Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1169

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i9176t1 (con.) Petroleua Eoqiueers of ilHE. U p. O AaericaD Institute of Bininq, Hetal- lurqlcal and Petroleua Enqineecs, l&c. ; 90ct77: i9I76m.

A9 17612. An iBproved qas transaissiOD desiqn siauXatoi:. SPE 6872. By Gocdon P. Berard fi Brent G. Eliason, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AlHE. 7 p. O Aaeuican Institute of Niuinq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 90ct77: »9176l»2.

»9176«3. k New aethod of deteraioing ranqe and direction froa a relief well to a blowout well. SPE 6781. By T. J. aorris, B. L. laters. S. F. Soberts t J. P. Costa, issued by Society of petroleua Enqineers of klHE. 12 p. Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A9176«3.

A917604. Biqh data rate drilling teleaetry systea. SPE 6775. By Early B. Denison, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 6 p. Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A917604.

A9176t5. Hicellar shear deqradation, foraation pluqginq and inaccessible pore voluae. SPE 6772. By Hiklos T. Szabo, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. It p. O Aaerican Institute of {lining, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9176»5.

A9176ae. The Effects of pressure on the set properties of ceaents with various additives. SPE 6800. By Arthur S. Betcalf C Thoaas D. Dresher, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIRE. 7 p. Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77: A917646.

A917647. Perforaance review of tapered sub- aergible puaps in the Three Bar (Devonian) Field, Andrews County. Teias. SPE 6854. By Jaaes c. Swetnaa e Mike L. SacKash, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 5 p. Add. ti: Perforaance review of tapered subaersible puaps in the Three Bar (Devonian) Field, Andrews County, Texas. O Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9176it7.

A9176ltB. circulating out gas Icicks in deepwater floating drilling operations. SPE 6834. By H. T. Ilfrey. c. B. Alexander. B. A. Neath. J. D. Tannich S J. B. Ec)tel, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 6 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining. Hetallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A917648.

A917649. A Hydraulic fracturing technique for dry hot rock experiaents in a sinqle borehole. SPE 6897. By Peter L. Ernst, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 5 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9176lt9.

A917650. Application of solar enerqy to producinq operations of oil and qas fields. SPE 6881. By Balph Saalley. Jr. e J. Horkondee, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 4 p. Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917650.

A917651. The Use of the coaputer and other special tools for aonitoring a qas well blowout during the kill operation- -offshore Louisiana. SPE 6836. By Jaaes B. Lewis. Jr.. issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 5 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- lurgical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917651.

A917652. Geodip: an approach to detailed dip deteraination using correlation by pattern recognition. SPE 6823. By Ph. Vincent. J.-E. Gartner £ G. Attali. 18 p. 6 Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers. Inc. ; 90ct77: A917652.

A917653. Five years experience deepwater drilling. SPE 6833. By Dillard S. Baaaett. issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 6 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A917653.

A917654. A New aethod for the quantitative deteraination of soluble carbonates in water-base drilling fluids. SPE 6904. By B. L. Garrett, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 6 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A917654.

A917655. Logistics probleas in developing reaote oil fields — a case history froa Prudhoe Bay. SPE 6796. By Jaaes A. Heiaer, L. A. Bryan 6 J. D. Ueeks. issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 6 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A917655.

A917656. The Effect of hole curvature on drill pipe while drilling inside casing or open hole. SPE 6780. By Toaay Karren. issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 3 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hininq. Hetallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A917656.

A917657. A C02 tertiary recovery pilot. Little Creek Field, Hississippi. SPE 6747. By Philip B. Hansen, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 5 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining. Hetal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A9 17657.

A917658. Fiberglass sucker rods in beaa puaped oil wells. SPE 6851. By Daaon L. Batkins G John Haarsaa. issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. 4 p. Aaerican Institute of Hining. Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers. Inc.; 90ct77; A9 17658.

A917659. Cheaicai transport in porous aedia. SPE 6847. By A. Satter, I. H. Shun, i. T. Adaas e L. A. Davis, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 5 p. Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc. ; 90ct77; A917659.

A917660. A Laboratory investigation of oil recovery by displaceaent with carbon dioxide and hydroqen sulfide. By A. Herbert Harvey S Bichard L. Henry. 10 p. Aaerican Institute of Mining, Hetal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 150ct77; A917660.

A917661. Teacher's aanual to accoapany The Social forces in later life, second edition. By Ben E. Dickerson e Hayne Seelbach. 158 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Company. Inc. ; 10NOV77; A917661.

A9 17662. Basic geoaetry. By Bernard Peldaan. 144 p. Hadsworth Publishing coapany. Inc.; 260ct77; A917662.

A917663. Basic nursing skills, a self-inst- ructional approach: asepsis, aedication adainistration, vital signs. By Julia D. Quiring 6 Bobert F. Bubeck. 274 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 23Sep77; A917663.

A917664. Heritage of the wooded hills: a Bclaont history. By Bia Elena Dewing. 95 p. O Bia Elena Dewing: 1Nov77; A9 17664.

A917665. EDP: controls and auditing. By u. Thoaas Porter e Hilliaa E. Perry. 2nd ed. 266 p. Hadsworth Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 30Sep77; A917665.

A917666. Learning to look: a handbook on classrooa observation and teaching aodels. By Jane A. Stallings. 309 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 26Sep77; A917666.

A917667. Test items for College algebra, 4th edition, by Beckbach, Drooyan. and Hooten. Prepared by T. H. Buguoi. 119 p. NH: revisions. O Hadsworth Publishing coapany. Inc.; 9Nov77; A917667.

A917668. Astronoay: the cosaic journey, 1978. By Hilliaa K. Hartaann. Calendar. NH: additions & coapilation. O Hadsworth Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 2Nov77; A917668.

A917669. Instructor's aanual for The Aaerican econoay in historical perspective. By Bichard K. Vedder. 33 p. Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 50ct77; A917669.

A917670. Solutions aanual for EDP: controls and auditing, second edition. By H. Thoaas Porter, Jr. £ Hilliaa E. Perry. 68 p. NM: revisions, updating £ additions. 6 Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 15Sep77; A917670.

i917671. Southeast transaction guide: Florida. Georgia, Alabaaa. Vol. 13. 1977. Editors: Byron L. Sparber, Carl H. Cofer C Thoaas A. Bitchie. 1 v. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Coapany. Inc.. eaployer for hire. O flatthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 8NOV77; A917671.

A917672. New York 1977-78 redbook; Bender paaphlet ed., CPLB. 1 v. O Hatthev Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 14Nov77; A917672.

A917673. Collier foris aanual. second edition. Vol. 2. Oct. 1977, revision release 11. By Edward J. Byan £ others. Sheets. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. Matthew Bender and Coapany. Inc.; 210ct77; A917673.

A917674. Taxation of securities transactions.

Oct. 1977 cuBulative suppl. £ revision


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