Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/529

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A8917U0 - A691779
JUL-DEC. 1977

SB91739 (con.) Scott 1978 standard postage stanp cataloque. 6 Scott Publishiaq cojapaDy; 5JU177: »891739.

iB917itO. Mv secret Aonie; or. In case you hadn't heard, the second cominq of Christ has been cancelled. By K. T. Jones, pseud, of Bobert Delattin Wear. UO p. C K. T. Jones, vhose full leqal name is Bobert Delattin Wear; 2aay77; S8917IJ0.

489171*1. Bicentennial hymn and other poems. By aichaelina BuonQCore. 19 p. MH: some compilation & adaptation. 6 nichaclina Buonocore: 10ct76: i8917ll1.

48917112. The 4nqelic doctor and other poems. By Michaelina Buonocore. 22 p. NH: compilation G adaptation. Q Hichaelina Buonocore: lNo»76: 48917ii2.

4891743. Kansas writer's market '77. Editor: Bichard C. Smith. 142 p. S Golden Grain Press solely owned by Bichard C. Smith; 16Sep76; 4891743.

4891744. Patterns of qenocide. By Freeman Johnson. 17 p. Q Freeman Johnson; 9Jul77; 4891744.

4891745. iater spray fixed systems for fire protection, 1977. NFP4 no. 15. 79 p. National Fire Protection Association; 25Jul77; 4891745.

4691746. Hotchkiss' Complete quide and map to Denver and surroundings. 160 p. Add. ti: Hotchkiss map and street guide of Denver, e Hotchkiss, Inc.; 23Har77; 4891746.

4891747. Darwic on earthworms: the formation of vegetable mould throuqh the action of worms with observations on their habits. By Charles Darwin, with a foreword by James P. Hartin S an introd. by 41bert Howard. 153 p. NH: new foreword. C Bookworm Publishinq Coapaay, Inc.; 28Jun76; 4891747.

4891748. Las Poemas espanoles de Bicardo Teall. Traductor: Jim stickter, redactora: Paula Cushner. 80 p. 4dd. ti: The Spanish poems of Bicardo Teall. Enqlish £ Spanish. Appl- au: Bichard Teall (Bicardo Teall) Appl. states all new except for the Spanish lanquaqe poems from There are no fliqbts out toniqht, on p. 61-73. e Bicardo Teall (Richard Teall): 12Jul77; A891748.

4891749. Nay of life poems. A collection of thoughts by Paul 0. Eckel. 1 v. NH: new poems & short stories. e Paul O. Eckel: 28aar77; A891749.

4891750. Plan review manual. 3 18 p. NH: updatinq. O International conference of Buildlnq Officials: 18Apr77; 4891750.

4891751. Uniform Systems 4naiysis system. Folder. S Oniform Systems 4nalysis, Inc.; 1Jun77; 489 1751.

4891752. Spielmans Uood Works hand crafted wood products and signs. Polder. Appl. au: Patrick Spielman. Spielman's Hood Borks, solely owned by Patrick Spielman: 15Bay76: A891752.

4891753. Hini-course for lyceum teachers. Written 6 compiled by June E. Killmer. 25 p. e National Spiritualist 4ssociatiou of Churches; 13Jun77; 4891753.

4891754. Inside box 1663. By Eleanor Jette. 132 p. e Hilliam 0. Jette t Margaret Bice Jette; 74pr77: 4891754.

4891755. Small engine service and overhaul: instructor's guide. Produced by Baybar Technical Films, Inc., project editor: Bob Hayes, executive editor: Lynwood Wellhausen. 26 p. Accompanied by sound recording & 6 filmstrips in box. 4ppl. au: Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. 6 Prentice- Hall Hedia, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4891755.

4891756. Music in theory and practice. Vol. 1. By Bruce Benward. 399 p. O Milliam C. Brown Company Publishers; 23Jun77; 4891756.

4891757. Biology; a look at life. Book 3: interrelationships between organisms. By Bonita L. Boohk & Donald 4. Lindsay. 168 p. Bonita L. Boohk C Donald 4. Lindsay; 29JU177: A891757.

A891758. Principles of biology laboratory manual. By Jean B. Harrison. 2nd ed. 143 p. Jean B. Harrison; 14Jun77; 4891758.

4891759. Experiments in mechanics, wave motion, and heat; laboratory manual. By Christoph Goertz, Glenn Joyce, Edward B. Nelson 6 Gerald L. Payne. 104 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 11Jul77: 4891759.

4891760. Storytelling, dramatization, creativity. By George L. Lewis £ Bex H. Fuller. 166 p. 6 George L. Lewis £ Bex H. Fuller; 16Jun77; 4891760.

4891761. The Why and how of study. By Bobert I. Wilson, warren A. Edgar £ Kenneth B. Bourn. 193 p. O Bobert W. Wilson, Warren 4. Edgar £ Kenneth fi. Bourn; 16Jun77; A891761.

A891762. General chemistry laboratory manual. By Harqaret E. Jackson, T. Gerald Jackson £ Josephine H. Phillips. Ill p. e Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 16Jun77; 4891762.

4891763. Laboratory exercises in general biology. By Christine 4. Bouwman, Edward 4. Hoffman £ Ronald J. Slober. 3rd ed. 103 p. 6 Christine A. Bouwman, Edward A. Hoffman £ Bonald J. Slober; 29Jul77; A891763.

A891764. Principles of pre-clinical endodontics. By Thomas P. Serene, Kenneth C. Trabert, Bobert H. Krasny, Paul £. Zeigler, Thomas L. Higqinbotham, Gerald E. Lonqhurst £ Gene Palmer, medical illustrator, Irene Petravicius. 3rd ed. 161 p. O Thomas P. serene, Robert H. Krasny, Paul E. Zeiqler, Thomas L. Hiqginbotham £ Gerald E. Longhurst; 25Jul77; A891764.

A891765. Student study quide to accompany Introduction to business: a functional approach. By Gilbert Eckern. 190 p. e William C. Brown Company Publishers; 29JU177; A891765.

Chandler. 250 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 22Jul77; A891766.

4891767. Abortion: the emotional implications. By Boberta Kalmar. 130 p. (Topics iii human behavior series) O Boberta Kalmar; 14JU177; A891767.

A891768. Hovement education in physical education: a guide to teaching and planning. By Hayes Kruger £ Jane Hyers Kruger. 585 p. e William C. Brown Company Publishers; 16Jun77; 489 1768.

A891769. Psychology: here and now. By James B. Bichard £ Berod U. Weiss. 307 p. James B. Bichard £ Bernd w. Weiss; 12Jul77; A891769.

A891770. Psychology: theory and practice. By Jon Boeckelein. 333 p. Jon Boeckelein; 23Jun77; A891770.

A891771. Consumer behavior and fashion marketing. By Sidney Packard £ Abraham Baine. 294 p. e Kendall/Hunt publishing Company; 16Jun77; 4891771.

A891772. Cities of the Garden State: essays in the urban and suburban history of New Jersey. Edited by Joel Schwartz £ Daniel J. Prosser. 177 p. O Joel Schwartz £ Daniel J. Prosser; 12Jul77; A891772.

A891773. Non-Western music and the Western listener. By James Patrick O'Brien. 107 p. e James Patrick O'Brien; 6Jul77; 4891773.

4891774. Just — writing. By Charles S. Laubheim, Joan E. Schnell £ Alvin J. Starr. 2nd ed. 135 p. e Charles S. Laubheim, Joan E. Schnell £ Alvin J. Starr; 6Jul77; AM 1774.

489 1775. 4nimal sanitation and disease pre- vention. By Harry H. Berrier. 2nd ed. 226 p. e Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: 18JU177; 4891775.

4891776. Engineering graphics: communication analysis^ creative design. By James S. Rising, Haurice W. Almfeldt £ Paul S. OeJong. 5th ed. 429 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 18Jul77; A891776.

A891777. Teaching: the people, the process, the setting. By J. Berton Gremillion C Sam Adams. 277 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 21Jul77; A891777.

4891778. IBM 3895 document identification and description macros (DIDH) program logic. Program no. 5748-F12. 103 p. (Licensed program) Q International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 17Jun77; A891778.

4891779. Teleprocessing network simulator (IPNS) release 3.0 logic manual. Program no. 5740-XT4. 3rd ed. 485 p. (Program product) O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation): 13Jul77;



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