Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1494

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A930686 - A930726
JUL-DEC. 1977

S930686. Volleyball jini. By Bobbi Katz, illustrated by Michael Norian. 64 p. appl. au: Albert Hhitnan and Company. O on illus. : Albert Bhitnan and Coapany; 2NOV77: 4930686.

A930687. Monsters, ghoulies and creepy creatures. Fantastic stories & poems selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins E illustrated by Vera Bosenberry. 128 p. HN: compilation, editorial revision, introd., fi 2 prev. unpub. selections. O Lee Bennett Hopkins; 301IO»77; 4930687.

A930688. Monsters, ghoulies and creepy creatures. Fantastic stories & poems selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins B illustrated by Vera Bosenberry. 128 p. Appl. au: Albert Hhitman and Company. 6 on illus.; 41bert Rhitman and Company: 30Nov77; 4930688.

4930689. My mom hates me in January. Story by Judy Delton, pictures by John Frink Faulkner. 1 y. 6 on text; Judy Oelton; 17Jun77: 4930689.

4930690. My mom hates me in January. Story by Judy Delton, pictures by John Frink Faulkner. It. 6 on illus. ; John Faulkner; 17Jun77: 4930690.

4930691. Lentil soup. Written 6 illustrated by Joe Lasker. 1 v. Q Joe Lasker; 31Hay77: A930691.

A930692. 4 Cane in her hand. By Ada Bassett Litchfield, pictures by Eleanor Mill. 1 V. e on text: 4da B. Litchfield; 11NOT77: 4930692.

4930693. A Cane in her hand. By Ada Bassett Litchfield, pictures by Eleanor Mill. 1 v. O on illus.; Eleanor Mill; 11Not77; A930693.

A93069U. Tell them my name is Amanda. By Jo 4nne Bold, illustrated by Dennis Hockerman. 1 y. e on text: Jo Anne Bold; 28Hov77; 4930694.

4930695. Tell them my name is 4manda. By Jo Anne Bold, illustrated by Dennis Hockerman. 1 T. Appl. au: Albert Bhitman and Company. Q on illus. ; Albert Hhitman and Company; 281loy77: A930695.

A930696. Bitching time. Mischievous stories G poems selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins & illustrated by Vera Bosenberry. 127 p. NM: compilation, editorial revision, introd., £ 1 prev. unpub. selection, e Lee Bennett Hopkins; 11May77; 4930696.

4930697. Bitching time. nischievoas stories G poems selected by lee Bennett Hopkins E illustrated by Vera Bosenberry. 127 p. 4ppl. au: 41bert Bhitman and company. Q on illus.: Albert Bhitman and Company; 118ay77: 4930697.

4930698. Competitive outlook in packaging materials to 1985. 1125 p. C Delphi Marketing Services, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4930698.

4930699. Outlook for the pharmaceutical industry to 1985. 390 p. C Delphi Marketing Services, Inc. ; 6May77; 4930699.

4930700. Plastics in the construction industry through 1985. 223 p. Delphi Marketing Services, Inc.; 8Jun77; 4930700.

4930701. The Chemical industry of Mexico and Central 4merica. 572 p. © Delphi Marketing Services, Inc.; 18Mar77; 4930701.

4930702. The 4dhesives industry to 1985. 375 p. Q Delphi Marketing Services, Inc. ; BJul77; 4930702.

4930703. LSI softHare medical accounting programs uritten in MOMPS language for PDP-11 computer. Printout. NM: additions E revisions. 6 Logic Systems, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4930703.

4930704. LSI software association membership accounting programs written in MOMPS language for PDP-11 computer. Printout. NM: additions fi revisions. © Logic Systems, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4930704.

4930705. LSI software utility and system programs written in MOMPS language for PDP-11 computer. Printout. NM: additions E revisions. © Logic Systems, Inc. ; 30Jun77; 4930705.

4930706. LSI software L4B0fi accounting programs written in MBMPS language for PDP-11 computer. Printout. NM: additions E revisions. O Logic Systems, Inc. ; 30Jun77; 4930706.

4930707. Methadone treatment in narcotic addiction; program management, findings, and prospects for the future. By Robert G. Newman in collaboration with Margot S. Cates. 285 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A930707.

4930708. The Proteins. Vol. 3. Edited by Hans Neurath E Bobert L. Hill, assisted by Carol-Leigh Boeder. 3rd ed. 663 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 19Dec77; A930708.

A930709. International review of neurobiology. Vol. 20. Edited by John B. Smythies E Bonald J. Bradley. 351 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 20Dec77; A930709.

4930710. 4nalysis of noble metals; overview and selected methods. By Fred Earl Beamish £ Jon Clement Van Loon, with the assistance of Clyde L. Lewis. 327 p. © 4cademic Press, Inc.; 19Dec77; 4930710.

4930711. Perspectives on computer science; from the 10th anniversary symposium at the Computer Science Department, Carnegie- Mellon Oniversity. Edited by Anita K. Jones. 247 p. 6 Academic Press, Inc. ; 19Dec77; A930711.

A930712. Optoacoustic spectroscopy and detection. Edited by Yoh-Han Pao. 244 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 20Dec77; 4930712.

4930713. 4dTances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry. Vol. 34. Editors: B. Stuart Tipson E Derek Horton. 439 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 21Dec77; A930713.

4930714. 4ir pollution. Vol. 2: the effects of air pollution. Edited by Arthur Cecil Stern. 3rd ed. 684 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 22Dec77; A930714.

A930715. Problem analysis in science and enginee^ir^ Eui'ced by F. H. Branin, Jr. £ K. Hustyin. 514 p. © Academic Press, Inc.; 21Dec77; A930715.

A930716. Keeping the faith: A. Philip Bandolph, Milton P. Bebster and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1925-37. By Billiam Hamilton Harris, 252 p. NM: additional text, extensive rewriting £ editorial revision. Q The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 14Dec77; A930716.

A930717. The Military in Greek politics: the 1909 coup d*etat. By S. Victor Papacosma. 254 p. The Kent State Oniversity Press; 31Dec77; A930717.

4930718. Fodor's France, 1978. Created by Eugene Fodor, editors: Bobert C. Fisher £ Bichard Moore, managing editor: Leslie Brown, drawings by Graham Byfield. 547 p. © Fodor's Modern Guides, Inc.; 12Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A930718.

4930719. The Comparative study of revolutionary strategy. By Mostafa Eejai. 194 p. Portions prev. pub. as The Strategy of political revolution. NM; revisions, additional text £ editing. O David McKay Company, Inc.; 27May77; 4930719.

4930 720. Living aboard your recreational vehicle; everything you want to know about the full-time life on wheels. By Gordon Groene £ Janet Groene. ISO p. Gordon £ Janet Groene; 12Dec77; 4930720.

4930721. Landscape you can eat. By 411an 4. Swenson. 211 p. © 411an 4. Swenson; 19Dec77; 4930721.

4930722. Pat Bidmer's Dog training book; straight talk for city and suburban dog owners. By Patricia P. Nidmer, photos, by Larry Kalstone. . 169 p. © Patricia P. Bidmer; 12Dec77; 4930722.

4930723. Lawns; the year-round lawn-care handbook for all climates and conditions, plus a special section on ground covers. By Helvin J. Bobey. 216 p. © Melvin J. Bobey; 19Dec77; 4930723.

4930724. History of the SS. By G. S. Graber. 244 p. © G. S. Graber; 19Dec77 (in notice: 1978); 4930724.

4930725. The Papers of Boodrow Bilson. Vol. 24: 1912. Editor: 4rthur S. Link £ other editors. 609 p. NM: documents, compilation E editorial revision. Princeton Oniversity Press; 23Dec77; 4930725.

49 30726. The origin of the idea of crusade. By Carl Erdmann, translated from the German by Marshall B. Baldwin E Halter Goffart, foreword £ additional notes by Marshall B. Baldwin. 446 p. Translated from Die Entstehung des Kreuzzugsgedankens. NM: translation, front matter £ additional notes. 6 Princeton Oniversity Press;

27Dec77; A930726.


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