Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/528

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JUL-DEC. 1977

&891698 (con.) Appl. au: Clyde H. Narraoore. NN: editorial revision of lessons 11-20. e Clyde M. Narramore; 18ilar77; 4891698.

A891699. Love my qardeo. By Jessie Howe Clark, illustrated by Betty DeOrian. 36 p. e Jessie Hone Clark; 5Jui77; S891699.

A891700. The Green pastures of the alphabet Bible. Written especially for children by Jessie Howe Clark, assisting in illus. : Michelle Clark £ Laurie Clark. 29 p. SU: additional text. 6 Jessie Howe Clark; 5Jul77; A891700.

A891701. Kentucky Fried Chicken free hurricane tracking chart. Folder. Appl. au: Danford L. Sawyer, Jr. © Area Guides, Inc.; Ijun77; A891701.

A891702. The Philomel Society of Lower George Hason Drive presents More anon. Songs by Norman B. Tharp. 1 v. Appl. states all new except Virginia is for lovers. Portion prev. reg. as DP8729, 3011ov73. Norman E. Tharp; 25Feb77; A891702.

A891703. Eeflections. Vol. 8, 1976. Editor: Suzette Collins Thompson, associate editor: Wayne Blankenship, pen S ink drawings by Hayne Blankenship. 120 p. e Gardner-Webb College; UMay76; 4891703.

A89170i(. American dusk. By David C. Childers. 1 v. S David C. Childers; 1May77; A891704.

A891705. Lakeside Hills Estates, Fountainview Estates, FL. July 26, 1977. Appl. au: Wesley P. Hackett. S Florida Mobil Home Directories, Inc. ; 26Jul77 (in notice: 197H-1977); A891705.

4891706. Bicenteuials. By Mark Dunster. 27 p. e Hark Dunster: 1Sep77: 4891706.

4891707. 5th cervical key. By Clarence E. Heaver. 56 p. NM: additions, compilation 5 editorial revision. © Clarence E. Beaver; 18Jul77; 4891707.

4891708. A Contemplative fishing guide to the Grand Strand. By Donald Hillus. 110 p. Portions originally appeared in the Myrtle Beach sun-news. NM: compilation, new text £ illus. e The Sandlapper Store, Inc. ; 15Jun77; A891708.

4891709. T.C. , a poem of love in 9 parts. By Donald L. Shaffer, illus. by K. D. Meyer. 1 V. e Donald L. Shaffer; 10Jun77; 4891709.

4891710. The Travel agent: 1977 travel industry personnel directory. Executive editor: Bette Sweeney (Bette Sweeney Friedheim) , editor: Eric Friedheim, directory editor: Nanci Lyman, associate editor: Tom Langtry. U32 p. 1st pub. in 1951. e 4metican Traveler. Inc. S Bette Sweeney; lnar77; 4891710.

A891711. The Saga of Fairvue, 1832-1977. By Margaret Lindsley Warden. 10 p. NM: compilation. e Margaret Lindsley Warden; 1May77: 4891711.

4891712. Everything else Daniel L. Klauck; 60ct76; Poems by Daniel L.

4891713. Eiver towns, river boats, river people. Vol. 3, no. 1, sprang 1977. Editorial committee: Mrs. Milliard Stroud £ others. 78 p. (8 Desha County Historical Society; 154pr77; 4891713.

4891714. Inventory of California natural areas. Vol. 7 6 9. Editor: Leslie Hood. Sheets. California Natural 4reas Coordinating Council; 17Jun77; 4891714.

4891715. 4 Letter about Messianic Judaism: "If it be of God." By John Fischer. 8 p. e John Fischer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4891715.

4891716. Education of the Palestinians: an annotated bibliography. By Ahmed M. Badr. 29 p. © Association of Arab- American Universj.ty Graduates, Inc. a.k.a. 4AaG; 28Jun77; 4891716.

4891717. Why teach music? By Burglind Beyer. 21 p. a Burglind Meyer; 104pr77; 4891717.

4891718. Solve it: basic problem solving activities. Book 5. By Thomas C. O'Brien, illustrated by Bussel c. Schreck, Jr. 99 p. O ETA, Educational Teaching Aids, a division of 4. Daigger and Company; 25JU177; A891718.

4891719. 4 Price guide of 4merican Victorian figural napkin rings. By Joanne Grant. 50 p. a 8-G Promotions; 1Jun77; 4891719.

A891720. Books at Iowa. No. 26, Apr. 1977. Editor: Frank Paluka, assistant editors: Frank S. Hanlin fi Eobert A. BcCown. 47 p. Appl. au: Carl Van Vechten. NM: unpub. text constituting a portion of Baby Woojums in Iowa, e Estate of Carl Van Vechten; 1Apr77: 4891720.

A891721. Books at Iowa. No. 26, Apr. 1977. Editor: Prank Paluka, assistant editors: Frank s. Hanlin £ Bobert 4. HcCown. 47 p. a The Oniversity of Iowa; 14pr77; 489T721.

4891722. God's revelation in the Old Teetament and New Testament; meetings in preparation for baptism, June 14 and 15, 1977. 19 p. 4ppl. au: Merrill Mow. © Plough Publishing House of the Hoodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 17Jun77; 4891722.

4891723. Your eating habits: let's make them sensible and lasting. 1 v. 4ppl. au; John E. Kelly. 6 Drug Device Fact 4ssociates; 184ug77; 4891723.

4891724. Marriage among Christians; a curious tradition. By James Tunstead Burtchaeli fi others, photography by Stephen Moriarty. 189 p. © Ave Maria Press; 12Aug77; 4891724.

4891725. The Tactical skills of hand-to-hand combat (self-defense) By Bradley J. Steiner. 43 p. © Bradley J. Steiner; 154pr77; A891725.

A891726. Born again. By Kay Magenheimer (Cathryn C. Magenheimer) 1 v. NM: additional Kay Magenheimer; 2Feb77;

4891727. Know your lungs. Folder. © Department of Patient Health Education, Hunterdon Medical Center & Delaware-Earitan Lung 4ssociation; 25May77; 4891727.

4891728. The Bible in folk songs; songbook. Prepared by Donald Hinkle fi E. Harold Terry, designed £ illustrated by Terry O'Brien. 32 p. For use with a teacher guide fi teacher resource of the same title. NM: compilation fi new material. a Parish Life Press; 124ug77; A891728.

4891729. Preparing for marriage; senior high youth studies. By Bichard M. Langsdale, edited by Curtis B. Haney, designed fi illustrated by Eose Mangano. 80 p. For use with a leader guide of the same title. © Parish Life Press; 124ug77; 4891729.

4891730. Managing diabetics properly. 223 p. NM: new compilation, additional text 6 pictorial matter. © Intermed Commu- nications, Inc.; 15Kay77; 4891730.

4891731. Emergency: the true story of a woman's faith and service as an emergency room volunteer. By Virginia Greer. 128 p. e Virginia Greer; 1Apr77; 4891731.

4891732. 4dult teacher. Vol. 7. Writers: Stanley M. Horton, Hardy B. Steinberg, E. s. Caldwell, Garold Speer, Curtis Eingcess fi John Kaempa. 512 p. © Gospel Publishing House; 29Jul77; 4891732.

4891733. Pifoceedings of the Advisory Council of the state of Virginia, 4pril 21-June 19, 1861. Edited by James I. Robertson, Jr. 182 p. Appl. au: Virginia State Library. © Virginia State Library; 18Jul77; A891733.

A891734. That they might believe. By Ann McKenzie. 280 p. Charles McKenzie; 11Jun76; 4891734.

4891735. History of Smith and Wesson: no thing of importance will come without effort. By Boy G. Jinks. 290 p. 6 Beinfeld Publishing. Inc.; 1Jun77; A891735.

A891736. Before I go. Story poems by Gladys Elaine Clayton. 72 p. Gladys Elaine Clayton; lAug77; A891736.

A891737. Players' guide, 1977-1978; the annual pictorial directory for stage, screen, radio and television. Editors: Paul L. Boss £ Marion J. Boss. 35th anniversary ed. 1248 p. © Paul 1. Boss; 14Jul77; A891737.

A89 1738. The Dutch Webbers of Indiana and Illinois with allied families of Berry, Besley, Cole, Hunter, Ingraham, Inyart, Leist, Lanuau, Mccracken, Nesmith. Peyton, Preston, Baney, Sayre, Whitaker and Wright. By E. Virginia Hunt. 180 p. © E. Virginia Hunt; 20Jul77; A891738.

A891739. Scott standard postage stamp catalogue, 1978. Vol. 1: Onited states and affiliated territories, Onited Nations, British Commonwealth of Nations. Editor-in-chief: James B. Hatcher fi other

editors. 134th ed. 786 p. Add. ti:


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