Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1168

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A917608 - &9176U1
JUL-DEC. 1977

A917607 (con.) Printout & maqnetic tape. 3 Burroughs Corporation; 12Sep77; A9 17607.

A917608. CODputer aanaqeoent systess (CflS) reporter deaonstration and training guide; prelim, ed. Sheets. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 24Sep77; &9 17608.

A917609- CHS (B 800) systeas: pocket select language <PSL) ; reference manual. 1 t. Prev- reg- A 877196. NM: revisions- Q Burroughs Corporation; 130ct77: A917609.

A917610. Contractor business management system: iob cost reporting; reference manual. 1 T. Prev- reg. A811167. NH: revisions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 28Sep77; A917610.

A917611. Burroughs hospital administrative system (BHAS 2) on-line data entry and inquiry module terminal operator's manual. 1 v. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 30ct77; A917611.

A917612. DC 100 programming language; reference manual- 1 v- Prev, reg. A830602 £ others. NM; revisions. © Burroughs Corporation; 1lOct77; A917612.

A917613- Burroughs B1800/B1700 systems production control system 1 material requirements planning module reference manual- 1 v. Q Burroughs Corporation; 30ct77; 49 17613-

A917611*. Production control system 1 bill of material module capabilities manual. 1 v. © Burroughs Corporation; 170ct77; A917614-

A917615. AP100 equipment reference manual. 1 v. © Burroughs Corporation; 190ct77; A917615.

A917616. B1800/B1700 systems Cobol reference manual. 1 v. Prev- req. A971839 & others. Nfl: additions G revisions.. © Burroughs Corporation; 130ct77: a917616.

A917617. Burroughs general purpose simulation system (GPSS) class material. 1 v. @ Burroughs Corporation; 28Sep77; A917617-

&917618. Drilco drilling assenbly handbook. 1977 ed. 198 p. Appl. au: Drilco, division of Smith International. © Smith Inter- national, Inc.; 2May77; A9 17618-

A917619. Sudden illness. Filmstrip script & discussion guide by Marsha Treiber. 18 p. & filmstrip- (First aid) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47(l54 , in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates. Inc.* employer for hire. 6 Guidance Associates; 170ct77: A917619-

A917620. Opportunities o£ the Appalachian independent oil and gas operator. SPE 6622. By James B. Gehr* issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AiaE- 4 p. 6 American Institute of dining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 260ct77; A917620.

A9 17621 - Sour Gas and Crude Symposium^ November 14*15, 1977, Tyler, Texas, proceedings. 90 p. Appl. au: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. @ American Institute of ainiug, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers^ Inc.; iaNov77; A917621-

A917622- An Efficient multicomponent numerical simulator. SPE 6890. By Uossein Kazemi, Charles B. Vestal & G. Deane Shank, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. 14 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917622.

A9 17623- Scheduling of wells and horsepower for blowdoun of depletion type gas fields. SPE 6828. By H. L. Trice, Jr. e G. D- Pounell, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. @ American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917623-

A917624. Visualizing pores and non-wetting phase in porous zock. SPE 6857. By B- F- Swanson, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 1 v- © American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917624.

A917625. Numerical simulation of water imbibition in fractured cones. SPE 6895- By B. Kazemi £ L. S. Merrill, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 5 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9 17625.

A917626. Simulation of water injection in an oil rim reservoir of the barrier bar type in Nigeria. SPE 6702. By K- J. Heber, P. H. Klootwyk, J. Konieczek £ H- B- Vander Vlugt, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p- 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. ; 90ct77; A917626,

A917627. Correlations for fluid physical property prediction. SPE 6719. By Milton Vazquez £ H. D. Beqgs, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 8 p- © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917627.

A917628. Critical concentration of polymer additives used in enhanced oil recovery. By C. S. Kabir, J- S. Stanislav £ S. Hlavacek. 9 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; I0ct77; A917628-

A917629- Interfacial tension and phase behavior of surfactant systems. SPE 6844. By Uilliam H. iade, James C. Morgan, fiobert S- Schechter, J. Kent Jacobson £ Jean-Louis Salager, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. 3 American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917629-

A917630. Search area analysis of exploration areas. By John M- Cozzolino. 21 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; I0ct77; A917630.

A917631. Designed application of clay stabilizer improves performance. SPE 6759. By C. T. Copeland, A. W. Coulter £ U. H. Harris berqer, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME- 8 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9 17631.

A917632- Monitoring flood profiles with induction logs. SPE 6785. By J. E. Bichardson, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 4 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917632.

A917633. Birth of a metropolitan waterflood. SPE 679C. 3y A. E. Horqret, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 5 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917633.

A917634. An Empirical approach to relate drilling parameters. SPE 6715. By B- A. Cunningham, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 4 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917634.

A917635- The Evaluation of exploration and production ventures in an inflationary environment. SPE 6706. By M. Mortada, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 4 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917635.

A917636. Applications of two-rate flow tests to the determination of geothermal reservoir parameters. SPE 6887. By Jesus i!ivera-B. £ Henry J. Barney, Jr., issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of AIME. 5 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917636.

A917637. Denver unit well surveillance and pump-off control system. SPE 6849. By J. D. Hunter, B. S. Hubbell £ C. B. Belter, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. 6 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A917637.

A917638. Early fluid entry determination: key to safe, optimum drill stem testing. SPE 6884. By J. C- Erdle, J. M. Opchurch £ D. A. Barren, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 9 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917638.

A917639. Geothermal reservoir modelling- SPE 6892. By K. H. Coats, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 21 p. © American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917639.

A917640. Formation evaluation using wireline formation tester pressure data. SPE 6822. By James J. Smolen £ L- fi. Litsey, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 10 p. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917640-

A917641. Lease operational study — gas lift versus submersible pump lift — G. B. Arledge "C" Lease, Scurry County, Texas. SPE 6852-

By G- L. Smith, issued by Society of


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