Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1364

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A925419 - A925«58
JUL-DEC. 1977

A925419. Mean Ifelissa. Story & pictures by Hichelle Schiiartz Price. 1 ». e Michelle Schwartz Price; 14No»77; A925'H9.

A925420. A Stady quide to the letters* seals, and trumpets of Bevelation; a study of EevelatioD 2 , 3, 6, 8, 9 S 1 1. By Stephen sayne Allen. 77 p. HH: additions, e Stephen Kayne Allen; 15Dec77: A925a20.

49251121. Real estate in the O.S. econoay. Issued by Norman B. Ture, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman B. Ture. NHi revisions e additions. C National Realty Committee, Inc.; 3Dec77; A925421.

A925U22. The Pushcart prize, 2: best of the small presses. Edited by Bill Benderson. 1977-78 ed. 526 p. The Pushcart Book Press; 15aay77; A925A22.

A925423. De Cristoforo's Housebuilding illus- trated. By B. J. De Cristoforo, drauiogs by Bichard J. Meyer, V. Oavid Hoas«r & the author. 644 p. 6 B. J. De Cristoforo; 2Dec77: A925423.

A925424. The Elementary school library col- lection: a guide to books and other media. Phases 1-2-3. Editor: Phyllis Van Orden & other editors. 11th ed. 788 p. The Bro-Dart Foundation; 9Dec77; A925424.

A925425. The complete book of vitamins. By the staff of Prevention magazine, compiled & prepared by: Charles Serras, Joseph Golant £ E. John Uanna. 814 p. NB: editorial revision, additional text C pictorial matter. Bodale Press, Inc.; 19Sep77; A925425.

A925426. Baisinq rabbits. By Ann Kanable. 191 p. Ann Kanable; 310ct77; A925426.

A925427. Health preserver: defining the versatility of vitamin E. By Wilfrid E. Shute. 167 p. O iilfrid E. Shute; 25NOV77; A925427.

A925428. The Earthworm book: how to raise and use earthworms for your farm and garden. By Jerry Hinnich. 372 p. C Jerry Minnich: 25NOV77; A925428.

A925429. Rodale' s Naturally great foods cookbook; the best foods to use G how to use them in over 400 original recipes. By Nancy Albright, editor: Charles Gerras, illus. by: Chris Hagadini 6 Joe Charnoski. 408 p. e Rodale Press, Inc. ; 17Nov77: A925429.

A925430. Barnacle Parp's Chain saw guide. By ialter Hall. 257 p. 6 Valter Hall; 30NOV77: A92S430.

A925431. Step-by-step knifemaking: you can do it! By David Boye, drawings by Bobert J- Caradonna, photos by Grant Heidrich, David Boye S Franklin Avery. 270 p. e David Boye: 280ct77; A925431.

A925432. 30 energy-efficient houses you can build. By Alei Hade, photos, by Seal Swenstein. 316 p. Alei iade 6 Neal Ewenstein; 280ct77; A9 25432.

A925433. Have a natural Christmas "77. By the editorial staff of Bodale Press, Inc. 87 p. 6 Bodale Press, Inc.; 30Sep77; A925433.

A925434. Introduction to appropriate technology: toward a simpler life-style. Edited by E. J. congdon. 205 p. S Rodale Press, Inc.; 270ct77; A925434.

A925435. High level wellness: au alternative to doctors, drugs, and disease. By Donald B. Ardell. 296 p. Donald B. Ardell; 17Nov77; A925435.

A925436. The Local church and you. By Ord L. Morrow. 16 p. O The Good News Broad- casting Association, Inc. ; 28Nov77; A925436.

A925437. Search for the true God. By Helen Fleetwood. 52 p. e Helen Fleetwood; 14Dec77; A925437.

A925438. Snowfall; a new poem. By Joyce Carol Oates. Folder. Appl. au: G. K. Ball and Company. Joyce Carol Oates; 5Dec77; A925438.

A925439. Hife insurance: vital but often overlooked real facts. By Harold o. Hilson. 11 p. Add. ti: Rife insurance, the vital facts often overlooked! e Harold 0. Bilson; 10Feb77; A925439.

A925440. City of Margate Chamber of Commerce business directory and membership guide, 1977-1978. 52 p. © Margate Chamber of Commerce; 310ct77 (in notice: 1977- 1978); A925440.

A925441. A Spiritual inventory. Card. Appl. au: Charles T. Crane. Q Charles T. Crane; 15NOV77; A925441.

A925442. Glory to God; a thank you letter to Almighty God. By Rose Marie Terry. 29 p. © E. Marie Terry; 16Dec77; A925442.

A925443. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! Book no. 6. By Kingsley Osmund Harris. 1 V. Appl. states all new except half of p. 11 from Oregon journal, 1 1Sep53. e Kingsley O. Harris; 20Nov77; A925443.

A925444. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! Book no. 5. By Kingsley O. Harris. 1 v. Kingsley o. Harris; 20Nov77; A925444.

A925445. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! Book no. 4. By Kingsley 0. Harris. 1 v. e Kingsley O. Harris; 20Nov77: A925445.

A925446. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! Book no. 3. By Kingsley O. Harris. 1 v. Appl. states all new except cartoons on p. 1 & 5 & illus. on p. 6. Some cartoons & illus. prev. pub. in The Porthole, 1943 6 others. S Kingsley o. Harris; 20Nov77; A925446.

A925447. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! Book no. 2. By Kingsley 0. Harris. 16 p. Appl. states all new except p. 1 C 16. Portions prev. pub- in Champoeg pioneer, e Kingsley O. Harris; 15Sov77: A925447.

A925448. Caricaturing cartooning, here's how! No. 1. By Kingsley 0. Harris. 1 v. P. 2 prev. pub. in Champoeg pioneer feonthly. e Kingsley o. Harris; 12No»77; A925448.

A925449. Preparation of special reports, including long-form. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. NM: revisions. S American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Jun77; A925449.

A925450. Tax problems of individuals; discussion leader's guide. Sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. NM: revisions. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. ; 1Aug77; A92S450.

A925451. Management for results. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. NH: revision. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1May76; A925451.

A925452. Income taxation of estates and trusts. Prepared by the Continuing Professional Education Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Sheets. (Estate planning series) Add. ti: AICPA continuing professional education. NM: revisions. Q American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. ; 1Feb76; A92S452.

A9254S3. The Goddess of love; the birth, triumph, death and return of Aphrodite. By Geoffrey Grigson. 256 p. Q Geoffrey Grigson; 24Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A925453.

A925454. A Kazan reader. By Elia Kazan. 287 p. Portion prev. pub. in Action. NM: additions. O Elia Kazan; 2Sep77; A925454.

A925455. Mavson's will; the greatest survival story ever written. By Lennard Bickel, with a foreword by Edmund Hillary. 237 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977. 6 Lennard Bickel; 22JU177; A925455.

A92S456. Remarkable names of real people; or. How to name your baby. Compiled & annotated by John Train, illus. by Pierre Le-Tan, introd. by S. J. Perelman. 63 p. NM: pref . , text & compilation of names & illus. John Train; 1Dec77; A925456.

A925457. Poplollies and bellibones; a collection of lost words. By Susan Kelz Sperling, drawings by George Moran, foreword by Hillard B. Espy. 113 p. NM: text, compilation of words & illus. 6 Susan Kelz Sperling; 5Dec77; A925457.

A925458, The New Larousse gastronomigue; the encyclopedia of food, wine and cookery. By Prosper Montagne, American editor: Charlotte Turgeon, pref- by Robert J. Courtine, original prefaces by Auguste Escoffier C Phileas Gilbert, text translated from the French by Marion Hunter. 1064 p. Translation of Nouveau Larousse gastronomigue. 6 on translation; Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd.; SDec77;



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