Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/443

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A888189 - 4888233
JUL-DEC. 1977

A888189. Tbe Apostolic dlqest. 293 p. Appl. au: K. E. Gillette. NH: compilation. Harlan Publications: l8Auq77: A888189.

A888190. Psycholoqr (pceshcunk) By Bobert L. Erdaann. 129 p. C Bobert L. ErdDann; 15Auq77; A888190.

4888191. Triple the life of your car. By Kenneth Kardys. 241 p. O Kenneth Kardys; 26JU177: A888191.

A888192. Old dreans and me. By Glenlce H. Eaery, vlth lllus. by James Fcanz Schoenbecq. 32 p. e Glenice B. Emery; iejul77: A888192.

A888193. Some facts about lithium cacbonate. Hrltten by Cynthia Johansen £ Thomas Callahan, illustrated by J. Creamer Smith. 1 y. Appl. au: Kinqs vlev. O Kinqs vleii: tAuq77: A888193.

4888194. Bavaria in the German Conf ederation* 18 20-184 8. By Georqe S. Herner. 270 p. O Associated anlversity Presses. Inc.; 19JU177: A88B194.

A888195. Schelllnq*s Idealism and philosophy of nature. By Joseph L. Esposito. 294 p. O Associated Uniyersity Presses, Inc.; 8Auq77: A888195.

A888196. Next t#eek--East Lynne: domestic drama in performance, 1820-1874. By Gilbert B. cross. 281 p. Portions prey. pub. In Nineteenth century domestic drama as theatrical communication. NH: nev text vlth brief extracts from prev. pub. vorks & compilation of prev. pub. photos. Associated Jniversity Presses, Inc.; 8Auq77: 4888196.

A888197. The Saints of Quaran: stories and essays on Jewish themes. By Budolf Kayser, edited by Harry Zohn. 188 p. NH: translation, edited compilation C new Introd. C Eva A. Kayser: 8Auq77: A888197.

A888198. The Structure of Plato's philosophy. By Jerry S. Cleqq. 207 p. Associated Oniversity Presses, Inc.; 84uq77; 4888198.

4888199. H. G. Hells and modern science fiction. Edited by Oarko Suvln, vitfa associate editor: Bobert H. Phllaus. 279 p. O Associated Oniversity Presses, Inc.; 8Jal77; 4888199.

A888200. The Economic writlnqs of Du Pont De Nemours. By James J. HcLain. 244 p. Associated Oniversity Presses, Inc.; 8JU177: A888200.

A88B201. The Sense of society: a history of the American novel of manners. By Gordon Hilne. 305 p. Associated Oniversity Presses, Inc.; 8Jul77: A888201.

A88B202. "The Edqe Is what I have": Theodore Boethke and after. By Barry Hllllams. 219 p. O Associated Oniversity Presses* Inc.: 8Jul77: A888202.

ar. By Halter Neff. 2nd ed. 332 p. O Aldlne Publlshlnq Company; 19Jul77: A8882a3.

4888204. Before sundown. Poems by Vesta B. Speer, edited by Hadellue Johnson, lllus. by Kris Boyd, photos, by Sterlinq Johnson with Shelly Johnson. 86 p. Vesta B. Speer: 184uq77: A888204.

A888205. The Effect of disease states on druq pharmacokinetics. Editor: Leslie Z. Benet. 252 p. O American Pharmaceutical Association: 1llov76: 4888205.

4888206. Little people: quldelines Cor common sense child rearinq. By Edward B. Cbristophersen. 127 p. NH: chap. 1, 14 £ 23, numerous lllus. & revisions. Edward B. Christophersen; 204uq77: 4888206.

4888207. Enqineerinq economic analysis. By Donald G. Newnan. 469 p. NH: additions. Enqineering Press; 28Jul77: 4888207.

A8e8208. Han and movemeDt; principles of physical education. By Harold Harion Barrow. 2nd ed. 396 p. Lea and Febiqer; 26Aaq77; A888208.

A888209. Obadiah comes fourteen. By Elizabeth Sprinq, illustrated by Jo Ann Stover. 65 p. O Elizabeth Sprinq; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976( ; 4888209.

4888210. Flemish folktales. Collected, transcribed & retold by 4uqust Haekel- berqhe, with drawinqs by David Beaupre. 147 p. O Isabel H. Hilier; 28Jul77; 4888210.

4888211. The Liberal arts education: a popular myth; educational and philosophical essays. By Haldemar Zaqars. 320 p. Essay 5, pt. 16 2 prev. pub. in Susquehanna Oniversity studies. Hay 1954. e Haldemar Zaqars; SJul77; 4888211.

4888212. Patholoqy. Vol. 1-2. Edited by Hllliam Arnold Douglas Anderson £ John Hichael Kissane. 7th ed. O The C. V. Hosby Company; 16Aug77; Ae88212.

4888213. Pembina settlement heritage: a history of the Pembina, North Dakota area. 336 p. 4ppl. au: Kathryn Grube £ Marqaret B. Sweet. NH: 601 new material. Peabloa Settlement Heritage Book Coaaittee; 50ct76; 4888213.

4888214. Totally natural beauty; the natural beauty treatment book. By Nona Aguilar. 289 p. O Nona Aguilar; 28Jul77; A888214.

A888215. Antique baskets and basketry. By Frances Thompson. 1 90 p. A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc. ; 19Jul77; A888215.

4888216. Christmas plays for young players. By Haxine HcSweeny. 149 p. A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 19Jul77; 4888216.

4888217. Through England on my knees. By Betsey Lewis. 24 1 p. Beatrice C. Lewis; 11Auq77; A888217.

4888218. The Han behind the quns; a bloqraphy of General Henry Jackson Hunt, Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac. By Edward G. Lonqacre. 294 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 84uq77: 4888218.

4888219. Hore from Hollywood; the careers of 15 great 4merican stars. By DeHitt Bodeen. 355 p. 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 104ug77; 4888219.

4888220. Elementary and junior high school wrestling. By Stephen L. Hopke £ H. Horden Kidder. 151 p. O 4. S. Barnes and company. Inc.; 19Jul77; 4888220.

A888221. The Techniques of championship wrestling. By Bichacd C. Haertz. 190 p. A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 9Aug77: A888221.

A888222. Hiniature shops; how to design and make them. By Hargaret B. Duda, photography by Joe Viqllano £ Jon Sheckler. 172 p. O Barqaret B. Duda; 19Jul77; Ae88222.

4888223. Fly tyinq and fly fishing for bass and panfish. By Tom Nixon. 2nd ed., rev. 480 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 19JU177; 4888223.

4888224. 4 Voice from the hump and 4 Fourteenth- century poet's vision of Christ. By John Uheatcroft. 126 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company. Inc.; 84ug77; 4888224.

4888225. Angling and casting: a manual for self and class instruction. By C. L. Netherton, photos, by Irv Swope, lllus. by Clina Kostner. 157 p. O C. L. "Cliff" Netherton; 19Jul77; A888225.

A888226. Needlework designs from the American Indians; traditional patterns of the southeastern tribes. By Aone Cheek Landsman. 1 v. 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 11Aag77; A888226.

A888227. Hountain relics. By Frances Thompson. 188 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 19JU177; 4888227.

4888228. Big 0: Onlversal in the silent days. By I. G. Edmonds. 162 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 8Jul77; 4888228.

4888229. Vlncente Hinnelli and the film musical. By Joseph Andrew Casper. 192 p. O A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc. ; 8Jul77; A888229.

A88823a. New and easy quilting. By Sibby Taylor, photos, by Bob Hehesy. 112 p. A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 19Jul77; 4888230.

4888231. Dark dreamsi a psychological history of the modern horror film. By Charles Derry. 143 p. O 4. S. Barnes and Company, Inc.; 19JU177; 4888231.

A888232. The Saga of the fist; the 9,000 year story of boxing in text and pictures. By John V. Groabach. 250 p. Prev. pub. as Tbe Saga of sock. NH; revisions. John V. Gcombach; 8Jul77; A88a232.

A888233. Systemas de archlvar y control de documentos, cuarta edicion. By Josefina

Q. De Gorbea, Eva S. Oe Garcia-Diaz £ Olga


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