Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1176

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491791J - A917959
JUL-DEC. 1977

A917913. Discovec Hontei:ey*s qarden^ and adobe houses. Presented by Old Monterey Council. Folder. Appl. au: Bobert Carlson. NH: new cover* photo. £ description of walking tour. @ Bobert Carlson: 1Sep77: S917913.

A917911. I'm not alone. 13 p. Delphan COBpany, Inc.; 22Sep77: 1917914.

A917915. Beqinninq together; parent's handbook for the childbearinq year. 2nd ed. 94 p. Appl. au: Sharon Hadsell, Barbara Hagee & Gerry Peterson. Q Parent and child* Inc. ; 1Hay77: 4917915.

A917916. Becomnended practices for impellers, forqinq dies and related tooling. 28 p. (Ceco-Service diqest, MPC-361 Appl. au: Samuel c. Clarke. C Chambersburg Enqineerinq Coepany; 150ct77; A917916.

A917917. The visitor and the museum. Edited by Linda L. Draper, prepared for The American Association of auseums annual conference. 99 p. e The 197 7 Program Planning committee. Museum Educators of the American Association of Museums; 26May77; A917917.

A917918. The CO 1003 study guide. Prepared by Sidney B. Hill. Jr., a. Bickson 3rd, I. Powell, S. Holt & M. E. Anderson. 1 v. e Sidney B. Hill, Jr.; 26Auq77: A917918.

A917919. A Diaqram of the "Battle of the forms." Prepared by Don Chaney (Donald Price Chaney, Jr.) 2 p. Don Chaney: 9Nov77: A917919.

A917920. Paraqon kiln aolels A-66B, A-66, AA-6B and AA-6: uirinq diagrams and parts identifications. Folder. NH: editorial revision. Q Paraqon Industries, Inc.; 10NOV77: A917920.

A917921. Paraqon kiln model A-11-9B: wiring diagram and parts identification. 2 p. NH: editorial revision. Paragon Industries, Inc.; 10Nov77; A917921.

S9 17922. Kustom kopper furniture and design. By Kenneth Glenn Erickson. 8 p. 6 Kenneth Glenn Erickson: 15Sep77; A9179 22.

A917923. Basic soapstone carving. By Robert Bottge. 29 p. © Bobert Bottge; 10Oct77: A917923.

A9 17924. Confederate bavy; (including emblem) certificate of commission. 1 p. Appl. au: William Ralph Stanley. Rilliam Ralph Stanley: 140ct77: A9 17924.

A917925. Conserve your energy: the family energy diet. By Jo Ann Lulow & The Associated Press. 2 V. £ poster. © The Associated Press: 50ct77: A917925.

4917926. Review of the Good News for all considering church membership. By Floyd L. Diehm. 1 p. C Floyd L. Diehm; 7Jun76: A917926.

4917927. Reioice! a child is born: reflections on birth and growth. By Herb Montgomery 6 Mary Montgomery. 64 p. Q Herb & Mary Montgomery; 21Sep77: A917927.

4917928. General 440 hole digger. 2 p. Appl. au: Raymond E. Von Buden. © General Eguipment Company; 14ug77: A917928.

A917929. Female human biped. Folder. Appl. au: Mark Levy. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from D. S. Govt, sources. © on additional text & illus. ; Mark Levy; 15Jul77: A917929.

A9 17930. Portola Banch Association. 63 p. NM: selection, compilation & additional text. © Portola Valley Associates; 20Jun77; A91793Q.

4917931. Portola Valley Ranch. 52 p. MM: selection, compilation, additional text 6 artwork. Portola Valley 4s50ciates; 20Jun77; 4917931.

4917932. Rules and regulations. 21 p. NM: selection, compilation, additional text 6 artwork. © Portola Valley Associates; 20Jun77: A917932.

A917933. Hriting handbook for teachers and tutors. Written 6 compiled by Kirie Pedersen for the Indian Education Program, lacoma Public Schools. 129 p. © Kirie Pedersen; 7Sep77; A917933.

A917934. African arts, 1967-1977. Editor: John F. Povey. 56 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 16Aug77; A917934.

A917935. Astara's Book of life. 6th degree, lessons 5 £ 6. Enscribed by Earlyne C. Chaney, emendated by Bobert G. chaney, illus. by 41vin F. Leach. 1 v. C Astara, Inc.; 10Nov77; A917935.

A917936. Student loan collection procedures. 184 p. Appl. au: Harren McAlvey & Linda Knowles. © N4CUB0, a.a.d. for National 4ssociation of College and University Business Officers; 30Aug77; A917936.

A917937. Unbelievable. 1 p. Appl. au: LeRoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77: A917937.

A917938. Nild flower. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. LeRoy Doyle; 29Aun77; A917938.

A917939. Lost at sea. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77; 4917939.

A917940. Light of my life. 1 p. Appl. au: LeRoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77; 4917940.

A917941. Hashed out to sea. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. © LeRoy Doyle; 294ug77; 4917941.

A917942. You. 1 p. Appl. au: LeRoy Doyle. LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77; A917942.

A917943. The Softest thing I can imagine. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77: A917943.

A917944. 4 Tender touch. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29Aug77; A917944.

A9179U5. By special woman. 1 p. Appl. au: LeRoy Doyle. © LeBoy Doyle; 29&ug77; 4917945.

4917946. Nearness. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. © LeRoy Doyle; 29Aug77; 4917946.

A917947. Expressions. 1 p. Appl. au: LeBoy Doyle. LeRoy Doyle; 29Aug77; A917947.

A917948. Hriting is. Sheets in folder. (The Belikon exchange, packet 1} 4 few poems prev. pub. in Helikon corner, vol. 1-4. NM: additional text C compilation. 6 The Helikon Hriting Program a.k.a. Helikon; 4liov7e: A917948.

A917949. Introduction to genealogy. By Ophelia Hade. 41 p. © Mrs. Jeff Bade, Jr. a.k.a. Ophelia Hade; 28Sep77; A917949.

A917950. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory; boy's form. Developed by Colleen Hyatt Conoley S Helene Hestbrook Harrison. 1 v. © Colleen Hyatt cbsoley & Helene Hestbrook Harrison (in notice: Conoley £ Harrison); 15Jun77; 4917950.

A917951. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory: girl's form. Developed by Colleen Hyatt Conoley £ Helene Hestbrook Harrison. 1 v. Colleen Hyatt Conoley £ Helene Hestbrook Harrison (in notice: Conoley £ Harrison); 15Jun77; A9 17951.

4917952. Canvas tensile seating; assembly instructions. 2 p. Appl. au: Kurt Buetow. © Kurt James Buetow; 200ct77; 4917952.

4917953. "Ladies of the journal," a one woman performance. By Patricia H. A. Johns. 29 p. Appl. states all new except text taken from Ladies home journal. 6 Patricia H. 4. Johns; 3Jun77; A917953.

A917954. Solstice to equinox. By Hadley and Reis, pseud, of Clifford Ted Hadley. 1 v. © Hadley and Reis, pseud, of Clifford Ted Hadley; 5Apr77; A917954.

4917955. The Teaching of Moses and the prophets. By Gary Ray Branscome. Folder. NM: compilation & additional text. Gary Ray Branscome; 18Jul77; 4917955.

4917956. 4 Summary of New Testament teachings. By Gary Ray Branscome. Folder. NM: compilation £ additional text. G Gary Bay Branscome; 18Jul77: A917956.

A91;y57. Health education strategies for local health departments. 68 p. © Health Education Center, Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; 17Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A917957.

A917958. Training aids for selected areas in mathematics and science. By Bur San Ko, pseud, of Burton S. Beiko. 1 v. O Bur San Ko, pseud, of Burton S. Heiko; 25Aug77; A917958.

4917959. The Vocational diagnosis and assessment of residual employability handbook. By Billy Joe McCroskey, Hilliam E. Hat- tenbarger, Timothy Frank Field £ Jack

Merritt sink. 1 v. © Billy J. McCroskey,


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.