Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1353

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A924958 - 4925004
JUL-DEC. 1977

A924957 (con.l capabilities lanual. 1 t. Burrouqhs corporation: 3No»77: i92a957.

»924958. Production control systea 1 (PCS 1) ; costiuq Bodule capabilities aaoual. 1 v. Burrouqbs Corporation; 22Sep77; «92lt958.

A92I4959. Budqetary accountinq systea; capa- bilities naDual. 1 v. Burroughs corporation: 6Dec77; »92U959.

i92l|960. B 700 systens; cOBnercial BHS accounts receivable systea (keyboard entry) reference lanual. 1 v. Prev. req. AS92732 e 1698688. NX: additions e revisions. G Burroughs Corporation; 61>ec77: »92lt960.

4924961. 256 character Self-Scan display subsystea, k 9355 and A 3351 controller. Technical aanual, vol. 2: illustrated parts catalog. I ». Pre?, req. A824942. NN: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 6Dec77; A924961.

A924962. 89495-5,6 <UA) aaqnetic tape; illus- trated parts cataloq. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation: 3Auq77; A924962.

A924963. Burrouqhs B 7700 software iaproveaents, »ark 11.6. 134 p. Prev. req. A514745 6 A529907. MB: revritinq £ updating. O Burrouqhs Corporation: 1Jul74; A924963.

t924964. Beporter 2 language user's aanual: preliB. ed. 1 v. O Burroughs Corpo- ration; 14Dec77: A924964.

4924965. Places to go with children in northern California. By Elizabeth Poaada , with photos, by Edward S. Susse. 160 p. NH: revisions £ updating. O Elizabeth Poaada; 8aar76: A924965.

A924966. A Pilqria's notebook: quide to western wildlife. By Buddy Hays, with photos, by the author. 221 p. O Baddy Hay;; 6Dec77: A924966.

1924967. In and around L. A. for kids. By Stephanie Kegan, photos, by Hichael Coates. 144 p. Stephanie Kegan; 2Dec77: A924967.

A924968. Hords are iaportant; new rev. ed. Tan book. By Edgar B. Schuster. 49 p. O Haaaond, Inc.; 27JU177; A924968.

A924969. Becognizing seguence; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. 1 v. Baaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; A924969.

4924970. finding the aain idea; worksheet/- progress plotter with answer key. Bed book, 5th grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc.; 12I)ec77; A924970.

A924971. Osing sound/syabol/s tructure clues; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Bed book, 5th grade reading level. 1 V. Baaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77: 4924971.

4924972. Osinq sound/syabol/structure clues; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 V. Haaaond, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924972.

4924973. Becognizing seguence; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6th grade reading level. 1 v. O Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924973.

4924974. csing sound/symbol/structure clues; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. 1 V. O Baaaond, Inc.; 120ec77; 4924974.

4924976. Finding the aain idea; worksheet/- progress plotter with answer key. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc.; 12Cec77; 1924976.

4924977. Getting the aeaning froa context; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. 1 V. Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924977.

1924978. flaking inferences; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. 1 v. 6 Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924978.

4924979. Following written directions; wor- ksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Bed book, 5th grade reading level. 1 v. e Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924979.

4924980. Getting the aeaning froa context; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Bed book. 5th grade reading level. 1 V. Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924980.

4924981. Becognizing sequence; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Bed book, 5th grade reading level. 1 v. O Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924981.

4924982. Following written directions; wor- ksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 v. e Haaaond, Inc.; £Dec77; 4924982.

4924983. Becognizing sequence; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924983.

4924984. flaking inferences; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924984.

4924985. Finding the aain idea; worksheet/- progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc. ; 6Dec77; 4924965.

A924986. Getting the aeaning froa context; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6th grade reading level. 1 V. O Baaaond, Inc.; 120ec77: A924986.

4924987. Finding the aain idea; worksheet/- progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6th grade reading level. 1 v. Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924987.

4924988. Osing sound/syabol/structure clues; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6th grade reading level. 1 V. Haaaond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924988.

4924989. Getting the meaning froa context; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Blue book, 4th grade reading level. 1 V. O Haaaond, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924989.

4924990. flaking inferences; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Bed book, 5th grade reading level. 1 v. Hammond, Inc. ; 12DCC77: 4924990.

A924991. flaking inferences; worksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6tb grade reading level. 1 v. O Hammond, Inc.; 120ec77; A924991.

A924992. Following written directions; wor- ksheet/progress plotter with answer key. Brown book, 6th grade reading level. 1 v. e Haamond, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924992.

4924993. Dun and Bradstreet international market guide, Latin 4merica, January 1978. Vol. 52, section 1-2. 2 v. O Dun and Bradstreet International, Ltd.; 9Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4924993.

4924994. Dun and Bradstreet international market guide, continental Europe, 1978. Vol. 18, section 1-3. 3 v. Dun and Bradstreet International, itd. ; 9Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4924994.

1924995. The Taapire tapes. By Irabella Bandolphe, pseud, of Buss Jones. 247 p. 3 Buss Jones, whose pseud, is Jack younger fi Arabella Bandolphe; 29Apr77: 4924995.

4924996. Froa the land beyond beyond; the filas of Hillis O'Brien and Bay Uarryhausen. By Jeff Bovin. 277 p. Nfl: coapilation £ additional text £ photos. B Jeff Bovin; 30ct77; 4924996.

4924997. Halt Disney Productions* Pete's dragon. 24 p. Hfl: new text £ additional art work. Bait Disney Productions; 8Hov77; 4924997.

4924998. Walt Disney Productions" Story of The Bescuecs. Becord jacket (1 v. bound ia) KB: new text £ additional art work. O ialt Disney Productions; 16Jun77; 4924993.

4924999. Ba^t Disney Productions' Pete's dragon. Eeco d jacket (1 v. bound in) ialt Disney Productions; 310ct77; 4924999.

4925000. The flasters Institute in Governaent contracting; course aanual. 1 v. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in materials taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. Federal Publications, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4925000.

4925001. Staten Island, 81, telephone directory, 1978. e New tork Telephone Coapany; 120ec77; 4925001.

4925002. Hanhattan, xy, address telephone directory, Hoveaber 2, 1977. O Hew York Telephone coapany; 2»ov77: 4925002.

4925003. Queens, Ny, address telephone directory, November 15, 1977. O New York Telephone coapany; 15Nov77; 4925003.


Brooklyn, NY, address telephone


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.