Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/800

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A902667 - A902710
JUL-DEC. 1977

4902667. Stewardship helps, part 1; how to run a successful every-neBber-canvass, part 2z what tithicq is all about (The Kurth- Zehnder plan) 1 v. 4ppl. au: eehId Kurth & HermaD Zehuder. 6 stevardsbip Helps, lointly owned by Erwin Kurth 6 Herman Zehnder; 204ug77: 4902667.

4902668. Learning laoquage at hone. Developed by aerie B. Karnes. 55 p. 6 cards in box. 4ppl. au: The Council for Exceptional Children, employer for hire. Q The Council for Exceptional children; 124pr77; 4902668.

4902669. Ingenuity. Kit. 6 Ingenuity, a.a.d. for Ingenuity Game company; 13Hov76; 4902669.

4902670. Corner The Market, the commodity trading game. Created by Paul Christian, pseud, of Paul Christian Von Baveosberg* artwork by Larry Zubrick. Kit. Paul C. Von Bavensberq & 4nthony L. Carone d.b.a. Atlantis Game Company; 20ct77; 4902670.

4902671. Investment management service. 8 p. The Valley National Bank of 4rlzona: 23&ug77: 4902671.

4902672. nonthly charted fishing and hunting times for the year 1978- By flalvin Daniel Barnett, Sr. 11th annual ed. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Dan Barnett" s Charted times for fishing and hunting; monthly charted fishing and -hunting times for the year 1978. © ». Dan Barnett; 314ug77 (in notice: 1978); 4902672.

4902673. Zone diameter template for antibiotic susceptibility testing- 1 v. in envelope. S Hedical Service Proiects, Inc.; 27Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4902673.

4902674. Chord chart; for piano and organ. Card. 4ppl. au: Orville S. Harrington. e Orville G. Harrington; 304ug77; 4902671.

4902675. Don't ask them why? By Joseph P. Buggiero, illus. by Harty Brady. HI p. e Joseph F. Buggiero & Sarty Brady (in notice: Joe Buggiero S Marty Brady); 54ug77; 4902675.

4902676. 4 Book. By John P. Minarik. 2nd ed. 24 p. Some poems prev. appeared in Backspace 6 others. John P. Minarik; 8Jul77; 4902676.

4902677. L. 4. cop, peacemaker in blue. By Bob Vernon. 146 p. 4ppl. au: Impact Books, employer for hire. Impact Books, a division of The Benson Company: 30ct77; 4902677.

4902678. Help! I'm a woman! By Beverly Mattox. 80 p. Begular Baptist Press: 30Sep77: 4902678.

4902679. Beyond the manger: a church Christmas program. By Gladys Doonan. 25 p. e Begular Baptist Press; 16Sep77; 4902679.

4902680. Bhat is a kitten? By Betty Pratt, illus. by the author. 16 p. e Betty Pratt; 15Jul77; 4902680.

4902681. Yesterday again. By Dixie Clifton, pseud, of Katrina Louise Kraus. 53 p. e Dixie Clifton; 22Sep77; 4902661.

4902682. Two became one became two. By Joseph Stuart Green. Card. Q Joseph Stuart Green; 4Sep77; 4902582.

4902683. 4 Med cruise: a true story about a sailor's life on a Meditteranean (sic) cruise. By Edwardo Leonardo DiGirolamo- 85 p. Q Edward Leonard DiGlrolamo (in notice: Edwardo Leonardo DiGlrolamo) ; 1Sep77; 4902683.

4902684. The Seed. Britten by Marylis Muh- Ihauser, pictures by Toni Evins, Spanish language by 41 Sauseda, Bula Papagian- nopoulos, Henry Pascual & Rebecca Benjamin. 25 p. 4dd. ti: La Semilla. Spanish £ English, e Marylis Huhlbauser 6 Toni Evins; 10ct77; 4902684.

4902685. Brave for Jesus. 10 p. 4ppl. au; Heini 4rnold. Plough Publishing House of the Soodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 24ug77; 4902685.

4902686. The Journals of El Dorado. By S. T. Conatser 6 Karl Von Mueller. 370 p. e S. T. Conatser S Gladyce M. Miller; 26Sep77; 4902686.

4902687. Transfer kit number 132-T. 2 posters 6 sheets (2 p.) in envelope. 6 The McCall Pattern Company; 21Jul77; 4902687.

4902688. Transfer kit number 133-T. 2 posters £ 1 p. in envelope. The McCall Pattern Company; 21Jul77: 4902688.

4902689. Transfer kit number 134-T. 2 posters 6 1 p. in envelope. Q The McCall Pattern Company; 21Jul77; 4902689.

4902690. Sour Lake, including Nome, TZ, telephone directory, September 1977. Q Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 27Sep77; 4902690.

4902691. Dressmaker pin-notes. 1 v- 4ppl. au: Lorraine Spencer- 6 Lorraine Spencer; 21Jun77; 4902691-

4902692. The Art of juggling. By Ken Benge. 137 p. e iorld Publications; 13Jal77; 4902692.

4902693. Costume display technigues. By Karyn Jean Harris. 90 p. 6 4merican 4sso- ciation for State and Local History; 314ug77; 4902693.

4902694. Kelly girl. 15 p. Kelly Services, Inc.; 3May77; 4902694.

4902695. Hhat's new in the office? 1 v. Kelly Services, Inc.; 3May77; 4902695.

4902696. How to find a house to renovate in Hashington, oc. By B. J. Turner, photos, by the author. 175 p. O B. J. Turner; 29JU177; 4902696.

4902697. Voices of the new feminism. Edited by Mary Lou Thompson. 235 p. NM; foreword e postscript. O Mary Lou Thompson; 9Dec76 (in notice: 1970, 1975); 4902697.

4902698. Sun god solves enigma. By Joe B. Duchie. 23 p. Joe B. Duchie; 7Sep77; 4902698.

4902699. "ay home town" Cedarville, Kansas. 4 brief history by Doris H. Swank. 54 p. Doris M- Swank; 29May77; 4902699.

4902700. 4 Model career counseling and placement program. By 4ndre G. Beaumont, Alva C. Cooper e Baymond H. Stockard. 367 p. 4ppl. au: College Placement Services^ Inc. NH: new text. p. 1-45. College Placement Services, Inc. ; 2Sep77: 4902700.

4902701. Rhy we came back to 4merica: a confession about the foreign automobile ripoff in 4merica. By Sharon Leigh, pseud, of Sharon B. Feinsod. 95 p. O Sharon B. Feinsod — whose pseud, is Sharon Leigh; 18Jun77; 4902701.

4902702. The Study of the mind. By James E- Hayberry- 113 p. NM: revisions & additions. James E. Mayberry Publisher, Inc. ; 25May77; 4902702.

4902703. Bisk. By Boger Lowell Matus for H. Gonedes. Printout. O Boger Lowell Hatus; 9Sep77; 4902703.

4902704. C4LPGM calibration program; version 1.0. Written by Frank HacLachlan. Printout. 4ppl. au: Gamma Scientific, Inc. Gamma Scientific, Inc.; 16Jul76: 4902704.

4902705. 4rchitecture. By 4udrey Borenstein. Poster. O on text; 4adrey Borenstein; 20May77; 4902705.

4902706. 4 Tightrope walker. By 4rden Fleetwood, pseud, of Joan Byllesby. 222 p. Joan Byllesby, pseud: 4rden Fleetwood; 74pr77 (in notice: 1975) ; 4902706.

4902707. On economic knowledge: toward a science of political economics. By Adolph Lowe. 351 p. Originally pub. as Horld perspectives, vol. 35. NM; pref. & pt. 5. Adolph Lowe; 22Aug77; 4902707.

4902708. Selected papers on precalculus. Edited by Tom M. 4postol & others. 469 p. (The Baymond H. Brink selected mathematical papers, vol. 1) 4ppl. au: The Mathe- matical Association of 4merica. Portions prev. pub. in 4merican mathematical monthly, vol. 1-81 & Mathematics magazine, vol. 1-49. HM: compilation. O The Mathematical 4ssociation of 4merica, Inc. ; 154ug77; 4902706.

4902709. Observations and studies in the ruins of Palengue. 4uthor: Eduard Seler, translated by Gisela Horgner, edited by Thomas Bartman & George Kubler, compiled by Merle Greene Bobertson. 92 p. Original ti.: Beobachtungen und studien in den Buinen von Palengue. NM: English translation. O Bobert Louis Stevenson School; 13May77; 4902709.

A902710. Tune-in. Presented by Treasures, Inc., director: Cathy Davis, assisted by Marsha Hodersohn fi Patty fioada, producers: Donna

Marie Lajcak e Jessie Cambic. 152 p.


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