Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/796

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A902505 - A902542
JUL-DEC. 1977

A902505. Financial aid planning guide. 11 p. Appl. au: Alan M. Donley. Financial Analysis Service; 70ct77: A902505.

A9a250e. Truth. 1 p. Appl. au: Jaaes P. Lydon. Janes P. Lydon; 12Jal77: A90 2506.

A902507. Hystlz stixs. Card. Appl. au: Rillian B. Colqan. NH: changes & additions, e Coltec Diversified Enterprises, Inc.; 10Oct77; A902S07.

A902508. Letter your ova personal university and college "degree" diplomas. 2 p. Appl. au: Nick P. Kotos, Sr. (Onidocs) e Dnidocs; 9Jul77; A902508.

A902509. Century old-classic recipes from castles and Danor houses o£ English, Irish and Scottish lords. Coapiled by Ralter A. Kerr. 8 p. Baiter Kerr; 120ct77; A902509.

A902510. Personality questionnaire. By Gerard T. Nonak. 1 V. e Restern Hicbician Oniversity; 29Sep77; A9025l0.

A902511. Social Studies. Grade 1. 5 p. Archdiocese of Philadelphia* Office of the Superintendent of Schools; 2Sep77; A902511.

A902512. Social Studies. Grade 5. 17 p. O Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of the Superintendent of Schools; 2Sep77; A902512.

A902513. Social Studies. Grade 1. 16 p. Archdiocese of Philadelphia, office of the Superintendent of Schools; 2Sep77; A902513.

A90251lt. Social Studies. Grade 3. 6 p. 6 Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of the Superintendent of Schools: 2Sep77; A9a251it.

A902515. Social Studies. Grade 2. 5 p. Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of the Superintendent of Schools; 2Sep77: A902515.

A902516. "Oni-score" rules, instructions and value sheets. 11 p. e 2 p. Add. ti: "Oni-score" with aces wild. Appl. au: Bobert Cline Clayton. O Robert Cline Clayton; 18Sep77; A902516.

A902517. Hetropolitan from the First Presbyterian Church to the Public Library. Prepared by Truman Gervais Beed & Joan B. Milsson, presented by the Seattle Public Library. 1 V. (Art in Seattle's public places: five urban walking tours, the 3rd itinerary) Gervais Beed 6 Jo Kilsson; 80ct77; A902517.

A902518. Docunent for analysis for aid. Folder. Appl. au: Fraopton Davis. Q Associates for Financial Analysis; 70ct77; A902518.

A902519. tsetallurgical laboratory aanual. By Sidney H. Avner & Sankar Sastri, photos.; J. C. Pappadopulos. 62 p. Coamunity college Press; 30ct77 ; A90 2519. Britten by Frank

A902521. The core content review of fanily medicine. Ho. 1, answers & explanations. 1977-78 ed. 1 v. Connecticut Academy of Family Physicians & Ohio Academy of Family Physicians; 1«Oct77; A902521.

A902522. The Core content review of family medicine. No. 1. 1977-78 ed. 1 v. Q Connecticut Academy of Family Physicians & Ohio Academy of Family Physicians; 27Sep77; A902522.

A902523. Boliday funsongs; primary. 12 p. Appl. au: Ed Harris, e Ed Harris; 10ct77; A902523.

A90252a. More holiday funsongs; intermediate. 12 p. Appl. au: Ed Harris. O Ed Harris; 10ct77; A902524.

A902525. The Harmonic transformation theory. Book 1: a general introd. , the equivalence of mass and change. 367 p. Appl. au: Aram Christian Abajian. 3 Aram Christian Abajian; 120ct77; A902525.

A902526. Kiowa scalp and victory dance songs. Jacket notes by Glenn A. Bhite, cover art by Jerry Ingram. Becord jacket. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46267. Appl. au: Canyon Becords. Additional photo & balance of text used on Canyon *C-6145. NH: smaller photo, is new & approx. one-half of text on jacket back is new. Baymond A. Boley & Hary E. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Becords; 13Apr77; A902526.

A902527. Kiowa Black Leggings Society songs, war mothers' songs & flag song. Becord jacket. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Nil6268. O Baymond A. Boley e Hary E. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Becords; 13Apr77; A902527.

A90252e. Little Pine Singers: Cree pow-wow songs. Notes by wilf Tootoosis, cover art by Anthony Honahnie. Becord jacket. Accompanied by sound recording* reg. Nt6269. Appl. au: Canyon Becords. Baymond A. Boley t Hary E. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Becords; 3Aug77; A902528.

A902529. Toung Grey Horse Society: songs of the Blackfeet. Notes by Bayne Bear Medicine, Mrs. Bayne Bear Medicine & The Young Grey Horse Society. Becord jacket. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46270. e Baymond A. Boley 6 Hary E. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Records; 4May77; A902529.

A902530. Scratch encores with Virgil Molina. Photos, by Bichard Loutzenheiser. Becord jacket. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NI16271. Appl. au: Canyon Becords. Q Raymond A. Boley & Mary £. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Becords; 28Jun77; A902530.

A902531. Midnight sweetheart and other squaw dance songs. Becord jacket. 6 Baymond A. Boley e Mary E. Boley d.b.a. Canyon Becords: 1Sep77; A902531.

A902532. Children and adults. Produced by Parents' Magazine Films, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Parents' Magazine Enterprises, Inc. , prepared under the supervision of the editors of Parents' Magazine. 5 v., folder £ 5 filmstrips- (Mothers and fathers, set 1) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46273, in box. © Parents' Magazine Films, Inc.; 30Sep77; A902532.

A902533. Family relationships. Produced by Parents' Magazine Films, Inc. , a wholly owned subsidiary of Parents' Magazine Enterprises, Inc., prepared under the supervision of the editors of Parents' Magazine. 5 v. , folder 6 5 filmstrips. (Mothers and fathers, set 2) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N'1627't, in box. 6 Parents* Magazine Films, Inc.; 30Sep77; A902533.

A902534. Hother/father roles. Produced by Parents' Magazine Films, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Parents' Magazine Enterprises, Inc., prepared under the supervision of the editors of Parents' Magazine. 5 v., folder & 5 filmstrips. (Mothers and fathers, set 3) Accompanied by sound recording, reg- N46275, in box. e Parents' Magazine Films, Inc.; 30Sep77; A902534.

A90253S. Changes in the family. Produced by Parents' Magazine Films, Inc. , a wholly, owned subsidiary of Parents' Magazine Enterprises, Inc., prepared under the supervision of the editors of Parents' Magazine. 5 v. , folder & 5 filmstrips. (Mothers and fathers, set 4) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46276, in box. Q Parents* Magazine Films, Inc.; 30Sep77; A902535.

A902536. Baptism; its importance, its subjects, its mode. By Billiam B. Pardee. 61 p. Q Begular Baptist Press; 30Aug77; A902536.

A902537. How year-end gifts can increase the tax benefits you gain for the help you give us. 7 p. (Opportunities: response to research, vol. 1, no. 3) Appl. au: Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. O Oklahoma Medical Besearch Foundation; 29Nov76; A902537.

A902 538. Child protective services standards. Folder. 6 The American Humane Asso- ciation; 1Sep77; A90253B.

A902539. Discipline, your child and you. By Bobert Billiam Blum S Lynn A. Blum. 9 p. Appl. au: The American Humane Association. 3 The American Humane Association; 1Sep77; A902539.

A902540. The Healing clay. By Michel Ahehsera. 94 p. Portions prev. pub. in Our earth our cure. NM: revisions & additions. e Swan House Publishing Company: 3Jan77 (on copy: in part, copyright by Swan House Publishing Comfiany . . . Library of Congress catalog card number 76-55142); A902540.

A902541. Bhat caused Legionnaire's Disease? By George D. Hanks. Ill p. George D. Hanks; 10Aug77; A902541.

A902542. Anybody could easily have dreamed: The Holy Bible, post-script (Christ revisited) come read it and help tame the world. By Pinkie, the Space Monkey, pseud, of Jack Noodrow Clapper. 114 p. e Jack Boodrow Clapper d.b.a. Pinkie, the Space Monkey;

31Aug77; A902542.


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