Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1192

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4918508 - A9185U0
JUL-DEC. 1977

A918508- Bow to deal i^ith discouragers. By Richard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating nanaqemeDt techniques) &ppl. au: Height Watchers International, Inc. HH: editorial revision & additional text. @ Heiqht Hatchers International* Inc. ; 3Mav77; A918508.

A918509- How to manage eating out. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (4 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International* Inc. NH: editorial revision 6 additional text. Height Hatchers International, Inc. ; 7May77; A918509.

A918510. How to walk towards goal. By fiichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management technigues) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. BM: editorial revision & additional text. 6 Height Hatchers International, Inc.; 8Jun77: A918510.

a918511. Hov to shop prudently. By Richard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. NM: editorial revision S additional text. © Height Hatchers International, Inc. ; 7Apr77; A9 18511.

A918512. How to schedule your eating urges. By fiichard B- Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management technigues) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. MM: editorial revision & additional text. e Height Hatchers International, Inc.; 60ct77; A918512.

A9 18513- Hov to use the principles of rest, relaxation* and resistance* to manage crisis eating. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. BM: editorial revision 6 additional text- Q Height Hatchers International, Inc. ; 70ct77; A918513.

A918514. HOH to manage cooking and cleaning up. By Richard B- Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management technigues) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. NH: editorial revision & additional text. Q Height Hatchers International, Inc.; 110ct77: A918514.

A918515. Hov to change some important ideas about yourself. By Richard B- Stuart- Folder (6 p.) (Eating manaqement technigues) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc. NH: editorial revision £ additional text, e Height Hatchers International, Inc.: 120ct77; A918515.

A918516. How to break the chain. By Bichard B. Stuart. Folder (6 p.) (Eating management techniques) Appl. au: Height Hatchers International, Inc- UH: editorial revision 6 additional text. 6 Height Hatchers International, Inc. ; 27Apr77; A918516.

A918517. Negotiating a better future; planning and organizing for collective negotiations In coamunlty and lunior colleges. By Joseph M. Hankln. 34 p. Q American Association of Community and Junior Colleges; 3lOct77: A918517-

A918518. The Humanistic and mental health aspects of sports, exercise and recreation. Editor: Timothy T. Craig. 137 p. Appl- au: American Medical Association. Q American Medical Association; 3Sep76: A918518.

A918519- The French health care system- Prepared by Economic Models, Ltd. for the American Medical Association. 45 p. © American Medical Association; 8Aug76; A918519.

A918520- Dear Abby, December 19-25, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune — NeB York Kews Syndicate, Inc. 3 Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 22Nov77; A918520-

A918521. Dear Abby, December 12- 18, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl- au: Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc. Q Chicago Tribune — New York News syndicate. Inc.; 2lNov77; A918521.

A918522. Dear Abby, December 5-11, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc. © Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 16Nov77; A918522.

A918523. Dear Abby, October 17-23, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc. © Chicago Tribune — New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 28Sep77; A918523.

A918524. The lowans- Prepared by the Research Department of the Des Moines Begister and Tribune Company fi Belden Assoclates- 1976-77 ed. 267 p. Appl. au: Des Moines Register and Tribune Company, employer for hire of Glenn U. Roberts. 6 Des Moines Register and Tribune Company; 200ct77; A918524-

A918525. Forest resource quarterly; research outlook, Nov. 1977. p. 101-131- © Donaldson, Lufkln and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 10Nov77; A918525.

A9 18526. Semiconductor industry: psychological fears in the face of fundamental stability; research outlook, Nov. 1977- p. 201-205. © Donaldson, Lufkln and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 10Nov77; A918526-

A918527, Relative value analysis monthly update, November 1977. 1 v- © Donaldson, Lufkln and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 25Nov77; A918527.

A918528, CAL classification codes. 32 p. © Engineering Index, Inc.; 22Nov77; A918528.

A918529. Developing Bible research skills. By Phyllis Roberts 6 Scott Hawkins, Illustrated by Joe fiagont. 1 v- © SP Publications, Inc- ; 31Aug77; A918529.

A918530. Peter delivered from prison; a Bible suede-graph for the flannelboard. Hriters: Scripture Press staff. 1 v. KM: editorial 6 art revisions. © Scripture Press Publications, Inc-; 190ct77; A918530.

A918531. The Best family of all- By Mary E. LeBar, illustrated by Uilllam Lackey. 32 p. NM: editorial 6 art revisions. © Scripture Press Publications, Inc.; 14NOV77; A918531.

A918 532. Stan Lee presents The Mighty Marvel superheroes* cookbook. Created by Gene Malls, recipes by Jody Cameron Malls, art by Joe Giella. 95 p. Appl. au: Marvel Comics Group 6 Celebrity Kitchen, Inc. 9 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation £ Celebrity Kitchen, Inc.; 16Sep77; A918532.

A918533. Business operations in Austria- By Herbert Kotrnock & Holfgang Schoensteln- 1 V. (Tax Management foreign Income portfolios, 222-4th) Appl. au: Tax Management, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from 0. S. Govt, sources. NM: additions, revisions & updating. © Tax Management, Inc.« a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 310ct77; A918533.

A918534. Investment credit — application, suspension, termination. Revised by Hilliam P. Donald, prepared by James T. Lyon £ Arthur H. Schreiber- 1 v. (Tax Management portfolios, 192-3rd) Appl. au: Tax Management, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from Q. S. Govt, sources. NM: additions, revisions 6 updating. © Tax Management, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 3Nov77; A918534.

A918535. IBS national office procedure — rulings, closing agreements. Revision by Paul F. Schmld of earlier versions prepared by Nicholas P. Damlco £ Bichard L. Goldman. 1 V. (Tax Management portfolios, lOO-Sth) Appl. au: Tax Management, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from a.s. Govt, sources. Nfi: additions, revisions £ updating. © Tax Management, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 3Nov77; A9ia535.

A918536. Sic et non, by Peter Aballard; a critical ed. Fascicle 6. By Blanche Beatrice Boyer £ Richard Peter McKeon. p. 481-575. Latin- NM: editing, notes 6 critical apparatus. 6 The Onivecslty of Chicago; 23Jul77; A9 18536,

A918537. Sic et non, by Peter Aballard; a critical ed. Fascicle 5. By Blanche Beatrice Boyer £ Bichard Peter McKeon. p. 385-480. Latin. NM: editing, notes £ critical apparatus. © The Oniverslty of Chicago; 23Jul77; A9 18537.

A918538. French drawings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By Harold Joachim, compiled by Sandra Haller Olsen. 32 p. £ microfiche- Appl- au: The Art Institute of Chicd^go, employer for hire- NM: text & compilation of flche. 6 The Art Institute of Chicago; 27Sep77; A918538.

A918 539. Transitions in early mental development. By Robert B- McCall, Dorothy H. Eichorn & Pamela S- Hogarty, with commentary by Ina C. Ozglris £ Earl S- Schaefer. 108 p. (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, serial no. 171, vol. 42, no. 3, 1977) Add. ti: Transitions in early development. © The Society for Research In Child Development, Inc.; 16NOV77; A918539.

A918540- Measurement of weak forces In physics experiments. By Vladimir Borisovich

Braglnskll £ Anatolll Borisovich Manakln,


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