Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1365

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A925459 - A925S01
JUL-DEC. 1977

4925459. Annual review of phrsical chesistry- Vol. 28, 1977. Editor: B. S. Babino»itch, associate editor: J. a. Schurr G B. L. Strauss- 570 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in portions of work written by Governnent employees within the scope of their employment. Annual Beviews* Inc.; 11HOV77: A925I459.

A925l(60. Arkansas* 1udqe Pat nehaffy. 163 p. Appl. aa; Walter Hunn. Parkin Printing and Stationery company: 1IIar77: A925a60.

A925it61. La Version de Alfonso 11 del Bomao de Troie. Critical edition by Kelvin H. Parker. i(12 p. NH: critical ed. Kelvin H. Parker: 7Nov77: A925H61.

A925462. Shakespeare as spoken: a collation of 5000 acting editions and promptbooks of Shakespeare. Vol. 11: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello. By (illiam Perdue Balstead. 1 V. MH: collation of cuts, revisions 6 additions of Shakespeare texts. Hilliam P. Halstead: 2BSov77: A925't62.

A92S<(63. About childbirth: a guide to hospital maternity services. 15 p. O Channing L. Bete company. Inc.; 200ct77: A925«63.

A925»6a. About using the metric system. 15 p. O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 280ct77; A925«6lt.

A925lt65. yhat everyone should know about cerebral palsy. 15 p. O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.: ieoct77: A925it65.

A9251t66. Tour child Company, aring: a guide for 15 p. Channing L. Bete Inc.; 29Sep77; A925't66.

A925H67. Hho*s who in a hospital: the people who make up a modern health team. 15 p. O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. : 50ct77: A9251167-

A925a68. On-the-1ob fire safety. 15 p- O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. ; 17llov77; A925468.

A9251169. Living with your heart ailment. 15 p. O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 17BOV77: A9251I69.

A925470. Perhaps you. iritten by Neuicy Ridley, illustrated by Johnna Jump. 1 v. O Nancy Ridley; 15Dec77: A925I470.

A925'(71. Hedia guide international, 1977; edition; business/professional publi- cations, aiddle East £ Africa, Oct. 1977-Sept. 1978. Editor: Jeffrey B. Biss, associate editor: Harilyn Justman, art director: Gloria Ball. 1 v. Add. ti: Business media 1977-78. Appl. au: Directories International, Inc. O Directories International, Inc. ; llDec77; A925«71.

A9251472. Hedia guide international; (edition; airline inflight magazines) Oct. 1977-3ept. 1978. Editor: Jeffrey H. Biss, associate editor: Harilyn Justman, art director: Gloria Ball. 2i| p. Appl. au: Directories International, Inc. O Directories International, Inc.; 21NOV77: A925«72.

A9251t73. Hinority group media guide USA, 1977/78; ethnic C minority media & markets in the U.S. Editor: Jeffrey u. Biss, associate editor: Harilyn Justman, market data editor: Bruce Kane Garsoa, art director: Gloria Ball. 173 p. Appl. au: Direc- tories International, Inc. Directories International, Inc.; 7Dec77; A925't73.

A92S»7"t. Once apunce a time. By Haude Talmaqe Bood. 180 p. aaude Talmaqe Bood; 10Dec77; A9251t7a.

A925475. Richmond community assessment. By Dorothy Clark, Hartha Gerlacb, Anna Harie Haagdenberg, Judy HcHullen, Hargaret Tobias B Jean Vetro. 192 p. Anna Harie Haaqdenberg, Dorothy Clark, Hartha Gerlach, Judy HcHullen, Harqaret ToDias £ JeanTetro. ; 2BHar77: A925«75.

A925476. Elementary bilinqual dictionary, Enqlish-Lakhota, Lakhota- English; prelim, ed. 317 p. To accompany Beginninq Lakhota. Appl. au: Allan B. Taylor £ David S. Bood. O Oniversity of Colorado Lakhota Proiect; 17Nov76; A925476.

A925477. Lakhota wayawapi; prelim ed. 134 p. Add. ti: Lakhota readings. Appl. au: Allan B. Taylor & David S. Rood. O Jniversxty of Colorado Lakhota Project; 17NOV76; A925477.

A925478. Beqinninq Lakhota. Vol. 1-2, lessons 1-20. English & Lakhota. Appl. au: Allan a. Taylor £ David S. Bood. Oniversity of Colorado Lakhota Project; 17Nov76; A92547e.

A925479. Hunicipal corporations, Ohio material. Britten £ compiled by George D. Vaubel. 11th ed. Hultiple volumes. O George D Vaubel; 29Nov76; A925479.

A925480. Overseas assignment directory service. Consulting editor: Alison B. Lanier. 1 v. Appl. au: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. NH: compilation, abridgement, revisions £ additional text. Knowledqe Industry Publications, Inc.; 2Har77; A925480.

A925481. Shekels and Sword Game. Kit. Appl. au: Heno Head, Jr. 6 SP Publications, Inc.; 6Sep77; A925481.

A925482. Becominq One game. Kit. Appl. au: Donald Ibsen £ Harilyn Ibsen. SP Publications, Inc.; 6Sep77; A925482.

A925483. Knowing God. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) International Lutheran Laymen's League; 230ct77; A925483.

A9254a4. Scripts and Scripture. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Polder (6 p.) International Lutheran Laymen's League; 300ct77; A925484.

A925485. Each year brings greater toy. By Ballace Schulz, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O International Luthetau Laymen's League; 6Nov77; A9i5485.

A9;5486. The Barrier has been removed. By Ballace Schulz, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) International Lutheran Laymen's League; 13llov77; A925486.

A925487. Hurry back to say "thank you"; United States of America version. By Ballace Schulz, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O International Lutheran Laymen's league; 20Nov77; A925487.

A925488. Hurry back to say "thank you"; Canada and worldwide version. By Wallace Schulz, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O International Lutheran Laymen's Leaque; 20Nov77; A92S488.

A925489. Here comes the Lord! Advent devotions. By Herman 0. Seyer. 44 p. NH: additional text. O International Lutheran Laymen's League; 150ct77; A925489.

A925490. Study guide for Shepard's Psychology: the science of human behavior. By Bobert Graham. 215 p. O science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 250ct77; A925490.

A925491. HIS: a manaqerial perspective. Edited by V. Thomas Dock, Vincent p. Luchsinger £ Billiam E. Cornette. 460 p. NH: substantial new text. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 1Dec77; A925491.

A925492. Athletic motivation program: coach's interpretive manual. Folder (6 p.) G Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 19Apr77; A925492.

A925493. Distar Beading 1; mastery test set. 12 p. £ sheets, 6 Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 10ec77; A925493.

A925494. Handy Andy little carpenter shop. Kit. NH: boxwrap, blueprint £ instructions. O Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Auq77; A925494.

A925495. Handy Andy tool set. Kit. NH: boxwrap £ instructions. 6 Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 9Hay77; A92S495.

A925496. Bandy Andy little builder shop. Kit. NH: boxwrap, blueprint £ instructions. O Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 19Sep77: A925496.

A925U97. As roloqer's worksheet, number 3 series. 3 p. Appl. au: Borst Bietstruk. Horst Bietstruk; 200ct76; A925497.

A925493. Astrologer's formula and computation worksheet, number 2 series. 3 p. Appl. au: Horst Bietstruk. e Horst Bietstruk; 200ct76; A925498.

A925499. Positive approaches to avoiding construction litigation. Issued by the American Bar Association Forum Committee on the Construction Industry. 1 v. Appl. au: American Bar Association. O American Bar Association; 3Dec77; A925499.

A925500. D-O-B-S account identification service. Hicrofiche £ 1 p. in box. NH: revisions G additions. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 1NOV77; A925500.


r-belt measuring machine program


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