Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/530

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S891780. Forniat/3800; program description/o- perations Bacual. Program no. 5798-CPN. 20 p. (Field developed program) NM: revisions 6 additions. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 8Aug77; i891780.

i891781. IBM 3614 usage reporting system; program description/operations manual. Program no. 5798-CQK. 90 p. (Field developed program) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 8Jal77; A391781.

i891782. Series/1 program preparation subsystem version 2: introduction supplement. Program product 5719-AS2. 8 p. (IBM system library supplement, no. GC34- 0150-0, July 14, 1977) e International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. : IBM Corporation; 14ug77: (891782.

1891783. IBM multiplexer control sub-system. 1 V. @ International Business Machines corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; asug77; 1891783.

A891784. IBM 3895 document identification and description macros (OIOM) user's reference. Program no. 5748-F12. 53 p. (Licensed program) International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 17Jun77; 4891784.

A891785. GIS/VS 3270 formatting aid; program description/operations manual. Program no. 5798-CQN. 40 p. (Field developed program) 9 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); lJul77: A891785.

A891786. Change management/tracking (CM/T) , DP accounting for IMS/VS (DPA), service level reporter (SLB) program reference manual. 356 p. (Installation management) e International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 10Aug77: A891786.

A891787. Series/1 realtime programming system version 2: introduction and planning guide supplement. Program product 5719-PC2. 8 p. (IBM system library supplement, no. GC34-0160-0, July 14, 1977) Inter- national Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation; lAug77; A891787.

A891788. IBM Series/1 control program support extension 1 programming EPQ P82525 logic manual. Program no. 5799-T4L. 1 v. Add. ti: Extension 1 PRPQ. e International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 27Jun77; 4891788.

A891789. IBM 3767 communication terminal models 1 and 2 maintenance information. 1 v. Add- ti: IBM technical newsletter, no. sm8-2053 NM: revisions, e International Business Machines Corporation a. a. d. : IBM Corporation; 15Apr77; 4891789.

A891790. System/3 to system/370 screen conversion aid; program description/operations manual. Program no. 5798-CQH. 26 p. (Field developed program) e International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 26Jul77; 4891790.

4891791. Teller statistics subsystem; program description/operations manual. Progra* no. 5798-CQL. 25 p. (Field developed program) © International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 28Jul77; A891791.

A891792. Interactive planning systems generator 2 under E.T.S.S. ; program description- /operations manual. Program no. 5798-CLN. 28 p. (Field developed program) NM: revisions 6 additions. 9 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 34ug77; A891792.

A891793. System/3 to system/370 screen conversion aid; systems guide. Program no. 5798-cea, feature no. 8972. 7 p. (Field developed program) e International Business Machines Corporation a. a. d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 26Jul77; A891793.

4891794. HD4M sequential randomizer generator; program description/operations manual. Program no. 5798-CQG. 185 p. (Field developed program) © International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 5Jui77; 4891794.

4891795. IBM system/7 maritime application- s/bridge system operator's guide. 1 v. (Systems) MM: revisions 6 additions. © International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation): 1Jul77; A891795.

4891796. Lancaster, Fort Lawn, SC, telephone directory, March 1977. © Lancaster Telephone Company; 4Mar77; 4891796.

4891797. Lake shore, IL, telephone directory, July 1977. The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 21Jun77; 4891797.

4891798. Mayuood, Belluood, Berkeley, IL, and others classified telephone directory, 4ugust 1977. (Hith Bellwood, Berkeley, Broadview, IL, and others telephone directory, 4aqust 1977) © The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 28Jul77; 4891798.

4891799. Elgin, South Elgin, Valley view, IL, telephone directory, July 1977. a Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 12JU177; 4891799.

4891800. Elgin, South Elgin, Valley View, IL, classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Hith Elgin, South Elgin, Valley View, IL, telephone directory, July 1977) 6 The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 12Jul77; 4891300.

4891801. Bloomingdale, Hoffman Estates, Eoselle, Schaumburg, IL, telephone directory, July 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 14JU177; A891801.

A891802. Bloomingdale, Hoffman Estates, Keeneyville, IL, and others classified telephone directory, July 1977. (With Bloomingdale. Hoffman Estates, Eoselle, Schaumburg, IL, telephone directory, July 1977) 6 The Beuben H. Donnelley corporation; 14Jul77; A891802.

4891803. Bellwood, Berkeley, Broadview, II, and others telephone directory, 4ugust 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 28JU177; 4891803.

4891804. A Science dictionary; the terms and skills of science. By Bobert P. Thiel, editor; Charles Cutler, editor-in-chief: Elaine p. Honsavage, managing editor; Aaron E. Klein, illustrator: Bayne Blickenstaff . 63 p. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire. 6 Xerox Corporation; 30Jun77; A891804.

4891805. More hidden words: fun— find puzzles. By Virginia Thrasher. 80 p. © Xerox Corporation; 224ug77; 4891805.

4891806. People of the desert. By George Pollock. 2 V. 4ppl. au: Xerox Cor- poration. NM; original textual material, maps 6 compilation of prev. pub. photos. © Xerox Corporation; 27Jun77; 4891806.

A891807. Hriting you'll enjoy. By Karen Taylor 6 Don Uulffson, illustrator: David Henzel. 31 p. 6 folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire, NM: original textual material, illus. 6 compilation of prev. pub. photos. © Xerox Corporation: 15Apr77; A891807,

A891808, The Growth of America through maps. By Charles L, Cutler, maps: Donald T. Pitcher, 2 v. 4ppl, au: Xerox Cor- poration. HM: original textual material, maps e compilation of prev, pub. photos. e Xerox Corporation; 26May77; 4891808.

4891809. The Movement of people in American history. By Charles L, Cutler, maps; Donald T, Pitcher, 2 v, Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, NM: original textual material, maps £ compilation of prev, pub, photos, e Xerox corporation; 7Jul77; 4891809,

4891810, Learn about electricity. By Leonard A. Phillips, illustrator: Frank Bolle, 31 p, 6 2 p. Appl, au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire, © Xerox Corporation; 6JU177; 4891810,

A891811, Learn about genetics. By Jeffrey J, H. Baker, illustrator: Frank Bolle, 31 p, 6 2 p. Appl, au; Xerox Corporation, employer for hire. © Xerox Corporation; 22JU177; A891811.

4891812, Panic and more disaster stories. Book 5C 6 teacher's guide for books 5A-5D, By Neild Oldham, illustrated by: Frank Bolle, Tony DiPreta 6 David Henzel. 2 v, Appl, au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire, © Xerox Corporation; 25May77; A891812.


Daredevil and other motor stories. Book


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