Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1170

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A917675 - A917703
JUL-DEC. 1977

A917674 (con-) release 6. By Martin L. Fried. Sheets- (Business orqanizations, vol. 118) Appl- au: HattheH Bender and Conpanr* Inc., employer for hire, © (Jattheu Bender and company. Inc.; 3Nov77; A917674-

A917675- 1977-78 bluebook New York; iarren's weed panphlet ed. , real property law, real property actions and proceedinqs law and related miscellaneous statutes. 1 v- Add. ti: 1977-78 iarren's weed BPL-BPAPL- 6 Matthew Bender and Coopany, Inc.; 11M0777; A91767S-

A917676- Harren's forms of aqreements. Vol- 1-3. Nov- 1977 revision release no. 10. By Oscar LeBoy Harren« Gloria C. Harkuson & Gladys Glickman. Sheets. Appl. aur Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. © Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 15NOV77: &917676-

A917677. Callaqhan' s Official Hisconsin reports; cases determined in the Supreme Court of Hisconsin, May 17, 1977-aune 14, 1977. Vol- 78, 2d series. Reported by the editorial staff of Callaqhan and Company- 610 p. Add. ti: Cailaqhan's Nisconsin reports. NM: editorial compilation- 6 callaqhan and Company; 14Nov77: A917677-

A917678. Municipal ordinances, second edition. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Thomas A. Matthews 6 Byron S. Matthews. 4 v- £ sheets (3 p. ) © Callaqhan and Company; 11NOV77; A917678.

A917679- Nichols cyclopedia of leqal forms annotated. 1977 cuDulative suppl., vol. 1-8 & 10. By Bichard D. Hobbet, Karla H, Simon & Edward J. Smith. Multiple volumes. © Callaqhan and Company; 17NOV77; A917679-

A917680. The Lav of Federal income taxation: Internal Bevenue Code of 1954- Oct. 1977 code suppl., release no. 1- Compiled by Janes J, Doheny, editor in chief G other editors. Sheets. Add- ti: Mertens law of Federal income taxation. 6 Callaqhan and Company; 16Nov77; A9 17680-

A917681. Neqliqence compensation cases annotated, 4th series. Vol. 1-20, common sense index. Sheets. NM: revision, updatinq & compilation. 6 Callaqhan and Company; 18NOV77; A917681-

A9 17682. Business transactions and estate planainq- By Jere D. HcGaffey. 4 v. (McGaffey tax analysis and forms, vol. 1-4| NM: editorial compilation. 6 Callaqhan and Company; 10Nov77; 6917682-

A917683. Extraordinary contractual relief reporter- Suppl. /Nov. 1977. Sheets- 6 Federal Publications, Inc.; 17Nov77; A9 17683-

A9 17684- Attorneys medical deskbook. cumulative suppl., issued Sept. 1977. By Dan J. Tennenhouse. 125 p. Appl- states copyriqht not claimed in any material secured from official 0. S. Govt, sources- 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company; 8Sep77; A917684.

A9176B5. Dnited States Supreme Court reports- Lawyers' ed-, 2nd series- Prepared by the editorial staffs of the Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company & Bancroft- Hhitney Company. 15 v. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. 3 on additions & revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company; 140ct77; A917685.

A917686. United states code service; lawyers ed. Sept. 1977 later case service. By the editorial staffs of the Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company G Bancroft- Vhitney Company. 1135 p. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company G Bancrof t-Hhitney Company; 15Sep77; A917686-

A917687. Florida evidence. Cumulative suppl., issued Oct. 1977. By Spencer A. Gard. 249 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources, © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 40ct77; A917687.

A917688. Constitutional rights of the accused, pre-trial rights. Cumulative suppl., issued Nov. 1977- By Joseph G. Cook. 223 p- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official D-S- Govt. sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; lNov77; A917688-

A917689- Damages and recovery: personal injury and death actions. By Jacob A- Stein- Cumulative suppl-, issued Nov. 1977, by Jacob A. Stein G Roland F. Chase. 110 p- Appl- states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 8Nov77; A917689-

A917690. American law of products liability, second edition. Vol- 1-6- By Bobert D. Bursh G Henry J. Bailey. Cumulative suppl., issued in Nov. 1977, by the editorial staffs of the Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company fi Bancroft- Hhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official 0-S- Govt, sources- 6 The Lawyers co-operative Publishing Company; 4Nov77; A917690-

A917691- Constitutional rights of the accused: trial rights- Cumulative suppl-, issued Nov- 1977. By Joseph G. Cook- 117 p- Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official 0-S- Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 1Nov77; A917691.

A917692. Attorneys' fees. Vol. 1-2- By Stuart M. Speiser. Cumulative suppl., issued Oct. 1977- Appl- states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. G The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company; 29Sep77; A917692-

A917693- Pennsylvania crimes code, annotated Sheldon S- Toll G Jane E. Bernstein- Cumulative suppl., issued Oct- 1977. 125 p- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 120ct77; A9 17693.

A917694- FBES newsletter: Federal regulation of employment service. Issue no- 10, Oct, 1, 1977. 8 p- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official U-S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, Bancroft-Whitney company G The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 60ct77; A917694.

A917695. FBES newsletter: Federal regulation of employment service. Issue no. 11, Nov. 1, 1977. 8 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official D-S- Govt- sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, Bancroft-Hhitney Company G The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 3Nov77; A917695.

A917696- Ihe Law of seamen, third edition- Vol- 1-^3. Cumulative suppl., issued Sept. 1977- By Martin J. Norris. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official 0-S- Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 2 3Sep77; A9 17696.

A917697. Federal regulation of employment service- Suppl. to binder 1-9 G employee benefits. By the editorial staffs of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, Bancroft-Hhitney Company G The Research Institute of America, Inc. 10 v- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official D.S. Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancroft-Ghitne; Company; 200ct77; A9 17697-

A91769a- Trial handbook for Maryland lawyers. Cumulative suppl., issued Oct- 1977. By Jacob A. Stein. 109 p- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 270ct77; A9 17698-

A917699, Trial handbook for New York lawyers. Cumulative suppl., issued Oct. 1977. By Aaron J. Broder. 117 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt- sources- © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 120ct77; A917699.

A917700- Federal trial handbook. Cumulative suppl., issued Oct. 1977. By Bobert S. Hanter. 165 p. Appl- states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official 0- S- Govt- source. 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 180ct77; A917700-

A917701. 1977 cumulative supplement to Mis- sissippi code, 1972 annotated- Vol. 1-21, general index A-L G M-Z G statutory tables. By the editorial staffs of the Harrison Company G the Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company. 23 v. Add. ti: Official Mississippi Code of 1972. © The State of Mississippi; 23Sep77; A917701.

A917702. Connecticut reports: cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut. Vol- 173, pt- 4- By Donald H- Dowling £ Kathryn Miller- p. 232-316- NM: additional material G text, editorial revisions G index. 6 Gloria Schaffer, Secretary of the State of Connecticut ; 3Nov77 ; A9 17702-

A917703- Connecticut reports: cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut. Vol. 173, pt- 6. By Donald H. Dowling G Kathryn Miller, p.

397-461. NM: additional material G text.


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