Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/656

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A896862 - A896890
JUL-DEC. 1977

4896861 (con.) Industry. Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Q Kanaqeoent and Training systens for Industry, Inc.; 26Apr76; AB96861.

A896862. IDC property tax systea. 165 p. G printout. Appl. an; Vernon Zander. e Intercoastal Data Corporation; 1Jul77; A896862.

4896863. Cut and sew a scented skeleton for your closet. Kit. Add. ti: cut and sen a skeleton for your closet. Appl. au: Heather Marcus, whose pseud, is Heather. e Heather Harcus, vhose pseud, is Heather; 22Jnn77; A896863.

A8968eit. Addams and Hosford's Ohio probate practice and procedure. Vol. 1. Editor: Linda R- Koerbel, supervisinq editor: Jean C. aartin. Bev. 6th ed. by Chase B. Davies. 1 v. Add. ti: Addams and Hosford: Ohio probate practice. Appl. au: Anderson Publishinq Company. 3 Anderson Publishinq company: 29Jul77; A8968611.

A89686S. Bailer type KT pneumatic temperature transmitter: manual I 288. Prepared by Antonio L. aontes. 31 p. Appl. au: Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 6 Management and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 4Jun76: A896865.

AS9636e. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Departaent, Styrene Number 2 Dnit MSB number S-UtH; steam superheating and dehydroqenation step. Prepared by E. H. Bayduk £ Management and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Mar77; 4896866.

A896867. Estacion Generadora manual EX-7S: aantenimiento de la estacion generadora de reserva. Preparado por personal de Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., traduccion al espanol: Sergio Sobredo. 1 t- Appl. au; Ezploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras Izabal, S.A. MM: translation. @ fianaqemedt and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Jul77: A896867.

A89686e. Transfflisor de nivel por flotabilidad Foxboro modelo 17B; manual I 2I47S. Preparado por Haul fiosado, traduccion al espanol: Haul Bosado. 1 v. Appl. au: Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Inuustry, Inc. NM: translation. Q Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry. Inc.; 1Jul77: 4896868.

4896869. Power electricity; manual £800. Prepared by staff of Management and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1st revision, Hov. 1976. 1 v. 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 22110776: 4896869.

4896870. Olefins Department MSM 2002A: cracking and waste heat recovery. Prepared by C. P. Baker & Management and Training Systems for Industry* Inc. 1 v. Appl. au; Petcosar. O Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1i»Mar77; A896870.

A896871. Number 2 MEK Unit MSM 3: filtration. Prepared by Dick Ody & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Amoco Oil Company. Hhiting Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Amoco Oil Company. @ Management and Training systems for Industry, Inc.; 15llar77; A896871.

A896872. Olefins Department MSM 2025: condensate collection system. Prepared by Boss Smith & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au; Petrosar. 5 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 9Mar77; A896872.

A896873. Hydrogen Plant MSM 305-HMD: process cooling. H.T. shift, and steam generation. Prepared by B. Chapman, G. Artley & Management and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polyamide Intermediates, Ltd. 9 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 11Mar77: A896873.

A896874. ADtl Plant MSM 210-AOIl: cadmium removal. Prepared by K. Hayes & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polyamide Intermediates. Ltd. 9 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 14Mar77; A896874.

A896875. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Department, Ethylbenzene Number 2 Oult HSM number S-423: degassing and washing. Prepared by D. McLean G Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1aar77; A896875.

4896876. Eusamblaie de planchas y acero estructural; manual P151S. Preparado por Elmer Bartmann. traduccion al espanol; Carmen Lizarraga. 1 v. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. NM; translation. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Mar77; 4896876.

4896877. foxboro spec 200 24P * SQE square root unit; manual 1656. Prepared by T. Vernon. 1 V. Appl. au: Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry. Inc. 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; laar77; 4896877.

A896878. Number 3 ultraformer aSM 9: catalyst regeneration. Prepared by Ken Taylor & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.. issued by Amoco oil Company, Hhiting Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Amoco Oil Company, b Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 11Har77; 4896878.

4896879. 209 pipestill MSM 209-3: desalted crude preheat and pref ractionat ion. Prepared by D. MacDonald-& Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by 4tlantic Eichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfieid Company. 6 Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Mar77; A896879.

A896380. Exmibal PM-1US manejo de mata y escoria del horno electrico. Prepared by Hector Terrazas & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. ippl. au: Eiploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. 3 Management and Training Systems for Industry. Inc.; 9aar77; A896880.

A896a81. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Department asa number s-443: make gas compression. Prepared by S. Beeve & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. e Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Mar77; A896881.

4896882. Ore Plant manual PM-12: furnace electrical system. Prepared ^y Pedro Betancourt £ Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras Izabal, S.4. 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Mar77; A896882.

A896 88 3. asa 203: KA oxidation. Prepared by 8. C. DeBossette £ Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: aonsanto Chemical Intermediates Company. 6 aanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 15Jul77; 4896883.

Ae96881|. Haste Rater Treatment Plant HRTP-1: unit overview. Prepared by J. B. Perrett 6 Management and Training systems for Industry. Inc.. issued by Atlantic Bichfieid company. Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfieid Company. 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry. Inc.; 1Mar77; A896884.

A8968e5. Dso del megometro. Manual E511S. Preparado por B. Schultz. 40 p. Appl. au: aanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. NM: translation. O aanagement and Training Systems for Industry. Inc.; 1Apr76; A896885.

A896886. Vacuum Distillation Dnit. manual number 4: steam generation. Prepared by Bill Vaughn t aanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.. issued by Ashland Petroleum Company. Number 1 Befinery Lube oil Plant. 1 V. Appl. au; Ashland Petroleum Company. 6 aanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 4aay77: 4896686.

4896887. 4mmonia off-loading, storage and distribution. Bo. MSM 416. Prepared by V. Bichards £ Management and Training Systems for Industry. Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Monsanto chemical Intermediates Company. & Management and Training Systems for Industry. Inc. ; 19Aug77; 4896887.

A896888. Petrochemical Division. Styrene Number 2 Department. MSB number S-4ei: acid handling and chrome reduction. Prepared by 0. McLean G Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry. Inc. ; 2May77; A896888.

A896889. Bomba Milton Hoy "Hilroyal." Manual H220S. suplemento 9. Preparado por T. U. Thomas. 42 p^ Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. NM: translation. aanagement and Training Systems for Industry. Inc. ; 29Jun76; A8968e9.

A896890. Kent Tieghi flexair pneumatic recorder, aanual I 343. Prepared by J. Rood. 34 p. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.;

1Apr76; A896890.


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