Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1313

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»923J52 (con.) losucavce. 240 p. Bofal Indeaaity Coapanr: 20Sep77; »923352.

1923353. The aoquarded aoaeot. By L. P. Jaaes. 201 p. O Nordon Publica tloDs, Inc.; 15Feb77: »923353.

A923354. Call ae aadaa. By Hacianne Pouccier, pseud, of Jia Conauay. 185 p. Tover Publications, Inc.; 15nat77: A923354.

4923355. The Guns of Paleabanq. By Peter HcCortin, pseud, of ealph Hayes. 208 p. (Soldier of fortune) Tovec Publi- cations. Inc.; 15Jan77; A923355.

4923356. First blood. By Peter Hccurtio, pseud, of Ealph Bayes. 158 p. (Soldier of fortune) Tower Publications* Inc. : 15aar77: 4923356.

4923357. The Love qoddess. By David Banna. 269 p. Tower Publications, Inc.; 15aac77; 4923357.

4923358. The San Patricios. By Balph Hayes. 239 p. Nordon Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; 4923358.

4923359. The Surrogate. By Elizabeth Hanley, pseud, of Aaron Fletcher. 249 p. Uordoo Publications, Inc.; 15(Sar77; 4923359.

1923360. The Labyrinth. By Nicholas Brady, pseud, of Aaron Fletcher. 253 p. O Tower Publications. Inc.; 15Feb77; A923360.

4923361. The Pirate's aistress. By Aaanda Bart Oouqlass, pseud, of Jia Conaway. 192 p. C Tower Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; 4923361.

4923362. loaen of the plains. By Kate Sullivan. 234 p. Nordon Publications, Inc.; 15Feb77: 4923362.

4923363. Sinqle in New Tortc. By Charles Oldfield, pseud, of Bark 4ndrews. 207 p. Nordon Publications. Inc.; 15Jan77; 4923363.

4923364. Lust for gold. By Jack Slade, pseud, of John Flynn. 168 p. Add. ti: Lassi- ter/Lust for qold. Tower Publications. Inc.; 15Peb77: A923364.

A923365. The Kiuq Konq joke book. By Jaaes B. Siaon. 125 p. Tower Publications, Inc.: 15Feb77; A923365.

4923366. Sasquatch: aonster of the Northwest woods. By a. E. Knerr. 223 p. Tower Publications, Inc.; 15Feb77; A923366.

A923367. Hs. President. By Elizabeth Hanler. pseud, of Linda Dubreuil. 214 p. Tower Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; A923367.

A923368. Starting over again* By Jane Foster Thornton. 255 p. Tower Publications. Inc.: 15Jan77; A923368.

A923369. The New Polish loke book. Edited by Ned Novak. 140 p. Appl. aa: Nordon Publications, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Nordon Publications, Inc. ; 15Feb77; A923369.

A923370. Seeds of rebellion. By chet Cunninghaa. 240 p. (The Patriots) Chet Cupninghaa; 15Har77; A923370.

A923371. Super sex. By Hax Brodnick. 137 p. Appl. au: Tower Publications, Inc.. eaployer for hire. Tower Publications. Inc.; 15Jan77; A923371.

4923372. The Hass aarketer. No. 28-365. Calendar. O on all except Household hints; Skaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923372.

A923373. Faaily safety and first aid calendar, vertical picture. Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923373.

A923374. It's a looderful Uorld. Calendar. Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923374.

A923375. The Afro-Aaerican historical calendar. 1979. O Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923375.

A923376. This proud land, 1979. Calendar. Add. ti: Environaental hoae. Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77: A923376.

A923377. criae prevention calendar. Add. ti: Hass aarketer "criae prevention". O Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923377.

A923378. The Becorder. No. 28-531. Calendar. Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923378.

A923379. Standard recipe. No. 28-514. Calendar. O Shaw-Barton; 9Nov77; A923379.

A923380. Tour Hoae-Hakers' calendar for 1979. O Shaw-Barton; 9»ov77; A923380.

A923381. your Bod and Gun calendar for 1979. O on all except fish syabols on the pad denoting good fishing days; Shaw-Barton; 9NOV77; A923381.

A923382. Aaerican's alaanac, 1779, a year for enduring. Calendar. O Shav-Barton; 9NOV77; A923382.

A923383. 5 cent Liberty: a weekly for everybody. Calendar. Appl. an: Shaw-Barton, Liberty Library Corporation & Liberty Neekly. Inc. NH: coapilation & new copy on the back of Jan. O Liberty Library corporation; 9NOV77; A923383.

4923384. The Offbeat observer. Vol. 14, 1979. Calendar. on text except for prev. pub. photographic excerpts. Shaw-Barton; 9»ov77; 4923384.

4923385. Beading exercises on Hexican Aaericans. By Felix D. 41aaraz. Jr. C Barla O. 41aaraz. 2 v. C posters. The Continental Press, Inc.; 1«Nov77; 4923385.

4923385. Orange County Health Planning Council health facilities review procedures aaoual; final draft, orange County Health Planning Council appendices to the Health facilities review procedures aanual; final draft. 2 V. O Orange County Health Planning Council; 29Sep77; 4923386.

4923387. Basic data on the health planning area (health service area profile) Beport 4-2. 189 p. Orange County Health Planning council; 110ct77; A923387.

4923388. Orange County Health Planning Council interia guidelines for planning and review; final draft, report 4-4. 43 p. C Orange County Health Planning Council; 304ug77: 4923388.

4923389. International Success Institute. 4uthor: Vince Bartolone. Sheets. C Vince Bartolone; 24Jul77; 4923389.

4923390. 7015B X-X recorder; operating 6 service aanual. 1 v. Hewlett-Packard Coapany. San Diego Division (in notice: Hewlett- Packard) ; 254ug77; 4923390.

4923391. Introductory basic presentation and special circuastances: ovulation aethod. 3rd ed. 61 p. 4ppl. au: 4ngline Bertha Balczyk (Sister) Catholic Coaaunity Services of Southern Arizona. Inc. of the Diocese of Tucson; 10oct77; 4923391.

4923392. Hanual for lawyers and legal assistants; incorporating the saall business. By Charles J. Ladd. 1 v. Institute of Continuing Legal Education; 184ug77; 4923392.

4923393. The Hildlife atlas. Hritten by Sylvia 4. Johnson, illustrated by 4icuin C. Dornisch. 167 p. NH: additional text. Lerner Publications Coapaay; 24Jul77; 4923393.

A923394. Assessing vital functions accurately. 191 p. NH: coapilation, abridgaent, editorial revision, additional text £ pictorial aatter. Interaed Coaau- nications. Inc.; 18Jul77; A923394.

A923395. The Gable stone. By Kathryn Gail Sullivan. 65 p. Kathryn Gail Sullivan; 4NOV77; A923395.

A923396. Elena Quiroga. By Phyllis Zatlin Boring. 151 p. (Twayne's world authors series, TNAS 459. Spain) G. K. Hall and Coapany; 14ug77; A923396.

A923397. Janet Fraae. By Patrick David Evans. 228 p. (Twayne's world authors series. TtAS 415. New Zealand) O G. K. Ball and Coapany; 1Aug77; A923397.

A923398. Hira De Aaescua. By Jaaes A. Castaneda. 217 p. (Twayne's world authors series. TNAS 449. Spain) G. K. Hall and Coapany: 1Aug77; A923398.

A923399. Bacine: growth and change in a Hisconsin county. Edited by Nicholas C. Burckel. 646 p. O Nicholas C. Burdkel; 260ct77; A923399.

A923400. The FeraiaD Basin, petroleua eapire of the Southwest; era of advanceaent. froa the Depression to the present. Dy Saauel D. ayres. 624 p. Add. ti: The Peraian Basin: era of advanceaent Abcll-Hanger

Foundation; 23Sep77; A923400.


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