Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/184

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A877673 - A877715
JUL-DEC. 1977

S877673. The SODdecful iiotld iiithin yoaj yoor inner nutritional environnent. By Boqer J. Hilliaas. 239 p. 6 Eoqer J. BilliaBs; 16flaT77; 1877673.

4877674. froB the Devil's Triangle to the Devil's Jan. By Bichard Biner. 2«2 p. S Bantan Books. Inc.: 16Hay77: »87767<t.

4877575. pro»inceto«n. By Burt Hirschfeld. 311 p. Siaon Jesse Corporation; 16llay77; 4877675.

4877676. The Lost tribes froa outer space. By Bare Den. translated by Loiiell Bair. 212 p. Pre». pub. 1974 under the title tes Juifs de I'espace. on translation: Bantam Books. Inc.: 16llay77; 4877676.

4877677. Taking charge: achieving personal and political change through sinple living. By the Siiple Living Collective, 4Berican Friends Service coaaittee, illustrated by Coburn Everdell. 341 p. laerican Friends Service coaaittee; 161!ay77; 4877677.

4877678. How to live 365 days a year the salt-free way. By J. Peter Brunswick, Dorothy Love 6 4ssa Beinberq. 182 p. e J. Peter Brunsvick. Dorothy Love S 4ssa Beinberq: 16llay77: 4877678.

4877679. Badger. By Frank O'Bourke. 170 p. Frank O'Bourke; 16llay77: 4877679.

4877680. Beflections on life after life. By Eayaond 4. Hoody, Jr. 148 p. e Bayaond 4. Hoody. Jr.: 16llay77: 4877680.

4877681. The Fatal fetish. By Peter Hochstein. 250 p. Peter Hochstein; 27Jun77; 4877681.

4877682. The Bride of Frankenstein. By Carl Dreadstone, Kith an introd. by Baasey Caapbell, adapted froa the screenplay by Billiaa Hurlbnt. suggested by the story by Hary Shelley. 210 p. 4ppl. au: HC4 Publishinq, a division of HC4, Inc. B&i novelization. act Publishing, a division of 1IC4, Inc.: 2Jun77: 4877682.

4877683. Margaret, the imperfect princess. By Suzanne Hunshoiier. 191 p. 4ppl. states all neH except photos. Suzanne Hunshower: 224pr77: 4877683.

4877684. 41pha 7. Edited by Bobert Silverberg. 240 p. SB: coBpilation 8 introd. Bobert Silverberg; 27Jun77; 4877584.

4877685. Haster of Greystone. By Glenda Carrington, pseud, of Karen Glenn. 243 p. Karen Glenn (writing as Glenda Carrington) : 27Jun77: 4877585.

4877686. The Berewolf of London. By Carl Dreadstone, with an introd. by Eaasey Caapbell. adapted froa the screenplay by John Colton. based upon an original story by Robert aarris. 194 p. SB: nove- lization. 1IC4 Publishing, a division of 11C4, Inc.: 27Jun77: 4877586.

4877687. The Night of the toy dragons. By Barney Cohen. 218 p. e Barney Cohen: 27Juii77: 4877687.

4877688. Creature from the black lagoon. By Carl Dreadstone. with an introd. by Eaasey Caapbell, adapted from the screenplay by Arthur Boss 6 Harry Essex, froa a story by naurice ziaa. 194 p. HH: novelization- Q aC4 Publishinq, a division of HC4, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4877588.

4877689. Bay of the cross, where it led ae: the story of a Franciscan nun. By Hary Fahrner. 56 p. Pacific Press Publishing 4ssociation; 1Jun77: 4877689.

4877690. Bible questions answered. By Ivan Crawford. 63 p. Pacific Press Publishinq 4ssociation; 1Jun77; 4877690.

4877691. You're not just a statistic. By Clark B. HcCall. 32 p. Pacific Press Publishing 4sEociation; 3Jua77; 4877691.

4877692. Nickelodeon. By E. 11 . Corder. based on the BotioD picture written by B. D. Bichter 8 Peter Bogdanovich. 140 p. 4ppl. au: BandOB House, Inc. Q on novelization; Harry aailly Productions, Inc. 6 Peter Bogdanovich; 1Dec76; 4877692.

4877693. 4Bazing But True! sports around the world. By Doug Storer. 159 p. 4aaziuq But True, Inc.; 1May77: 4877693.

4877694. The Handbook of college entrance exaainations. By Stephen Krulik, Irwin Kaufsau & Jeroae Shostak. 632 p. NH: updating & revisions. 6 Simon and Schuster, Inc.; 1Har75; 4877694. (7th print., Hov. 1975, deposited)

4877695. High justice. By Jerry Pournelle. 222 p. Stories prev. pub. in 4naloq G others. NH: coapilation. Jerry Pournelle; 1llay77: 4877695.

4877696. Orca. By 4rthur Herzog. 275 p. original story D screenplay by Luciano Vincenzoni 6 Sergio Donati. 4ppl. au: Famous FilBs. NH: novelization of prev. pub. screenplay. Faaous Filas. N.V.; 1Juu77; 4877696.

4877597. Brak the barbarian. By John Jakes. 173 p. 2 chapters prev. pub. in slightly different fora in Fantastic stories. HH: new chapter^ coapilation 5 revisions. O John Jakes: 1Jul77: 4877597.

4877698. The Space-jackers. By Michael Butterworth, based on the dialogue of John Goldsmith, Donald James, Charles Boodqrove & Pip 6 Jane Baker. 175 p. (Space 1999, no. 3, year 2) 4ppl. au: ITC Incorporated Television Company. Ltd. NH: adaptation, e lie Incorporated Television Coapany, Ltd. e Barner Books. Inc.; 15aay77; 4877698.

4877599. Forum Variations. Editor: 41bert Z. Freedman fi other editors. 178 p. 4dd- ti: Forum presents Variations. Appl. au; Forum International, Ltd. Forum International. Ltd.; 25Har77: 4877699.

4377700. _ Castle "of shadow: the Federal bureauc- racy of yesteryear and the challenge of tomorrow. By Darold Powers. 386 p. e Darold Powers: 13Jul77; 4877700.

4877701. Briting for career-education students. By 4ndrew B. Hart e Jam^s 4. Beinking. 335 p. © Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 154pr77: 4877701.

4877702. 4Berica since 1945. Edited by Bobert D. Marcus e David Burner. 2nd ed. 366 p. O Saint Martin's Press. Inc.; 11Har77; 4877702.

4877703. Economic development in south 4sia. By Jogindar S. Uppal. 212 p. a Saiat Martin's Press. Inc.; 84pr77; 4877703.

4877704. Understanding language; a primer for the language arts teacher. By Jean Malmstrom. 169 p. Portions prev. pub. in complete poems 6 It doesn't always have to rhyme. Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 11Mar77; 4877704.

4877705. The Briting process. By Quentin L. Gehle 6 Duncan J. Eollo. 268 p. Portions prev. pub. in the Bashington post S others. O Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 4Mar77; 4877705.

4877706. 4Berican democracy and world power. By Bobert 4. Isaak. 216 p. O Saint Martin's Press. Inc.; 284pr77; 4877706.

4877707. Instructor's manual to accompany Sociology: an introduction. Prepared by Eonald B. Saith 6 Frederick B. Preston. 169 p. e Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 25Mar77; 4877707.

4877708. Instructor's aanual to accoBpany Briting for career-education students. By 4ndrew B. Hart £ Jaaes A. Beinking. 32 p. a Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 27May77; A877708.

4877709. At issue: politics in the world arena. Editor: Steven L. Spiegel. 2nd ed. 431 p. Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 25Feb77; 4877709.

A877710. Technology and the huaan condition. By Bernard Gendron. 263 p. e Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 3Jan77 ; 4377710.

4877711. The Caribbean family: legitimacy in Martinique. By Mariaa K. Slater. 264 p. e Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4877711.

A877712. Europe since 1945: a concise history. By J. Bobert Hegs. 247 p. O Saint Martin's Press. Inc.; 15Apr77; A877712.

A877713. Puritan New Bngland; essays on religion, society 6 culture. Editors: Alden I. Vaughan 6 Francis J. Bremer. 395 p. NM: editors' pref. 6 part introductions. O Saint Martin's Press. Inc.; 8Apr77; A877713.

4877714. Language; introductory readings. Editors: Virginia P. Clark, Paul 4. Eschholz 6 41fred F. Bosa. 2ad ed. 532 p. Portions prev. pub. in Bord play: what happens when people talk & others. Saint Martin's press. Inc.; 4Bar77; 4877714.

4877715. The Politics of international economic

relations. By Joan Edelaan Spero. 326 p.


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