Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/655

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4896831. Sulfur Becovery Onit HSM U: theraal reaction- Prepared by J, Fisher S aanaqeBieDt and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 56 p. Appl. au: Ashland Oil, Inc. O Hanaqeoent and Training Systens for Industry, Inc.; 26Hay76; i896831.

A896832. Bailey type Af 51002 foaction generator; aanual I 29(1. Prepared by Antonio L. Hontes. 1 V. Appl. au: aanageaent aid Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2flay77; A896832.

A896B33. Copes-Vulcan rotary and retractable sootblowers; aanual {1551S3. Prepared by flanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. O Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Apr77: A896833.

A89683ii. flsn 205 nitric concentration systea. Prepared by Hillis H. Bay & Haoageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Honsanto Cheaical Intecaediates Coapany. O Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; lMay77; A896834.

A896835- tfSH 105 hydrogen coapression. Prepared by H. Bichards & flanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Honsanto Cheaical Interaediates Coapany. Hanageaent and Training Systeas foe Industry, Inc.; 1Hay77; A89683S.

A896836. 210 Pipe Still Area MSB 210C-3: steaa generation. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield coapany. products OivisioD, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by D. HcDonald £ Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 »- Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. Hanageoeat and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Nay77; A896836.

A896837. Marine ara o?eryiew: aanual B700. Prepared by T. C. Strachan. 1 v. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Bay77; A896837.

A896838. Fixed scaffolding; aanual G282. Prepared by £. C. Bartoann. 1st revision, Aug. 1977- 1 v. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 29Aug77; A896838.

A896839- BSH 220 condensate recovery systea. Prepared by Hillis H. Bay & Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Bonsanto Cheaical Interaediates Coapany. O Banagoent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 8Jun77; 4896839.

A8968a0. Olefins Department HSB 2006: charge gas coapression and condensate stripping. Prepared by Shaun Kilduff G Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Petrosar. Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2aay77; A8968U0.

A896841. Panaaetrics aoisture analyzer aodel 3000; aanual A921. Prepared by Baul Bosado. 1 V. Appl. au: Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Idc. : 2Hay77; A896B41.

A896842. Transaisor neuaatico de pcesion Bailey tipo KP-13; aanual I 286S- Preparado por Antonio L. Bontes, traduccion al espanol: Antonio L. Bontes. 1 v. Appl. aa: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. NH: translation. O Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77: A8968M2.

A896d43. Sisteaas de iluainacroo; aanual E552S. Preparado por Jaaes Scott. 29 p. Appl. au: Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. NH: translation. Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 5Hay76; Ae968*3-

Ae968U4. LPO synthesis reactor; BSH 4 10. Prepared by C. Northcatt, C. BcPbecson, H. Bichards & Banageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Bonsanto Cheaical Interaediates Coapany. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industi-y, Inc.; 30Aug77; A896844.

A896845. Fisher AC2 TL 172 oultiplier/divider; aanual I 779. Prepared by Ken Goldring. 1 V. Appl. ^u: Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 24Apr76; Aa96845.

A896846. Nuovo Pig none reciprocating compressors type 2UB/2; aanual H221St5. Prepared by A. L. Dunn. 1 V. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. Banageaent and Traioinq Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 8Jun77; A896846-

A896847. Foxboro 43A pneuaatic controller; aanual 1 216. Prepared by Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. staff. 1st revision, June 1976- 1 v. Q Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Jun76; A8968U7.

A896848. fiotating pumping equipaent aaintenance report. Prepared for Comaonvealth Oil Befininq Company, prepared by 0. N. Hinoiosa. 1 v. Appl- au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 5Hay76; A696d46.

A896849. Petrocheaical Division, Styrene Departaent, Etbylbenzene Nuaber 2 Onit;, iJSB nuaber S-422: reaction and settling. Prepared by G. Boundell & Banageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd- Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Har77; A8968i*9.

4896850. Petrocheaical Division, Styrene Departaent, Etnylbenzene Nuabi^r 2 Unit, HSB number S-425: etbylbenzene recovery. Prepared by H. B, Corriqan G Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. O Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1HaE77; A896850.

A896351. Banual de orientacion. Prepared by T. F. Estrada, J. 4. Juusola G Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Exploraciones y Expiotaciooes Bineras Izabal, S.4. NH: translation. Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 20Hay76: 4896851,

A896852. Petrocheaical Division, Styrene Departaent, HSB nuaber s-451: day tanks and off-spec storage. Prepared by E. Oefiush £ Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 27Apr77; A896852.

A896e53. Foxboro 17BS buoyancy level transmitter; aanual I 247- Preftared by Baul Bosado. 1 V. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Bay77; A896853

A896854. LjungstroB air preheater cleaning device; aanual a551S1. Prepared by Eric Boscoe. 1 V. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77; A896854.

A896855. Uydrocracker Coaplex, 862 Light Ends Becovery Onit HSH 862-11: gas recovery. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by Pat Bosidivito £ Hanaqeoent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. Q Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 6Hay77; A896e55-

A896856. 861 Hydrogen Plant HSB 861-7: 3C-1A and B make up gas compressors. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. /Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. 1 V. d Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Bay77; A896856.

4896857. 210 Pipe Still Area HSH 210A-4: vacuum distillation. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield Cpapany, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by Frank D. Souder G Banageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Company. C Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77; A896857-

A896658. Uydrocrackei Coaplex, 860 Beforamq Onit HSH 860-6: reforaer splitter. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield Coapany, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by H. Boyd G Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Company. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Bay77; A896858-

A896859- Servoaotor Honeywell aodutrol; aanual I517S. Preparado por Adalbert© Vazquez. 15 p- Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. NH: tran- slation. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 27Hay76; A896859.

A896860. Petrocheaical Division, Styrene Departaent, Benzene Onit, BSB S-304: process heat recovery. Prepared by G. ^- Uatson £ Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 38 p. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. O Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; lApt76; A896860.

A896 861. Petrocheaical Division, Butadiene Departaent, B.D.B. Onit, HSB nuaber B-210: oil phenol rcaoval. Prepared by B. N. Day

£ Banageaent and Training Systeas for


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