Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1495

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A930727 - A930768
JUL-DEC. 1977

A930727. Conflict anooq natioDS* barqaiDinq, decision nakiDq, and system structure in iDternational crises. By Glenn Herald Snyder & Paul Diesinq. 578 p. NH: nev material & editorial revision of 2 chapters. O Princeton Dniversity Press: 23Dec77: 1930727.

»93072e. Graphs as mathematical Bodels. By Gary Chartrand. 29V p. e Prindle. Ueber and Schmidt, Inc.: 15Jul77; »930728.

4930729. Solutions manual to accompany Calculus and its applications. By Stephen Billard. 152 p. Prindle, ieber and Schmidt, Inc.: 29Har77; 4930729.

A930730. Problem solvinq for qeneral chemistry. By Hildred Tanmineo t, Sylvia J. Gregq. 309 p. Billard Grant Press, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4930730.

A930731. I qotta be free p. Buth Uallma By Buth Ballman. S 1«Oct77: 4930731.

4930732. The Harriaqe dialogue. By 4. Lynn Scoresby. 189 p. 4ddison-Hesley Publishing company. Inc.; 1Apr77; 4930732.

4930733. Elementary differential equations with applications. By Rilliam B. Derrick 6 Stanley I. Grossman. 537 p. 4ddison- Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.: 28Jan7e; 4930733.

4930734. The Hanagement of sales training. By the National Society of Sales Training Executives, edited by Jared F. Harrison, assistant editor: Bobert Mbyte. 287 p. O 4ddisOD-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 11Har77: 4930734.

4930735. Integrated circuit engineering: design, fabrication, and applications. By 4rthur B. Glaser 6 Gerald E. Subak-Shar pe. 811 p. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. & G. Subak-Sharpe; 120ct77: 4930735.

4930736. Fundamentals for mathematics: a foundation for decisions. By James Bobinson, Bruce Fielitz, Dennis E. Grawoig & DHight Tabor. 82 p. C 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc. ; 7Jun76: 4930736.

4930737. Metric measurement for teachers; an activity approach. By Phares G. o'Daffer 6 Stanley B. Clemens. 98 p. P. 3-43 originally appeared in Geometry: an investigative approach. Q 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc. ; 15Jun76; 4930737.

4930738. Bith my song I will praise Him. By Claude H. Bkea. 156 p. Bcoadman Press; 15Hay77; 4930738.

4930739. Barm reflections. By Jason Towner. 64 P. O Broadman Press; 14pr77: 4930739.

4930740. Introducing the Old Testament. By Clyde T. Francisco. 301 p. O revisions. Broadman Press; 1Jun77; 4930740.

4930741. Award winning sermons. Vol. 1. 142 p. 4ppl. au: The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. Broadman Press; 3Jun77: 4930741.

4930742. You can do it! By Cecil Mays. 127 p. 6 Broadman Press; 1Jul77; 4930742.

4930743. America's number 1 drug problem: alcohol. By James E. HcBeynolds. 154 p. O Broadman Press; 14uq77; 4930743.

4930744. God has done His part; Bible teachings on support of missions. By Carolyn Beatherford. 119 p. 4ppl. au : The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. Convention Press; 15Jun77; 4930744.

4930745. God*s mission and man*s. By 4. Stuart Arnold, editinq staff: Ealph L. Murray 6 other editors. 98 p. 4ppl. au: The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. Sunday School Board of the southern Baptist Convention; 1Jul77: 4930745.

4930746. Bequirements for recommendation: hotels, motels, resorts, restaurants. 27 p. NH: revision of editorial content. 6 American 4utomobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 15Aug77; 4930746.

A930747. Emergency service directory- Fal- l/winter, 1977-78, eastern region. 118 p. O American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 140ct77: 4930747.

4930748. Caribbean, Bahamas, Bermuda and other ports of call. Travel guide, 1978. 120 p. 4dd. ti: 444 travel guide, the Caribbean including the Bahamas, Bermuda and other ports of call. © American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 140ct77; A930748.

A930749. TourBook: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. 1978 ed. 182 p. O American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 4BOV77; A930749.

4930750. TourBook: Alabama, Louisiana, Mis- sissippi. 1978 ed. 112 p. American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 4I10V77; A930750.

A930751. Emergency service directory. Fal- l/winter, 1977-78: western region. 70 p. American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 140ct77; 4930751.

A930752. TourBook: Florida. 1978 ed. 264 p. American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 40ct77; A930752.

A930753. TourBook: Kentucky, Tennessee. 1978 ed. 116 p. O American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 4llov77; A930753.

4930754. TourBook: Hawaii. 1978 ed. 80 p. O 4merican 4utomobile 4ssociation a.k.a. AAA: 40ct77; A930754.

4930755. Mexico and Central 4merlca; a catalog of travel information issued annually in the fall. 1977-78 ed. 280 p. American Automobile Association a.k.a. AAA; 4NOV77; 4930755.

4930756. Peepholes on life; 44 fun looks at the serious side of life. By Bobert B. Haslam. 96 p. O Light and Life Press; 1Dec77; A930756.

A930757. Life changing learning for children: resources that work. By Betty tiockett S Grace Abbott. 96 p. O Light and Life Press; 15Dec77; A930757.

A930758. Some of God's miracles wear cowlicks. By Ootsey Belliver. 128 p. Light and Life Press; 15Dec77 (in notice: 1978J; A930758.

A930759. Evaluating research proposals in the behavioral sciences: a guide. By Joel Robert Davitz & Lois Leideroao Davitz. 2nd enl. ed . 61 p. Add. ti: Evaluating proposals in the behavioral sciences: a guide. Originally pub. in 1967 as A Guide for evaluating research plans in psychology and education. O Joel R. Davitz; 6Dec77; A930759.

A930760. Strategic policy changes at private colleges: educational and fiscal implications. By Bichard E. Anderson, assisted by Jerry N. Haar. 97 p. Teachers College, Columbia University; 15Dec77; A930760.

A930761. The Bay women write. By Mary P. Uiatt. 152 p. Teachers College, Columbia Oniversity; 12Dec77; A93076 1.

A930762. An Inventory of educational improvement efforts in the Hew York City public schools. By David Bogers. 283 p. 6 The Educational Planning Foundation; 16Nov77; 4930762.

4930763. Dental silver amalgam aB/2. By Kenneth H. Porter. 1 v. (Restorative therapy module unit restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 120ct77; 4930763.

4930 764. The Renal system; out of phase HB/15. By Budolph S. Fulton, Kenneth 0. Madsen, George B. Thoma, Max 0. Uutchins, Robert B. Bhite & Donald C. Kroeger. 1 v. (Human biology module) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 120ct77; A930764.

4930765. 4utonomic nervous system; out of phase UB/9. contributor: Donald C. Kroeger. 6 p. (Human biology module) The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 190ct77; 4930765.

4930766. Silicate cement restorations. Phase 3, 08/3. Contributor: Kenneth H. Porter. B p. (Restorative therapy module unit restorations series) C The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 120ct77; A930766.

A930767. Cohesive gold restorations. Phase 4, DH/5. Contributor: Kenneth H. Porter. 1 v. (Bestorative therapy module unit restorations series) The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 120ct77; 4930767.

A930768. Besults of faulty treatment in crown and bridge work. Phase 16, FMR/35. contributors: Russell s. Dunkin £ George

T. Cowger. 5 p. (Restorative therapy


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