: ay life, tiaes, and techniques. By Harry Darbee, with Mac Francis, illustrated by Francis H. Davis, introd. by Sparse Grey Hackle, pseud, of Alfred B. Miller. 174 p. O Harry Darbee e Austin M. Francis: 27Sep77 ; A917603.

4917604. How to build a house with an architect. By John Milnes Baker, drawings by the author. 190 p. NM: all text 6 drawings. John Milnes Baker; 13Jul77; 4917604.

4917605. Slave testiaony: two centuries of letters, speeches, interviews, and autobiographies. Edited by John B. Blassingaae. 777 p. NH: additional text, coapilation 6 editorial revision. O Louisiana state Onivcrsity; 21May77; A917605.

A917606. Conversion aids release CCC709. Printout 6 aagnetic tape. Bacroughs

Corporation; 30Sep77; 4917606.


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