Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1312

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A923310 - A923352
JUL-DEC. 1977

A923309 (con.) illustrated by Gail Eocknell. 83 p. on text; ThOBas Bocknell: IBMov??: 4923309.

4923310. The Thief. By Thomas Bockvell, illustrated by Gail Bocknell. 83 p. Q on illus. : Gail Rockwell: 18(lov77; 4923310.

4923311. Diary of my travels in 4merica, by louis-Philippe, King of France, 1830-1848. Translated from the French by Stephen Becker, pref. by Henry Steele Coooager. 202 p. Appl. au: Dell Publishing Company. Inc., employer for hire. Originally pub. under the ti.: Journal de non voyage d*4Bierique. NM: translator's note & translation of text. Q Dell Publishing company. Inc.; 28Nov77: 4923311.

4923312. Diary of my travels in 4merica, by Louis-Philippe, King of France, 1830-1848. Translated from the French by Stephen Becker, pref. by Henry Steele Commager. 202 p. Originally pub. under the ti.: Journal de non voyage d'Amerigue. 6 on pref.; Henry Steele Commager; 28Nov77: 4923312.

A923313. Oat of this world: American space photography. By Paul 4. Dickson, with a foreword by R. Buckminster Fuller. 158 p. NH: main text. Paul 4. Dickson; 2BOCt77; 4923313.

4923314. Out of this world: 4merican space photography. By Paul 4. Dickson, with a foreword by B. Buckminster Fuller. 158 p. 6 on foreword; B. Buckminster Fuller; 280ct77: 4923314.

A923315. The "I" in copiague is silent. By Baiter G. O'Connell. 80 p. e Baiter G. O'Connell; 231lov77 (in notice: 1978); 4923315.

4923316. The Sea at aontauk and other poems. By Harmon H. Lee. 64 p. 4ppl. au: Virgil J. Lee. Some poems prev. pub. in The New tork Herald tribune & others. 9 Virgil J. Lee; 18llov77; 4923316.

4923317. Refugee's vision. By James A. Hiehl, Jr. 64 p. James A. Hiefal, Jr.; 6Dec77: A923317.

4923318. 4 Beginner's workbook to safe and profitable investing. By fl. 4nn Trainer. 62 p. O H. 4nn Trainer: 1BNov77; 4923318.

4923319. South of Tiburon. 3y Robert Lewis. 175 p. e Robert Lewis; 7Dec77: 4923319.

4923320. The Flight instractor murders. 4 novel by George Redder. 224 p. e G. Redder: 10NOV77: 4S23320.

A923321. Dear Hister President. By J. C. Beithaus. 71 p. e J. C. Beithaus; 29MOV77: 4923321.

4923322. Bingo, gallant reindeer dog. By Bernard F. Ederer, with a foreword by the late Max Miller. 126 p. O Bernard F. Ederer; 5Dec77: A923322.

A923323. Colonel Joe; the last of the Bough Riders; recollections of a centenarian. 4s told to Claudia J. Bronnlee. 215 p. e Claudia J. Brownlee; 11Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4923323.

4923324. Exciting years. By Richard Reininger, edited by Rodney Campbell. 190 p. © Richard Heininqer; 221Iov77 (in notice: 1978); 4923324.

4923325. The Bard's theme- By Robert Emmert Gray. 60 p. @ Robert Emmert Gray; 28NOV77; 4923325.

4923326. Enjoying the signery. By Leslie S. HacEobbie. 45 p. O Bill HacRobbie, iihose real name is Leslie S. HacRobbie; 12Dec77: 4923326.

4923327. Crimes without punishment and other tales; a memoir. By culver sherrill. 102 p. e Culver Sherrill; 24»ov77; 4923327.

4923328. The Open gate. Poems by Jean ttcvayne, pseud, of Jean Scott Feist Gronhagen. 79 p. e Exposition Press, Inc.; 14Nov77; 4923328.

A923329. Song of Zion. 4 novel by Mildred Hohlgemath. 83 p. 6 Mildred Bohlgemuth; 12NOV77; 4923329.

4923330. Susie in the 41garve; or, Susie the tail-waqqer. By fieev, pseud, of Beev Bough. 72 p. Q Beev Rough (in notice: Beev); 29Nov77; A923330.

4923331. The Kheel of truth; an ancestral saga. By Gertrude Stoddart Lowry. 418 p. e Gertrude Stoddart Lowry: 9Dec77; 4923331.

4923332. Slade's Bells Fargo colt; historical notes. By John B. Mcclernan, illus. by J. P. Kelley. 73 p. e John B. Hcclernan; 9Dec77; 4923332.

4923333. Nationalist China daring the Sino- Japanese war, 1937-1945. Edited with an introd. by Paul K. I. Sih. 435 p. English & Chinese. Paul K. T. Sih; 16Nov7y: 4923333.

4923334. The Bacth Party: a history from its origins to 1966. By John F. Devlin. 372 p. Q The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 9Sep76; 4923334.

4923335. Social security: promise and reality. By Rita fiicardo Campbell. 351 p. Hti: compilation 8 additions. S The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 26Jul77; 4923335.

4923336. Soldiers and power; the development performance of the Nigerian military regime. By Victor 4. Oloransola. 168 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 9Feb77; 4923336.

4923337. 4frican capitalism; a case study in Nigerian entrepreneurship. By E. Bayne Nafziger. 293 p. 6 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University; 184pr77: A923337.

4923338. Husic for orchestra; symphonic, dramatic, chamber, string and vocal works, scores and parts; a reference catalogue. »o. 110, 1977. 231 p. e Broude Brothers, Ltd.; 54pr77; 4923338.

4923339. Collected editions, historical sets, reference works, periodicals, monographs and facsimiles; a reference catalogue. Ho. 125, 1977-78. 95 p. Broude Brothers, Ltd.; 15Hov77; 4923339.

4923340. 4pplication note 15, digital measurement of peak power 0.1 to 18 GHz with IEEE bus option, model 1018B. Folder, e Pacific Heasurements, Inc.; 13Bay77; 4923340.

4923341. Application note 14, microwave swept frequency gain or power testing under pulse modulated conditions, 0.1 to 18 GHz. 2 p. 6 Pacific Heasurements, Inc. ; - 18Har77; 4923341.

A923342. Log/Lin RF peak power meter, model 1018B; instruction manual. 1 v. @ Pacific Heasurements, Inc. ; 8Aug77; 4923342.

4923343. Bisk management of property-liability exposures; instuctors manual. Issued by School of 4dvanced Career Studies, Graduate School of Financial Sciences, The 4merican College. Sheets. 4ppl. au: The American College. G The American College; 154ug77: 4923343.

4923344. Legal environment of business; instactors manual. Issued by School of 4dvanced Career Studies, Graduate School of Financial Sciences, The 4aerican college. Sheets. Appl. au: The American College. NH: additions. G The American College; 154ug77: 4923344.

4923345. Scope of learner behaviors in language arts; kindergarten-senior high. Multiple volumes. Lake Bashington School District; 14ug77; 4923345.

4923346. The Large print book catalog, fall 1977. Editor: Sherry Grant, co-editors: Colleen Madison fi Mary Sue Daramus. 387 p. 4ppl. au; Byoming State Library. 3 Byoming state Library; 270ct77; 4923346.

4923347. Ye Older women teach the younger women. By Marilyn J. Wright. 56 p. Valley Bible Center; 280ct77; 4923347.

4923348. Daughters of Zion. By Marilyn J. Bright. 52 p. O Valley Bible Center; 280ct77; 4923348.

A923349. Sing o barren, sing. By Marilyn J. Bright. 36 p. © Valley Bible Center; 280ct77; 4923349.

4923350. Glorious things are spoken of Thee. By Marilyn J. Bright. 21 p. 6 Valley Bible Center; 280ct77; A9233S0.

A923351. Material for accountant examinations. By Joseph A. Biseman. 70 p. NM: additional text. 6 Joseph A. Biseman; 310ct77; 4923351.


International directory: Eoyal-Globe


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