Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1175

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A917867 - A917912
JUL-DEC. 1977

&917866 (con.) Inc. 6 Bactln Psychiatric Eesearch Foundation, Inc.: 31Har77: A917866.

4917867. CLO course HS 30* econo»ics, 1977/78; CLO study guide. Issued by Soloaon S. Buebner School of CLO Studies, »«erican Collcqe. Sheets. »ppl. au: The taerican college. O The Aaerican College; 1llo»77; i917867.

A9 17868. S21UA i»age processing display generator progcaaaing nanual. Docuaent no. 150-6012-015. »ol. 3, Oct. 1977. 1 ». Aydin corporation, Aydin Controls Diyision; 231lo»77: A917868.

A917869. 521'*A iaaqe processing display generator operation and aaintenance aanual. Docuaent no. 150-60<I2-01 1. Vol. 1, Sept. 1977. 1 ». Aydio Corporation, Aydin Controls Di»ision; 231lov77; a9 17869.

A917870. 521UA iaage processing display generator/data general UO14O interface operation and prograaaing aanual. Docuaent no. 150-6042-01 9. Vol. 1, Sept. 1977. 1 ». O Aydin Corporation, Aydin controls DiTision; 23llo»77: A9 17870.

A917871. 5214A iaaqe processing display generator engineering drauinqs. Docuaent 150- 6042-01U. Vol. 2, Aug. 1977. 1 ». Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division: 23Hov77: A917871.

A917872. Ku Klux man tokens, 1977. 20 p. Appl. au: Dale E. Birdsell (uritinq as "Besearch Associates"--pseud.) Besearch Associates: 25N0.77: A917872.

A917873. Grotfing pains and pleasures. By Bay J. Glade. 117 p. O Bay J. Glade; 261lov77; A917873.

A91787U. Penny Lane; a novel. By Fielding Daason. 121 p. C Fielding Da»son; 10liov77: A91787H.

A9 17875. Two Penny Lane; a novel. By Fielding Dawson. 106 p. Fielding Daason: 10NOV77; A917875.

A9 17876. lords of yesterday. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders: 25Hov77; A917876.

A917877. Burnt biscuits. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders: 25»ov77; A917877.

A917878. Billowy widow. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders: 2Sllov77; A917878.

A917879. Figure fiddlers. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders; 25iov77: A917879.

A91788a. Provocative peekl By Oven Sanders. Card. Owen Sanders: 25llov77: A917880.

A917881. uhen age conquers inclinatioa. By Owen Sanders. Card. Owen Sanders; 25Hov77; 4917881.

A917882. then friskiness fizzles. By Owen Sanders, card. Owen Sanders: 25Hov77; A917882.

A917883. Baabunctious reflections. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders; 25lio»77; A917883.

49178811. Take off topics. 12 p. Ha: coapilation 6 additional text. O The Diet Horkshop, Inc.; 1I10V77: 4917881.

A917885. Elaer BcCurdy (1869-1911) (1911-1976) By Thoaas Thornburg, illus. by Hiki Haffner. 6 p. O Thoaas Thornburg 6 Hary K. Haffner: 10llov77; A917885.

A917886. Early learning foundation LTD orien- tation aanual. 508 p. International Business Distributors, Inc.; mov77; 4917B86.

4917887. Estiaation of the fatigue crack initiation life in welds using low cycle fatigue concepts. By B. J. Battos 6 F. V. Lawrence. 57 p. 4ppl. au: Society of 4utoaotiTe Engineers, Inc. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Society of Autoaotive Engineers, Inc.; mBov77; 4917887.

4917888. 4 Man naaed saa (to be read by successful ainded people only) Prepared by Ken Frith 6 Brenda Frith. 1 ». O Ken 6 Brenda Frith; 204pr77; A917888.

4917889. Salvation history in rhyae. By Zoe Masset. 20 p. O Zoe Hasset; 25Jul76; 4917889.

4917890. 4noranza; sonetos. By Severino Cairo y Cairo. 50 p. Severino Cairo (in notice: Severino Cairo y Cairo): 154uq77; 4917890.

4917891. yearbook copy that inforas, reainds and lives. By Judie Gustafson (Judith Ellon Stanford Gustafson) 87 p. C Judie Gustafson 6 Palladiua Publications; 29Sep77: 4917891.

A917892. Beality dreaas. By Sheila Lynnette Bridqes. 1 v. O Sheila Lynnette Bridqes; 1llOct77; A917892.

A917B93. Allocatinq preaiuas between TIAA and CBEF. 11 p. C Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association: 2Bay77: 4917893.

A9178911. Dread inferno. Poeas by Q, pseud, of Georqe A. Quarles 6 S, pseud, of Bobert L. Siapson. 1 v. George Quarles 6 Bobert Siapson (in notice: Georqe Quarles 6 Bob Siapson): 1Sep77: A917891.

A917895. International Pipe Line Contractors Association 9th annual aeabership directory, October 1977. 158 p. Add. ti: International PLCA 9th annual aeabership directory, 1977. O Energy coaaunications; 50ct77: A917895.

A917896. Pauli Dennis' Scattered leaves. 61 p. O Pauline Uoaq Dennis (in notice: Pauli Dennis): 190ct77; A917896.

A917897. Cryptokyt 2: non-pattern five letter word list. By Oliver Eldridqe Goddard 6 Thelaa Goddard. 63 p. Eldridge 6 Thelaa Goddard; 100ct77: A917897.

4917898. 4 Dictionary for calligraphers. Coapiled by Bobert c. Hyde. 1 v. C Hartin Press, sole owner: Ualther H. Liebenow (B.M.L.) ; 9Sep77: A917898.

A917899. Athlete's training log "ATL" builds chaapions. 1 v. Appl. au: Douglas L. Byerson. O Douglas L. Byerson; 120ct77; A917899.

A917900. Busy body book: aarigoid instruction sheets. 1 v. Appl. au: Lyn C. Harrison. Sunday Afternoon products; 3Nov77; A917900.

A917901. Alexander Boeloeni Farkas: Journey in north Aaerica. Translated £ edited by Theodore schoenaan C Helen Benedek Schoenaan. NB: introd., translation into English £ annotations. 228 p. O The 4aericau Philosophical Society: 1i4Jul77; 4917901.

4917902. Easy finger foras of diatonic aajor and ainor scales for guitar. By Joseph 1. Petrusa. It p. MB: editorial revision 6 additions. Joseph V. Petrusa; l<tcct77; 4917902.

4917903. Sparklers. 4uthor: flichael Vardek Koury. 1 V. O Michael Vardek Koury; 224ug77: 4917903.

4917904. F.4.C.T.S.: functional analysis of coaposite test scores. By Jerry B. Davis. 1 p. O Jerry a. Davis; 170ct77: 49179011.

A917905. Motorcycle parts and accessories suppleaental dealer net price list, July 1977. »o. 96-0013. 1 p. Beck/Arnley Corporation: ljul77: 4917905.

4917906. Hotorcycle parts and accessories, July 1977. BCB-1. Folder {p. 387-390) O Beck/4rnley corporation: lJul77: 4917906.

4917907. Hotorcycle parts and accessories suppleaental dealer net price list, October 31, 1977. No. 96-0081. Folder. O Beck/4rnley corporation; 310ct77: A917907.

4917908. Hoped parts and accessories 1977 price list dealer net. Catalog no. 96-0016. 8 p. 4dd. ti: Boped price list dealer net, 1977. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 20Jun77: 4917908.

A917909. Boped bulletin, July 1977. HPD-1. 20 p. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Jul77; A917909.

A917910. Hotorcycle parts and accessories suppleaental dealer net price list, August 1977. HO. 96-0075. 1 p. O Beck/4rnley Corporation: 14uq77: 4917910.

4917911. Hotorcycle parts and accessories, 4ugust 1977. BCB-2. p. 391-398. (Beck/4rnley bulletin, 96-0071) O Beck/4rnley corporation; 14ug77: 4917911.

4917912. The Encounter. Britten E created by Chris Balcoa (Christopher Thoaas Balcoa) 1 ». (Toward the unknown) O Chris

Balcoa: 10ct77; A917912.


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