Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1327

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A923869 - A923925
JUL-DEC. 1977

A923888 (COD.) 107. 128 p. RH: coipllatioD e additioaal text. O Howard H. Saas and Coapaoy, Inc.; 1Dec77: A923888.

A923889. Sans nodular hi-fi coapoDeDts. 7ol. 106. 123 p. NH: coapilatioD e additional text. 6 Howard H. Sans and Coapany, Inc. ; 1Dec77: A923889.

A923890. Sans Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 159, Dec. 1977. By the Bollard B. Saas eaqineerinq staff. 128 p. Howard g. Saas and Coapany, Inc. ; 1Dec77; A923890.

A923891. Saas Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 153. Dec. 1977. By the Howard R. Saas enqineerinq staff- 128 p. Howard H. Saas and coapany. Inc.; 10ec77: A923891.

A923892. Answecs to probleas for Diqital technoloqy; Electrical enqineerinq Ba53. By Donald L. Dietaeyer 6 Allan K. Scidaore. developed by the Department of Enqineerinq and Applied Science. University of iisconsin--Eitension. 94 p. Add. ti; Answers to Diqital technology. Appl. an: Oniversity of Sisconsin- -Extension, eaployer for hire of Donald L. Dietaeyer K Allan K. Scidaore. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Wisconsin Systea: 23llov77; A923892.

A923893. Instructor's quide for Diqital technoloqy for broadcast enqineers; Electrical enqineerinq IIU53. By Donald L. Dietaeyer S Allan K. Scidaore, developed by the Departaent of Enqineerinq. University of Hisconsin — Extension. 87 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Sisconsin- -Extension, eaployer for hire of Donald L. Dietaeyer e Allan K. Scidaore. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea: 22Nov77: A923893.

A923894. Business and aanaqeaeot A53, Inter- aediate accountinq 2. By Max G. Hensel. 76 p. Add. ti: A Study quide for Business and aanaqeaent A53. Interaediate accountinq 2. Appl. au: Oniversity of Wisconsin — Extension, eaployer for hire. O The Beqents of the Oniversity of lisconsin Systea: 23[lar77; A923894.

A923895. Introductory social psychology; psychology 530-socioloqy 530. By Jaaes E. Kennedy. 4U p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Hisconsin— Extension, eaployer for hire. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea; 2Dec77: A923895.

A923B96. Appreciation and history of ausic; ausic 102. By Karen Zaczek Hill. 54 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Bisconsin--Extension, eaployer for hire. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin systea; 11Jul77; A923896.

A923897. Child psycholoqy; psychology 560. By Jaaes E. Kennedy. 44 p. Appl. au: University of Hisconsin — Extension, eaployer for hire. The Regents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea; 1iaay77; A923897.

A923898. Air conditionina 1; technical course 5117. By Charles E. Dorgan. 82 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Hisconsin — Extension, eaployer for hire. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea; 15Apr77: A923898.

A923899. First seaester alqebra; aatheaatics H10. By Jaaes £. Hall. 109 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Hisconsin--Eitension, eaployer for hire. The Beqents of the University of Wisconsin Systea: 28Jul77; A923899.

A923900. Fundaaentals of interior design; course 304-101. By aarqene L. Sieschl £ Jane A. Hollovay, developed by Gateway Technical Institute of the Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education systea in cooperation with Independent Study, Oniversity of Hrsconsio — Extension. 96 p. Appl. au: University of Hisconsin — Extension 6 Gateway Technical Institute, employers for hire of Hargene L. sieschl & Jane A. Bollovay. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea G Gateway Technical Institute; 8Nov77: A923900.

A923901. Belief of pain: the nurse's role; nursing N50. By Anne G. Jones. 1 v. Appl. au: University of Hisconsin- -Extension, eaployer for hire. The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin system; 1Nov77; A923901.

A923902. Weekly aoney aarket: week endinq Deceaber 8. 1977, month endinq Noveaber 30, 1977. 15 p. Appl. au: Eobert P. Sanaa C Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Analysis Service; 9Dec77; A923902.

A923903. International market indices: week endinq December 9, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna 6 Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Analysis Service; 12Dec77; A923903.

A923904. Weekly money market: week ending December 15, 1977. 15 p. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch £ Bobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; 16Dec77; A923904.

A923905. International market indices: week endinq December 16, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 19Dec77; A923905.

4923906. Enqllsh around the world, second edition; teacher's guidebook. Level 5. By Bonald Hardhauqh. 141 p. Appl. au: Scott. Foresaan and Company. WH: SOt new exercises £ teaching materials. C Scott, roresnan and Company; 250ct77; A923906.

4923907. Son et sens; supplementary workbook £ tape manual. Level 1. By Albert Valdaan, Guy aacHillin, aarcel La Vergne £ others. 212 p. Appl. au: Scott. Foresmac and company. na: 70% new textual matter £ 10X new art. O Scott, Foresman and Company; 28Sep77; A923907.

A923908. Scott, Foresman beginning dictionary skills; duplicating masters. 24 p. O Scott, Foresaan and Coapany; 7Mov77; 4923908.

A923909. Guidebook to accompany laaqe. By Buth Cohen £ Olive Stafford Biles. 224 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresaan and Company. O Scott, Foresman and company; 11Feb77; 4923909.

A923910. A Drug of choice: effective, economical bronchodilator therapy, Aminophyllin (aminophylline) 1 v. C G. D. Searle and coapany; 26Aug77: A9 239 10.

A923911. Cu-7 intrauterine copper contraceptive, the highly popular intrauterine con- traceptive that's easy to insert. Folder in envelope. O G. D. Searle and Company; 170ct77; A923911.

A923912. Ihy you should stock Searle Aainophyllin (aainophyllinej tablets. Folder. C G. D. Searle and Company; 5Sep77; A923912.

4923913. Searle announces a unique agent for the treatment of specific ventricular cardiac arrhythmias. Sheets (16 p.) O G. 0. Searle and Coapany; 27Sep77; A923913.

4923914. Karl aarx's theory of revolution. Vol. 1: state and bureaucracy. By Hal Draper. 383 p. Hal Draper; 24Feb77; A923914.

A9 23915. Bright winter. By Virginia Hishnun- Uardman. 77 p. Virginia aishnun- Bardman; 5Dec77; A923915.

4923916. Contemporary Venezuela and its role in international affairs. Edited by Bobert D. Bond. 267 p. Council on Foreign Belations, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4923916.

A923917. The Federalists and the origins of the 0.3. Civil Service. By Carl E. Prince. 381 p. Hew lork University; 30Nov77; A923917.

A923918. Sports hero: Fran Tarkenton. By aarshall Burchard. 95 p. US: text £ compilation of photos. O Harshall Burchard; 9Bov77; A923918.

A923919. Puritans. Indians, and manifest destiny. By Charles a. Segal £ David C. stineback, foreword by Sacvan Bercovitch. 249 p. O Charles a. Segal £ David C. Stineback; 281IOV77; A923919.

A923920. Puritans. Indians, and manifest destiny. By Charles a. Segal £ David C. Stineback, foreword by Sacvan Bercovitch. 249 p. O on foreword; Sacvan Bercovitch; 28NOV77; A923920.

A923921. Five little foxes and the snow. Hritten by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. 1 v. O on text; Tony Johnston; 7Nov77; A923921.

A923922. Five littxe foxes and the snow. Written by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. 1 v. O on illus. ; Cyndy Szekeres; 7llov77; 4923922.

4923923. The Genesis of the Professional Officers' Corps. Prepared by Inter- University Seminar on 4rmed Forces and Society, by Gerke Tcitler, tr.: Hrs. C. B. Ter Heide-Lopy. 246 p. Original ti.: De Wording van het professionele officier- scorps. Na: translation. O Inter- University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society; 25aay77; A923923.

A923924. Grantsmanship. By Armand Lauffer. 120 p. O Sage Publications, Inc. ; 7Dec77;



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