Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/183

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A877632 (con.) SiBpson. Bt Bichacd G. BeXsky. 58 p. Bichacd G. Belsky; 28Apc77: 1877632.

Aa77633. Troubled teachers. By Esther P. Bothnan. 266 p. C Esther Bothnaii; 28llar77; 4877633.

A87763I4. The Aiazinq bee. By Hllliaa Hellinqton Fox, illustrated by Nils £ Barie Ostberq. 31 p. Ulllia* H. Fox: 28Har77: A877634.

A877635. The Election o£ 1976; reports and interpretations. Editor: fiarlene H. Poaper. 181 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on prev- pub. or copyrighted aaterial 6 copyriqht not claiaed in any material secured froa official O.S. Go»t. sources. O David HcKay Coapany, lac. ; 28Har77: A877635.

A877636. Buqle of the elk. By Paul S. Bernsen. illustrated by Bichard E. Aaundsen. 82 p. Paul Bernsen: 12Apr77: A877636.

A877637. The Livinq heart. By Hicfaael Sills OeBakey & Antonio Gotto, illustrated by Herbert B. Saith. 256 p. O Bichael DeBakey: 18Apr77; A877637.

A877638. Perspectives on environaeat and behavior: theory, research and appli- cations. Edited by Daniel stokols, 360 p. Appl. states all new except prev. pub. aaterial. Plenua Press, a division of PlenuB Publishinq Corporation; 20Jan77: A877638.

A877639. Advanced orqanic chenistry. Parts A & B. By Francis A. Carey E Bichard J. Sundberq. 2 v. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishinq Corporation: 13JUB76 (in notice: 1977) : A877639.

A877640. Social and political chanqe in Mev Tork's cbinatoHD: the role of voluntary associations. By Chia-liBq Kuo. 160 p. O Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877640.

A877641. Hanaqinq coaaercial bank funds. By Eaaanuel N. Boussakis. 180 p. Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77: A877641.

A877642. Cooaunications technoloqy and deaocratic participation. By Kenneth C. Laudon. 116 p. Praeqer Publishers; 30Jun77; A877642.

A877643. AccouDtinq and reporting practices of private foundations: a critical eva- luation. By Jack Traub. 222 p. O Jack Traub: 30Jun77: A8776it3.

Ae77644. The Suburban econoaic network: econoaic activity, resource use, and the qreat sprawl. Edited by John E. Ollaann. 251 p. Praeqer Publishers^ Inc.; 30Jun77: A877644.

A877645. Patterns of decision aaking in state leqislatures. By Eric B. Dslaser S Bonald E. Ueber. 210 p. Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77: A8776<t5.

A877646. Uater pollution control: assessinq the iapacts and co^ts of env ironaental standards. By Balph Andrew Laken & Edward

A877647. Nationality qroup survival in aulti- ethnic states: shiftinq support patterns in the Soviet Baltic region. Edited by Edward Allworth. 299 p. Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A8776117.

A877648. Leqislative refora and public policy. Edited by Susan Uelch £ Jonn G. Peters. 222 p. O Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877648.

A877649. Presidential power in Latin Aaerican politics. Edited by Thoaas V. DiBacco. 122 p. Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877649

A877650. The Nuclear power debate: aoral, econoaic, technical, and political issues. By Desaix flyers 3rd. 153 p. Investor fiesponsibility Besearch Center, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877650. A877651. Criainal recidivism in New york city: an evaluation of the impact of rehabilitation and diversion services. By Bobert Fishman. 189 p. Praeqer Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877651. A877652. The Legal speller with useful aedical teras. By Sheila B. Sloane, foreword by Irwin £. BluB. 296 p. ». B. Saunders Coapany; 1'IJul77; A877652. A877653. Septic shock in obstetrics and gynecology. By Denis Cavanagh, Papineni S. Sao e Manuel a. Coaas. 135 p. (aajor problems in obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 11) O u. B. Saunders Coapany; 27Jun77; A877653.

A877654. yeterinary neuroanatoay and clinical neurology. By Alexander De Lahunta, illustrated by Lewis L. Sadler & Grant S. Lashbcook. U39 p. I. B. Saunders coapany; 1itJui77; A877654.

A877655. Current diaqnosis 5. Edited by Howard F. Conn e Bex B. Conn, Jr. 1272 p. NB: new text aatter £ new illus. added to prev. ed. O u. B- Saunders Coapany: 19JU177; A877655.

A877656. fieconstructive plastic surqery: principles and procedures in correction, reconstruction and transplantation. Vol. 1-7. Editor: John Harguis Converse, assistant editor: Joseph G. HcCarthy. 2nd ed. ». B. Saunders Coapany; 18Jal77; A877656.

A877657. A Natural history of teraites. By Frances L. Behnke, illustrated by Turid Boelldobler. 1 18 p. on text; Frances L. Behnke; 31tlay77: A877657.

A877658. Little Black Bear goes for a walk. By Berniece Freschet, illustrated by Glen Sounds. 32 p. O on illus.; Glen Sounds; 27Jun77; A877658.

A877659. Dictionary of Aaerican biography. Suppl. 5, 1951-1955, with an index quide to the suppleaents. Editor: John Arthur Garraty. 799 p. Aaerican Council of Learned Societies; 13Jun77; A877659.

A877660. The Incredible, wonderful, flexible world of built-ins. By Virqinia Frankel, floor plans £ sketches executed by Augusto Bojas. 196 p. O Virginia Frankel; 6Jul77; Ae77660.

A877661. Vivien Leigh: a biography. By Anne Edwards. 319 p. NB: text £ coapilation of photos. Anne Edwards; 2aay77; A877661.

A877662. The Teaple. By Jeroae Beidmao. iti|7 p. O Jerome Ueidaan; 31Dec7S; Aa77662.

A877663. Sules of bankruptcy procedure. 3 v. (Onited States code annotated, title 11) NH: coapilation, revisions C additions. O Vest Publishing Company; 18Hay77: A877663.

A877664. l(ilson*s Texas criainal forms annotated. By U. A. Borrison £ Thoaas D. Blackwell. 8th ed. 2 V. (Texas practice, vol. 7-8) Nest Publishing Coapany; 31Bay77; A877664.

A877665. Enter foot and horse: a history of hippodraaa in England and France. By A. U. Saxon. 249 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 6-7. O Yale Oniversity; 21Aug68: A877665.

A877666. Uraniua poems. Bu Judith Johnson Sherwiu. 60 p. Appl- states all new except poeas beginning on p. 17, 35, 39 £ 54. Some poems prev. pub. in Beloit poetry journal £ others. Yale Oniversity; 23Apr69; A877666.

A877667. The Borship survival kit. By H. Bobert Hcclelland. 4 v. £ folder. Add. ti: In case of emergency: worship survival itit. Accompanied by sound recording in box. O B. Bobert HcClelland; 1Jun77; A877667.

A877668. Staying healthy. Created by Alpha- venture for kerox Education Publications, teacher's guide, kits 6-11: Patricia Horan Oanselman, Tish Gainey £ Lihdsey Seed, artists — fiimstrips: Patti Jacquemain Caapbell 6 Jia Duron, posters: Fred Irvin. Kit. Add. ti: Aaiguitos, kit 7 Accoapanied by sound recording in box; English £ Spanish. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, eaployer for hire- O Xerox Corporation; 25Nov76; A877668.

A877669. Kahlil Gibran: selections froa the beloved aaster. Translated froa the Arabic by Anthony R- Ferris, editor: Grace Bechtold- 87 p. NH: coapilation- Bantaa Books, Inc- ; 11Bar77: A877669-

A877670. For the love of Benji. A novelization by I. F. Love, froa the faaily fila by Joe Caap- 67 p- Original story by Joe Caap £ Ben Vaughn, screenplay by Joe Caap- NB: novelization- O Bulberry Square Productions, Inc-; 16Bay77; A877670- (2nd print, deposited)

A877671. Valentino- By Vincent Tajiri. 149 p. Vincent Tajiri; 16Hay77; A877671.

A877672. lamaculate deception: a new look at women and childbirth in America. By Suzanne Arms, with a foreword by Frederick Leboyer. 398 p. on introd.; Frederick

Leboyer: 16Hay77; A877672.


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