Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/442

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888141 - A888188
JUL-DEC. 1977

4888111. Webcor play-and- record 8-track, AH/FU stereo components. 24 p. Q Aldens, Inc.; 5Auq77: A888141.

A888142. The Exploits of a noble knight. 4 p. Appl. au: ialter J. Cantaberry. 6 Halter J. Cantaberry: 22Auq77; A88ei42.

A888143. Source Of Earning report. Vol. 1, issue no. 2: portfolio manager /research director summary. 30 p. 6 The Buttles Corpo- ration; 19Jun77; A888143.

A888144. Heat or soil condition causing the water to run away from your seed-fertilizer- mulch Inix and letting it blou avay before the seed has a chance to germinate? 2 p. @ Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. ; 5Aug77; 4888144.

A888145. Nags to riches. By Harvey Greenfield. 2 p. e Harvey Greenfield; 16Jul77; 4888145.

4888146. Family group record. Constructive use of the family group record. 2 p. Appl. au: Hilliam T. Pryor 6 J. Hobart Bartlett. @ Association for Records and census Indexing: 5Jul77: 4888146.

A888147. The Ballad of Elvis Presley. 2 p. Appl. au: David 9. Miller. Jr. S David H. Miller. Jr.; 24Aug77: A888147.

A888 148. HemoBook daily reminder. July 1977. 1 V. Add. ti; Estabrook memobook. July 1977: MenoBook daily reminder for July 1977. Fred B. Estabrook Company. Inc. ; 9May77; A8e8148.

A888149. HemoBook daily reminder, August 1977. 1 V. Add. ti; Estabrook memobook. 4ugust 1977: MemoBook daily reminder for August 1977. O Fred B. Estabrook Company, Inc.; 9Jun77: A888149.

A888150. MemoBook daily reminder. July 1977. 1 V- Add. ti: Your daily log book. July 1977; System your daily log book for July 1977. e Fred B. Estabrook Company. Inc. ; 9May77; 4888150.

A888151. HemoBook daily reminder. August 1977. 1 V. Add. ti: Your daily log book. August 1977; System your daily log book for August 1977. Fred B. Estabrook Company. Inc.; 9Jun77: A888151.

A888152. The Number numeral association program. Developed by Gerald Vincent Schmitz. 49 p. e Gerald Vincent Schmitz; 23Auq77: A888152.

A888153. The Family Thelypterldaceae in the Pacific and Australasia. By B. £. Holttum. p. 170-234. (Allertonia. vol. 1. no. 3) © Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden: 23Aug77: A888153.

A888154. Karco avionics CP 135 ISO and CP 136 TSO audio panels; maintenance manual. 1 v. Q Narco Scientific Industries. Inc.; 17Jan77; A888154.

4888155. Physical regeneration with mental and emotional overtones. By George Lincoln Helekin. 46 p. e George I. Melekin; 29JU177; A888155.

4888159. Saint Mary's Hospital short and long range development plan. 1 v. Appl. au: TriBrook Group. Inc. 3 TriBrook Group. Inc. & Saint Mary's Hospital; 23Aug77; 4888159.

4888160. Narco 4vionics 114V 121, 122, and 122A navigation systems maintenance manual. 1 V. Q Narco Scientific Industries. Inc. ; 24Jan77; 4888160.

A888161. SEC reporting. 247 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. Ernst and Ernst; 124ug77; 4888161.

A888162. Self concept of intensive care nurses as compared to nonintensive care nurses. By Donna Eockswold Vogel. Sheets (41 p.) Q Donna Bockswold Vogel; 1Aug77; 4888162.

4888163. Creative man — Rembrandt. 15 p. Appl. au: Karen F. French. Karen F. French; 1Aug77: 4888163.

4888164. FPP3 floating point package for MC6800. By Franz Huber. Printout. 6 Sci-Pro, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4888164.

4888165. Photon, number 27. Editor: Mark Frank. 44 p. Mark Frank; 14ug77; 4888165.

4888166. Good health — the rules of the game. By The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, In cooperation with The 4merican Council of Life Insurance fi The Health Insurance Institute. Folder. 4ppl. au: The Johns Hopkins Hospital S The Johns Hopkins University. The Johns Hopkins Hospital G The Johns Hopkins University; 14ug77; 4888166.

4888167. 1978 support a human life amendment to the Constitution. Calendar. New Orleans Bight to Life Association; 3Aug77; A888167.

A888168. Murphy's Law of travelling. Folder. @ Air and Sea Enterprises, Inc.; lAug77; A888168.

A888169. Key name letter program. By Dan Emmons & a. J. Zwisler. 24 p. @ Dan Emmons e H. J. Zwisler: 22Aug77: A888169.

A888170. Lance gypsum and lime products. 48 p. 3 Lance Construction Supplies, Inc. ; 2Aug77; A888170.

4888171. Chenille critters. 23 p. O Harold Mangelsen and Sons, Inc.; 184ug77; 4888171.

4888172. Planned continuing Christian education for clergy and laity. 1 v. Appl. au; Lewis N. Towler. 3 Lewis if. Towler; 19Aug77; A888172.

A888173. Liquid Controls meter materials compatibility chart. Publication no. LC-195, dated 7-77. 69 p. 6 Liquid Controls Corporation; 4Aug77; 4888173.

4888174. Have the convenience and service of a complete analytical laboratory as handy as your telephone. Folder. 4dd. ti: Best Coast Technical Service, Inc. brochure. NM: revisions 8 additions. 3 Best Coast Technical Service, Inc.; 10Aug77; 4888174.

A888175. American patriots at the Battle of Oriskany. Compiled & arr. Vera DeHitt. 53 p. Prev. reg. A768238. HM: revisions 6 additions. 3 Vera DeBitt; 26Aug77; 4888175.

4888176. 4n 4nalysis and evaluation of modern trends in coaching golf. Physical education 939. 75 p. 6 N.C.C., Inc.; 25JU177; A888176.

4888177. SCP; standard care plans. 1 v. 3 Nursing Department, Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville {charter name: aniversity Hospital Building, Inc.) ; 12Aug77; 4888177.

4388178. Christmas catalog. 1977. Christmas cards from Hinepress Publications, Inc. 1 V. Add. ti: If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. 3 Hinepress Publications, Inc.; 17Aug77; A888178.

A888179. ECOA lite-wate/hevi-duti aluminum dock boards. Form DKB-777. Folder (3 p.) NM: additional text & pictorial matter. 3 Equipment Company of America; 24Aug77; A888179.

4888180. EC04 aluminum dockboards; price list. Form DKB-PL-977. 23 p. NM: additional text & charts. 3 Equipment Company of America; 24Aug77; A888180.

4888181. Optometric Extension Program, optometric assistants' course. Vol. 19, Sept. 1977. 1 V, 6 Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.; 224ug77; 4888181.

4888182. Narco avionics AT 150 TSO transponder maintenance manual. 1 v. 3 Narco Scientific Industries, Inc.; 5Jan77; A888182.

A888183. Women: to your credit. 29 p- 3 Commercial Credit Company; 22Aug77; 4888183.

A888184. A True life story of a farm boy. Hritten by Frank T. Ellis. 44 p. Frank T. Ellis; 24Aug77; 4888184.

A888ie5. An Investors guide to tax exempt securities. 28 p. 6 Public Securities Association; 27Jul77; 4888185.

A886186. Gift o* gab. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilma Jean Doyle (Jean) 3 Jean's Creations; 25JU177; A888186.

A888187. Jet-plex: a simulation. By Jack Rabin, Donald B. Dodd 6 Hiley Boyles. Cards & folders in box. Prev. pub. 1972 as Pollution politics. NM: additions. 3 Jack Rabin S Donald B. Dodd; 1Aug77; A888187.

4888188. Volkmann Brothers Greenhouses African violets, fall 1977. 24 p. Appl. au: Halter B. Volkmann e Henry H. Volkmann. 3 Volkmann Brothers Greenhouses; 234ug77;



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