Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1191

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A918I465. Annehurst Curriculun CXassif icatioD Systea: a practical way to iDdlvidualize iDStructiOD. By Jack Biafflel Fcyaiec. 391 P. Add. ti: ACCS: Aonehutst Cucriculua classification System: a practical nay to individualize instruct ioD. Jack Frymier; 30Sep77: A918465.

A918466. Psycholoqical assessment in medicine. Edited by Samuel Edward Kruq. 206 p. Appl. au: Institute for Personality and Ability Testinq. C Institute for Personality and Ability Testinq; 21Mov77; A91B466.

A918I467. Earth: a history. By Joseph Niver, Sr. Toqether kith a facsimile of Earth S selected letters of Bomain Holland C Leo Tolstoy. NH: pref., pt. 1, translation of pt. 3 & index. 6 KTO Press, a O.S. division of Kraus-Thooson Orqanization, Ltd.: 5Jul77: A9181167.

A918l(68. Fiqhter aces of the Luftwaffe. By Baymond F. Toliver* Trevor J. Constable, introd. by Adolph Galland. 432 p. Appl. states all new except text t photos prev. pub. under the title Borrido, 1968. O Baymond F. Toliver 6 Trevor J. Constable: 270ct77; A918»68.

A918469. The Law that sets you free! By David H. Boper. 123 p. David H. Boper: 20JU177: A918469.

A9ie<l70. The Queen and I: studies in Esther. By Bay C. Stedman. 109 p. Bay C. Stedsan: 23Sep77: A918470.

A918471, The "I feel" formula. By Bobert B. Ball. 120 p. Hord, Inc.; 26Jul77: A918471.

A918U72. The Quest of the Christ of faith: reflections on the Bultmann era. By Uilliam Baird. 187 p. Gord, Inc.; 29Auq77; A9181172.

A9181173. A Handful of quietness. By Harold Boqers. 140 p. Uord, Inc.; 26Sep77: A918473.

A918474. First Peter: a translation and devotional commentary. By E. H. Blalklock. 113 p. lord. Inc. ; 20Sep77: A918474.

A918475. Livinq, lovinq and lettinq qo: the art of beinq a parent. By John C. Cooper. 155 p. e Hord, Inc.; 20Sep77; A918475.

A918476. God speaks throuqh sufferinq. By T. B. Haston. 95 p. lord. Inc.: 26Jal77: A918476.

A918477. Chipped dishes, zippers, and prayer: meditations for women. By fiuth Gibson, illus. by Dennis Hill. 94 p. O lord. Inc.: 26Sep77: A918477.

A918478. Breakinq the rules; a photo media cookbook. By Bea Nettles. 55 p. Bea Nettles: 7NOV77: A918478.

A918479. Fat emulsions in parenteral nutrition. Edited by H. C. Henq (. Douqlas I. Bilmore. 124 p. Proceedinqs of the Symposium on Fat Esiulsions in Parenteral Nutrition held in Chicaqo, June 1975. Appl. au: American Hedical Association. American Hedical Association: 9Nov76; A9 18479.

A918480. Southern lestchester, NY, address telephone directory, October 27, 1977. New Icrk Telephone Company; 270ct77; A918480.

A918481. Brooklyn address telephone directory, October 21, 1977. O New York Telephone Company; 210ct77: A918481.

A9184B2. Dixon, Fairfield, Suisun, CA, and others telephone directory, November 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 2NOV77; A918482.

»918483. Orange county, CA, central and north white pages directory, November 1977- e The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 2SOct77; A918483.

A918484. San Luis Obispo County, CA, telephone directory, November 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 4Nov77; A918484.

A918485. Pasadena street address telephone directory, November 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph company; 2Nov77; A918485.

A918486. San Francisco street address telephone directory, December 1977- The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 15Nov77; A91848e.

A918487. Sacramento, Fair Oaks, Polsom and Bio Linda, CA, address telephone directory, December 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 14Nov77; A918487.

A918488. Orange County, CA, central and north, November 1977- O The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 3Nov77; A918488-

A918489- The School's role as moral authority- By B. Freeman Butts, Donald H- Peckenpaaqh £ Howard Kirschenbaum, introd. by Louis J. Bubin. 69 p. O Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: 8NOV77; A918489.

A918490. Test items for Psycholoqical theories of motivation. By Hal B. Arkes £ John P- Garske. 25 p. ladsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Nov77; A918490.

A918491. Iraq. By Perry Ketchum. 220 p- (The Chase Horld Information series on developing business in the diddle East and North Africa) Add. ti: Developing business in the Hiddle East and North Africa. Appl. au: Chase lorld Information corporation. Chase lorld loforcation Corporation; 15Nov77; A918491.

A9ie492. The Good morning maqazine. Vol. 2. Compiled by Fred Everett t, KHBB Badio, illustrated by Carolyn Bowser. 108 p. KHBB Badio FH 100: 1Nov77; A918492-

A918493. Your income tax: do it riqht and save. Compiled by Chanqinq times. 17 p. Appl- au: The Kiplinqer lashington Editors, Inc. O The Kiplinqer Uashinqton Editors, Inc.; 23NOV77: A918493.

A918494- No other foundation; sermon. Vol. 7738, Oct. 30, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Marshall. O Peter Harshall; 30Oct77; A918494.

A918495. Forgive, forgive, for Jesus' sake; sermon. Vol. 7735. Oct. 9, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. Peter Harshall: 90ct77; A918495.

A918496. Seeing Jesus only; coaaunion aeditation. Vol. 7734, Oct. 2. 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. O Peter Harshall; 20ct77: A9 18496.

A918497. Arise, go over this Jordan; sermon. Vol. 7736, Oct. 16. 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. O Peter Harshall; 160ct77; A918497.

A918498. If 1 only had your faith; sermon. Vol. 7737, Oct. 23, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. Peter Harshall; 230ct77; A9ie498.

A918499. Quarterly tax letter. Vol. 6, no. 2, Oct. 1977. Edited by il Kushinsky. Folder (4 p.) O National Betail Herchauts Association: I70ct77: A918499.

A91B500. Getting the most from your payroll dollars. 1 v. National Betail Herchauts Association; 18Nov77; A918500.

A918501. Centerville, TN. Lyles telephone directory, December 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 18Nov77; A918501.

A91850 2. laverly, TN, flcEwen. including New Johnsonville telephone directory, Deceabec 1977. south Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 22Nov77; A918502.

A918 50 3. Classroom cineaa. By Bichard A. Haynard. 218 p. O Bichard A. Haynard; 14NOV77; A918503.

A9ie504. How to manage eating at home. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. NH: editorial revision & additional text. Height Batchers International, Inc.; 27Apr77: A918504.

A918505. How to tell when you are really hungry. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: leight Hatchers International, Inc. NH: editorial revision t additional text. Height Hatchers International, Inc.; 28Apr77; A918505.

A918506. Bow to get help from loved ones and friends. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. NH: editorial revision e additional text. O leight Hatchers International, Inc.; 29Apr77; A918506.

A918507. Row to avoid temptation. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management technigues) Appl. au: leight latchers International. Inc. NH: editorial revision & additional text. leight latchers International, Inc.; 2Bay77:



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