Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1354

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A925005 - A925043
JUL-DEC. 1977

A92500I1 (con.) directory, Noveoher 23, 1977. O Ne» York Telephone Coapanv; 23No»77; A925004.

4925005. Shadow box. By Georqe Plimpton. 351 p- Portions of this book have previoasly appeared in a different foco in Harper's S others. NM: additional text, editorial revision & compilation of photos. Georqe Plimpton; t8Nov77; A925005.

A925006. Paradise Alley. By Sylvester Stallone, illus. by Ton Sriqht. 217 p. 8 on teit; Sylvester Stallone; 16Nov77: A925006.

A925007. Paradise Alley. By Sylvester Stallone, illus. by Tom Hriqht. 217 p. 9 on illus.; Tom Hriqht; 16Bov77; A925007.

A925008. Leqal and scientific uncertainties of veather modification; proceedinqs of a symposiun convened at Duke University, Har. 11-12, 1976, by the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists. Edited by Sillian Arthur Thonas. 155 p. Conference on Leqal and Scientific Uncertainties of (leather Hodif ication. Q Duke Oniversity Press; 4Nov77; A925008.

A925009. Sinplan: a computer based planning system for qovernment. By Thomas Herbert Naylor, Harold E. Glass, John Silliam Sail £ David N. Hilstein. 179 p. 6 Duke Oniversity Press; 2Sep77; A925009.

A925010. A ?ield quide to the little people. By Nancy Arrowsmith, with George Hoorse, illustrated by Heinz Edelmann, calliqraphy by Kevin Kelly. 296 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977 £ req. AI-16894. 6 on text; Nancy Arrowsmith; 11Nov77; A925010.

A925011. The Professor of desire. By Philip Roth. 263 p. Appl. states ail new except portions prev. pub. in periodicals. Sections of this book appeared, in somewhat different form, in American poetry review 6 others. 6 Philip Both; 30ct77; A925011.

A9 25012. The Beef qirl. By Zane Grey, foreword by Loren Grey. 209 p. Zaae Grey, Inc. ; 260ct77; A925012.

A925013. American master drawinqs and water- colors. By Theodore s. stebbins, Jr., with the assistance of John Caldwell £ Carol Troyen, foreword by David Daniels. 464 p. Appl. au: The Drawing Society, Inc. The Drawing Society, Inc. ; 3Nov76: A925013.

A925014. The Grouch and the tower and other sillies. By John O'Brien. 1 v. 6 John O'Brien: 120ct77: A925014.

A925015. Africa and Africans as seen by classical writers. Edited by Joseph E- Harris- 162 p. (The ffilliam Leo Hansberry African history notebook, vol .2) Joseph E. Harris 6 Hyrtle Kelso Hansberry; 29Nov77; A925015.

A9 25016. James Baldwin; a critical evaluation. Edited by Therman B. O'Daniei. 273 p. NH: introd. , classified bibliography £ notes on contributors. College Language Association; 17Nov77; A925016.

A925017. The Minority presence in American literature, 1600-1900; a reader and course guide. Vol. 1. Edited by Charles Philip Butcher. 452 p. NH: introd. E pref. to selections. © Howard University Press; 29NOV77; A9250 17.

A925018. The Minority presence in American literature, 1600-1900; a reader and course guide. Vol. 2. Edited by Charles Philip Butcher. 421 p. NM: introd. E pref. to selections- © Howard Oniversity Press; 29NOV77; A925018.

A925019. Sputnik, scientists and Eisenhower: a memoir of the first special assistant to the president for science and technology. By James Bhyne Killian, Jr. 315 p. NM: text. © Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1Nov77; A925019.

A925020. Aircraft engines and gas turbines. By Jack L. Kerrebrock. 285 p. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2Dec77; A925020.

A925021. Formulatioro and computational algorithms in finite element analysis: U.S. -Germany symposium. Edited by Klaus-Juerqen Bathe, J. Tinsley oden fi Walter Hunderlich. 1091 p. Papers prev. presented at the O.S. -Germany Symposium on Finite Element Methods, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aug. 1976. NM: edition. © The Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology; 16NOV77: A925021.

A925022. Decision to prosecute; organization and public policy in the antitrust division. By Suzanne Heaver. 196 p. 6 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 16NOV77; A925022.

A925023. Growing up in cities: studies of the spatial environment of adolescence in Cracow, Melbourne, Mexico City, Salta, Toluca, and Harszawa. Edited by Kevin Lynch from the reports of Tridib Banerjee, Antonio Battro, Eduardo Ellis, Peter Downton, Maria Suslowska E Tadeusz Tomaszewski. 176 p. NM: additions. © United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (in notice: ONESCO) ; 14NOV77: A925023.

A925024. Language and maturation. By Paula Henyuk. 180 p. © The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1Dec77; A925024.

A925025. A Sense of the future: essays in natural philosophy. By Jacob Bronowski. 286 p. © The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2Nov77: A925025.

4925026. Power generation: resources, hazards, technology, and costs. By Philip Graham Bill. 402 p. © The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 7Nov77; A925026.

A925027. Geology at M.I.T. 1865-1965: a history of the first hundred years of geology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Vol. 1: the faculty and supporting staff. By Bobert Bakes Shrock. 1032 p. © The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 140ct77; A925027.

A925028. Elect romagneti ibrations, waves, and radiation. By George Bekefi S Alan H. Barrett. 664 p. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2Nov77; 4925028.

4925029. Strange new religions. By Leon McBeth. 156 p. © Broadman Press; 1Aag77; 4925029.

4925030. Bivers of ink. By Thomas U. Hill. 125 p. 4ppl. au: The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. © Convention Press; 15Jun77; 4925030.

A925031. The Ministry of church weekday early education. By Hilliao H. Halbert, Jr. 80 p. Appl. au: The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. © Convention Press; 15Jun77; A925031.

A925032. Heart to heart: messages that warm the heart and exalt the Savior. By Bobert G- Lee. 151 p. © Broadman Press; 15May77; 4925032.

A925033. Fire in the pulpit. By Jerry Vines. 163 p. © Broadman Press; 1Jun77; 4925033.

A925034. The Equipping of disciples. Edited by John Uendrix £ Lloyd Householder. 264 p. © Broadman Press; 1Jun77: A925034.

A925035. Odyssey of terror. By Ed Blair, with Hilliam fi. Haas. 316 p. 6 Broadman Press; 1Auq77; A925035.

4925036. Harius: On the elements. 4 critical edition and translation by Richard C. Dales. 206 p. NM: translation. © The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 10Dec76; 4925036.

4925037. The Montecassino Passion arid the poetics of medieval drama. By Robert Edwards. 204 p. 4ppl. states text all new, with the exception of a portion of the 3rd chapter which was prev. pub. © The Regents of the Oniversity of California; 18Peb77; 4925037.

A925038. Industrial development in a traditioncul society: the conflict of entrepreneurship and modernization in Chile- By Henry H. Kirsch. 210 p. O The Board of Regents of the State of Florida; 310ct77: A925038-

A925039. Nicholas Rowe and christian tragedy- By John Douglas Canfield- 212 p. © The Board of Begents of the State of Florida; 8110V77; A925039.

A925040. Killing the hidden waters. By Charles Clyde Bowden. 174 p. NM: new text. © Oniversity of Texas Press; 1Dec77; A925040.

A925041. A Bird watcher's adventures in tropical America. By Alexander Frank Skutch, illus. by Oana Gardner. 327 p. Nfl: text £ illus. © Oniversity of Texas Press; 1NOV77; A925041.

A925042. Mechanisms of syntactic change. Edited by Charles N. Li. 620 p. © Oniversity of Texas Press; 1Nov77; A92S042.


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