Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1328

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A923926 - A923962
JUL-DEC. 1977

A923925 (con.) quide. Edited by Leonard fiatman. 241 p. © Saqe Publications, Inc.; 7Dec77; »923925.

A923926. Brak the barbarian versus the sorceress. B? John Jakes. 160 p. Add. ti: Brak versus the sorceress. A shorter, different version of this book appeared serially in Nov. -Dec. 1963 issues of Fantastic stories. NH: revisions. 6 John Jakes: 1Nov77: A923926.

A923927. The Fireside book of vine; an anthology for wine drinkers. Edited by Alexis Bespaloff. Its p. NH: additional text e coBpilation. 6 Alexis Bespaloff; 250ct77: A923927.

A923928. The Rulers of Geraan Africa, 1884-1911. By L. H. Gann G Peter Duiqnau. 286 p. e The Board of Trustees of the leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 17Nov77; A923928.

A923929. The Bain forests of Golfo Dulce. By Paul H. Allen, with drawings by Dorothy 0. Allen, foreword by Peter H. Eaven. 417 p. 6 on foreword; The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University; 17llov77; A923929.

A923930. Econooic interest, nilitariso, and foreign policy: essays on German history. By Eckart Kehr, edited G with an introd. by Gordon A. Craiq, translated by Grete Heinz. 209 p. Translation of Der Prinat der Innenpolitik, Gesanmelte Aufsaetze zur preussisch-deutschen Sozialgeschichte in 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. NH: translation. The Eeqents of the Oniversity of California; 28Jun77; A923930.

A923931. Hodern capitalist planning: the French aodel. By Stephen S. Cohen. 33 4 p. MM: 2nd postscript. 6 Stephen S. Cohen; 12Apr77; A923931.

A923932. An Italian lordship: the bishopric of Lucca in the late Kiddle Ages. By Duane J. Oshein. 211 p. 6 The Beqents of the Oniversity of California; 15Nov77; A923932.

A923933. The Country house in English Benaissance poetry. By iillian A. HcClung. 192 p. The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 19Apr77: A923933.

A923934. Aaerico Castro and the (leaning of Spanish civilization. Edited by Jose Bubia Barcia, with the assistance of Selma Margaretten. 336 p. Appl. states all new except 3 essays, e The Regents of the Oniversity of California; 16Dec76; A923934.

A923935. Clinical neurosurgery; proceedings of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans. Louisiana, 1976. Vol. 24. 670 p. Appl. au: Ellis B. Keener. The Congress of Neurological Surgeons; 29Sep77; A923935.

A923936. Principles of cardiac arrhythnias. By Edward K. Chung. 2nd ed. 770 p. The Williaas and Hilkins conpany; 15Nov77; A923936.

A923937. Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 556. 1 V. NH: coBpilation, revisions £

1923938. New York supplement, second series. Vol. 393. 1056 p. NH: coapilation, revisions G additions. Q West Publishing COBpany; 11Nov77; A923938.

A923939. Best's Federal practice aanual. Vol. 2 G 2A. By Harlin H. Volz. 2nd ed. 2 v. Q Best Publishing Coapany; 30Nov77; A923939.

A923940. microprocessors in instruaents and control. By Robert J. Bibbero. 301 p. Appl. au; Alexander B. Sidline G S. T. Zavadowicz. Q John Hiley and Sons, Inc. ; 29Sep77; A923940.

A923941. The Mineralogy of the dianond. By lOrii Leonidovich Oclov. 235 p. Appl. au: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , employer tor hire. NM; translation. Q John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 29HOV77; A923941.

A923942. An Introduction to transportation engineering. By Hilliaa Halter Hay. 2nd ed. 652 p. O John Hiley and Sons, Inc. ; 7NOV77; A923942.

A923943. Handbook for environiental planning: the social conseguences of environoental change. Edited by James E. HcEvoy 3rd G Thomas Dietz. 323 p. Appl. au: Theodore D. Berns. Appl. states O.S. copyright not claimed on any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 7NOV77; A923943.

A923944. Activity networks; project planning and control by network models. By Salah Eldin Elmaghraby. 443 p. John liley and Sons, Inc.; 29NOV77: A923944.

A923945. Improving leadership effectiveness: the leader match concept. By Fred Edward Fiedler, Hartin n. Chemers, with Linda Mahar, editors: Judy Hilson fi Irene Brownstone, cartoons: Martha Heston. 219 p. NH: revisions. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 16NOV77; A923945.

A92394b. Statistics; a self teaching guide. By Donald J. Koosis, in consultation with Arthur P. Coladarci. 2nd ed. 262 p. Q John Hiley and Sons, Inc. ; 7Nov77; A923946.

A923947. Political language: words that succeed and policies that fail. By Jacob Hurray Edelman. 164 p. Q Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin on behalf of the Institute for Research on Poverty (in notice; Regents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin System on behalf of the Institute for Research on Poverty) ; 23Sep77: A923947.

A923948. Annual reports in organic synthesis, 1976. Edited by E. Bryan Hiller 6 L. G. Hade, Jr. 449 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 40ct77; A923948.

A923949. Solar energy engineering. Edited by A. A. n. Sayigh. 506 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 22NOV77: A923949.

A923950. Glass 1 : interaction with electro- magnetic radiation. Edited by Hinoru lomozawa £ Robert H. Doremus. 349 p. (Treatise on materials science and technology, vol. 12) O Academic Press, Inc.; 120ct77; A923950.

A923951. Advances in veterinary science and comparative medicine: cardiovascular pathophysiology. Vol. 21. Edited by C. A. Brandly, Charles E. Cornelius, guest editor: Charles F. Simpson. 461 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 80ec77: A923951.

A923952. High speed computer and algorithm organization. Edited by David J. Kuck, Duncan Hamish Lawrie G Ahmed H. Sameh. 468 p. Proceedings of the Symposium on High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization, held on April 13-15, 1977, in Champaign, IL. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any portion written by O.S. Govt, employees within the scope of their employment. 6 Oniversity of Illinois; 29SOV77; A923952.

A923953. Fuels from waste. Edited by Larry LaVon Anderson G David A. Tillman. 230 p. Academic Press, Inc. ; 2Dec77: A923953.

A923954. Child care in the family; a review of research G some propositions for policy. By Alison Clarke-Stewart. 151 p. 6 Carnegie Corporation of New York; 16Nov77; A923954.

A923955. Molecular Approaches to Eucaryotic Genetic Systems. Edited by Gary Hilcox, John Abelson G C. Fred Fox. 449 p. (ICN-OCLS symposia on molecular and cellular biology, vol. 8, 1977) Symposium held in Park City, OT, Feb. 27-Har. 4, 1977. Academic Press, Inc.; 9Dec77; A923955.

A923956. Fuels and energy from renewable resources. Edited by David A. Tillman, Kyosti V. Sarkanen & Larry LaVon Anderson. 342 p. Proceedings of the symposium on Fuels and Energy from Renewable Resources, held at the 1977 fall meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago, Illinois. Academic Press, Inc.; 17NOV77; A923956.

A923957. Introduction to group theory with applications. By Gerald Burns. 429 p. e Academic Press, Inc. ; 6Dec'#7; A923957.

A923958. Structure-activity relationships among the semisynthetic antibiotics. Edited by D. Perlman. 739 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 30Sep77; A9239S8.

A923959. Getting the most out of your doctor. By Lawrence A. May. 262 p. 6 Lawrence A. May; 25Nov77; A923959.

A923960. Rewedded bliss: love, alimony, incest, ex-spoases, and other domestic blessings. By Davidyne Mayleas. 270 p. 6 Davidyne Bayleas; 180ct77; A923960.

A923961. Politics and markets: the world's political-economic systems. By Charles Edward Lindblom. 403 p. e Basic Books, Inc.; 28NOV77: A923961.

A923962. Subject guide to children's books in print, 1977-1978: a subject index to children's books in 8,000 categories. Prepared by B. R. Bowker Company's Department of Bibliography in colla-

boration with its Publications Systems


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