Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/378

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JUL-DEC. 1977

&885511. Direct nail: contemporary General Electric comiDunications standards. Issued by Advertising and Sales Promotion Operations, General Electric Company. 14 p. Appl. au: General Electric Company. @ General Electric Company; 30Jun77; 4885511.

A885512. Phemto-chen MHS-160 atmospheric ioD mobility spectrometer quadrupole mass spectrometer: operatinq 6 service manual. 1 V. e PCP, Inc.; 16Auq77; A885512.

A885513. Mini-Tobacco Plantation. Folder. Appl. au: Speiqbt Seed Farms, Inc. d.b.a. Speiqht, employer for hire. Q Speight; 11JU177: A885513.

A885514. World destruction in the year I. By Jay U. Powell (James H. Povell) 87 p. Concise version prev. pub. 1972 under the title A Neil Korld by the year 1980. NM: additions, e Jay H. Povell; 12Auq77; A88554.

A885515. Vamos a conversar 2; conversational Spanish through pictures. 2 v. Appl. au: Joanne Bios. © Joanne Bios; J1Jul77; A885515.

A885516. Hodel 8021 hiqh-resolution 13-inch diagonal color monitor; operation & maintenance manual. Document no. 150-7026-001, Hay 1977. 1 V. 6 Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division; 8Auq77: A885516.

A885517. Model 8022 hiqh-resolution 19- inch diagonal color monitor ; operation £ maintenance manual. Document no. 150-7027-001, May 1977. 1 v. 9 Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division; ltAuq77; A885517.

A885518. Career education supplement for mathematics, correlated to the curriculum guides for the Secondary school mat- hematics program. By Joseph P. Hannon. 1 V. Appl. au: Board of Education of the City of Chicago. 6 Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 28Jun77; A885518.

A885519. Delphonse the frowny cloHn and the magic red ball. Author 6 illustrator; Beverly J. TroMbridge. 1 v. © Beverly J. TroMbridqe; 13Aug77: A885519.

A885520. How to start your own small brokerage firm; a comprehensive step-by-step checklist. By H. Eugene Noll & J. Terry Maxwell. 47 p. © Maxwell. Noll, Inc.; 16Auq77: A885520.

A885521. 20 ways to induce sleep. 2 p. Appl. au: Dorothy Jarecki. © Dorothy Jarecki; 16Auq77: A885521.

A885522. The Journals of Horace Kephart . By James Kent Coward, Jr. Sheets (94 p.) © James Kent Coward, Jr.; 11May77; A885522.

A885523. Basic electricity course guide C8120; a correspondence course. Prepared by J. B. McCurley. 72 p. Add. ti: C8120 basic electricity course quide. NM: revisions & updatinq. © Independent Study Proqrams, Graduate School, D.S. Department of Agriculture; 28Dec76; A885523.

A885524. Spacemakers, a division of Hilton Lifetime Homes catalog. 1977 ed. 2 folders 6 cards in folder. © Hilton Lifetime Homes Corporation; 10Jun77; A8B5524.

A885525. A Pictorial biography of Heinrich August Henkelaann. By Mary, pseud, of Mary Henkelmann. 104 p. @ Beinhold Uenkelmann Enterprises; 13Jul77; A885525.

A885526. Eeal estate financing and closing costs. By Don Owens (Donald Owens) 6th ed., rev. 1 V. © Don Owens: 1Jun77; A88552b.

4885527. Hypnotism. By Bernard £. Nail. 2nd ed. 68 p. Add. ti: A Complete course on hypnotism. © Bernard E. Nail; 25May66 (in notice: 1959); 4885527.

Ae85528. What they all say. By Elizabeth G. Besnick. 1 v. @ Elizabeth G. Besnick; 14Mar77; A885528.

A885529. The Test of language development. By Phyllis L. Newcomer & Donald D. Uammill. 3 V. 6 folders in folder. © Phyllis L. Newcomer £ Donald D. Hammill d.b.a. Empiric Press; 1Jan77; A885529.

A88SS30. Color the superstars of drag racing. Book 1. By Super Press, Inc. 1 v. e Super Press, Inc.; 29Apr77; A885530.

A885531. Besidential building cost guide, 1977. 42 p. Appl. au; American Appraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of American Appraisal Associates, Inc.; 25Feb77; A885531.

4885532. Commercial building cost guide, 1977- 63 p. 4ppl. au: 4merican 4ppraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of American Appraisal Associates, Inc.; 25Feb77; A885532.

4885533. Light industrial building cost guide, 1977. 33 p. Appl. au: American Appraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of 4merican 4ppraisal Associates, Inc.; 25Feb77; A885533.

A885534. Institutional building cost guide, 1977. 41 p. Appl. au: American Appraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of American Appraisal Associates, Inc.; 25Feb77; 4885534.

4885535. Agricultural building cost guide, 1977. 26 p. Appl. au: 4merican Appraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of American Appraisal Associates, Inc.; 25Feb77; 4885535.

4885536. Mobile home cost guide, 1977. 18 p- Appl. au: American Appraisal Associates, Inc. © Boeckh Publications, a division of American Appraisal Associates, Inc. ; 25Feb77; A885536.

4885537. People and places: social work education and human -settlements. 174 p. Proceedings of the Seminar on Social Work Education and Human Settlements, June 6-10, 1976, at the Oniversity of British Columbia School of Social Work in Vancouver. © The International Asso- ciation of Schools of Social Hork; 15Mar77; 4885537.

4885538. Giving kids a piece of the action. By 4rden Smith, JoAnn Cooper £ Marcia Leverte, illustrated by Ginny Johnson S Cameon Smith. 135 p. © TACT (Teachers and Children Together); 17Jun77: A88553B.

4885539. Giving kids a piece of the action; ditto master manual. By Arden Smith, JoAnn Cooper £ Marcia Leverte, illustrated by Ginny Johnson fi Cameon Smith- 1 v. 3 TACT (Teacher and Children Together) ; 17Jun77; 4885539.

4885540. A CPA^s liability: the local practice- By Mark Lee Levine. 1 v. Add. ti: C.P.A. liability — local practice. NH: editorial selection, compilation £ additional text. © Mark lee Levine; 1Sep76; A885540.

A885541. Johnson's Investment company charts, 1975. 27th annual ed. 258 p. Add- ti: Johnson's Charts, 1975- © Hugh 4. Johnson; 7Apr75; A885541.

A885542. Depreciation schedule program; operators training manual. 1 v. Add. ti: Southern Oregon Computer Services, Inc. depre- ciation schedule program. © Southern Oregon Computer Services, Inc.; 7Jul77; A885542-

A885543. Feelin* good: color me red! By Charles T. Kuntzleman, with Brenda Bortz £ Beth Kuntzleman, illustrated by Esther Ann Cryderman. 31 p. © Charles T. Kun- tzleman: 1JU177; 4885543.

A885544. Quiet storm. By Helene Storm. 1 v. e Helene Storm; 15Jun77; 4885344.

A885545. Medical audiovisuals: a comprehensive catalog. Compiled £ edited by Bobert S. Gresebover £ Janice M. Goudreau, issued by the Audiovisual Division, Welch Medical Library, The Johns Hopkins Oniversity. 1 V. Appl. au: Helch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University. © Helch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins Oniversity (in notice: Helch Medical library) ; 16Har77; A885545.

A885546. Primary progress report, and other titles. 8 folders. Add- ti: Burge Publishing Company. Appl. au: Harry Burge. © Harry Burge; 30Dec76 (in notice: 1975); 4885546.

A885547. Los Hermanos: The Han who suffered a lot. Produced by the New England Farm Horkers* Council, Inc. 1 v- English & Spanish. © New England Farm Horkers* Council, Inc.; 15May77; A885547.

A885548. Los Hermanos: La Trabajadora. Produced by Maria Espinosa, Maria Cruz Bamos, Agustin Lopez £ others. 1 v. English £ Spanish. Appl- au: New England Farm Workers' Council, Inc- © New England Farm Workers' Council, Inc.; 27jun77; 4885548.

4885549. Getting acquainted with the Old Testament. Youth/adult, grade 9, 10-day pupil book £ teacher's manual. Hriter: revision by Dorothy Harnish, editor: James E. Horsch, associate editor: Levi Miller, illustrator: Edwin B. Wallace. 2 v. NM: additional text, pictorial fi illustrative matter £ editorial revisions. © Herald

Press; 9May77; A885549.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.