Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/801

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JUL-DEC. 1977

t902710 (con.) (Treasures, Inc., »ol. 3) Add. ti: Bolinqbrook Biqh School — 1977. O 1977 Bolinqbrook Hlqh School Tear book Staff; 10Sep77: 4902710.

i902711. The Study of traosaaaaary, transaissioD of hookxora. Br Hary Jane PfeiCle. 41 p. aacT jane pfeifle; 2Auq76: A902711.

1902712. Panhandle pilqriaaqe: illustrated tales tracinq history in the Texas panhandle. By Pauline Ourcett Eobertson e B. L. fiobertson. 369 p. Staked Plains Press, Inc.: 1Jun76: A902712.

A902713. Give ae a aountain aeadow: the life of Charles Fayette HcGlashan (1847-1931) iaaqinative lawyer-editor of the Biqh Sierra, who saved the Doaner story froa oblivion and launched vinter sports in the iest. By Hariel Nona acGlashan. 248 p. O Valley Publishers; 30Auq77; A902713.

A902714. East of the Gabilans: the ranches, the towns, the people — yesterday and today. By Marlorie Pierce, foreword by Barnaby Concad. 194 p. NO: text, pictures e aaps. Valley Publishers: 2SApe77 (in notice: 1976); A902714.

A90271S. Visiting our past: Aaerica's histor- ylands. Editor: Gilbert H. Grosvenor. 400 p. Appl. au: National Geographic Society. NH: text e additional pictorial aatter. Hational Geoqraphic Society: 40ct77; A902715.

A902716. Visiting our past: a suppleaental guide to selected sites. Coapiled, written 6 edited by Hary H. Dickinson 6 other editors. 1 v. Appl. au: National Geoqraphic Society. O National Geoqraphic Society; 40ct77: A902716.

A902717. An Introduction to building science. By Jens G. Pohl. 396 p. O Jeus G. Pohl; 26Sep77: A902717.

A902718. Engineering fundaaentals for electrical engineering technicians. By Lawrence P. Berte. 1 v. Appl. au: Hichael B. Lindeburg. Portions prev. pub. as Engineer- in-training review notes. HB: additions. Lindeburg Enqineering Services, solely owned by aichael B. Lindeburg; 3Har77; A902718.

A902719. A Manual of pre-clinical fixed prosthodontics. By George E. Hyers, Bobert E. Lorey, Joseph A. Clayton, J. Sussell Anderson, Jr., E. Bichard HcPhee, Charles N. Fusilier, Ronald P. Shaffer, Balph G. silvey. Arnold Baker, Lennart a. Lofstroa £ Herle a. Jaarda. 1 v. Add. ti: Crown and bridge. Na: revisions. School of Dentistry, Oniversity of aichiqan; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A902719.

A902720. An Outline of fixed prosthodontics. By George E. ayers, Bobert E. Lorey, Joseph A. Clayton e E. Bichard acPhee. 461 p. Add. ti: An Outline for fixed prost- hodontics. Na: revisions. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 5Jan77; A902720.

A902721. The Child's construction of knowledge: Piaget for teaching children. By George S. Foraan £ David S. Kuschner. 243 p. O Radsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 16Sep77: A902721.

A902722. Statistics in political and behavioral science. By Dennis Jaaes Paiuabo. 469 p. NB; additions £ revisions. Coluabia Oniversity Press; 18Jul7 7; A902722.

A902723. Adlai Stevenson and the world: the life of Adlai E. Stevenson. By John Bartlow Hartin. 946 p. NB: additional text. John Bartlow Bartin; 70ct77; A902723.

A902724. Pinocchio was nosey: grandson of puns, gags, quips and riddles. By Boy Doty. 1 V. O Boy Doty; 70ct77; A902724.

A902725. The Parenting advisor. By The Princeton Center for Infancy, general editor: Prank Caplan. 569 p. NB: additional text. The Princeton Center for Infancy and Early Childhood; 12Auq77; A902725.

A902726. Against all eneaies. A novel by Ervin S. Duggan £ Ben J. lattenberq. 456 p. O Ervln S. Duggan £ Ben J. Uattenberg; 70ct77; A902726.

A902727. The Problea of stuttering: theory and therapy. Edited by Bobert H. Bleber. 211 p. O Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.; 16Jun77; A902727.

A90272B. Introduction to the aechanics of viscous fluids. By Pau-chanq Lu. 440 p. NB: additions £ revisions. O Beaisphere Publishing Corporation; 14Sep77; A902728.

A902729. Tactics. Vol. 13, 1976. Editor: Edward Bunter. 1 v. O Edward Bunter; 20Sep77; A902729.

A902730. The Honourable schoolboy. By John Le Carre, pseud, of David Cornwell, illustrated by Ben F. Uohlberg. 546 p. on new text; John Le Carre, a pseud, for David Cornwell; 22Aug77; A902730.

A902731. The Niqhtaares of Geraniua Street. By Susan Bichards Shreve. 127 p. Susan Shreve; 22Aug77; A902731.

A902732. Bevolutionary ladies. By Philip young. 225 p. on text, coapilation £ revision; Philip Young; 30Auq77; A902732.

A902733. fiinner take all: the trans-Canada canoe trail. By David Sievert Lavender. 363 p. O David Lavender; 22Sep77; A902733.

A902734. Dynaaic business strategy: the art of planning for success. By Theodore A. Saith. 285 p. O acGraw-Hill, Inc.; 22Sep77; A902734.

A902735. Learning disability: the unrealized potential. By Alan 0. Boss. 202 p. Alan 0. Boss; 23Sep77; A902735.

A902736. Bandbook of stainless steels. By Donald Peckner 6 Irving Beivin Bernstein. 1 v- BcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 22Sep77; A902736.

A902737. Uoaen see aeo. lotrod. fi text by Ingrid Benqis, art direction by Geri Davis, editors: Yvonne Kalaus, Bikki Bipp £ Cheryl Hiesenfeld. 122 p. on selection £ arr. of photos.; Yvonne Kalaus, Bikki Bipp, Cheryl Biesenfeld; 14Sep77; A902737.

A902738. Boaen see aen. Introd. £ text by Ingrid Benqis, art direction by Geri Davis, editors: Yvonne Kalaus, Bikki Bipp £ Cheryl Hiesenfeld. 122 p. O on introd. £ text; Ingrid Benqis; 14Sep77; A90273B.

A902739. Obstetrics and gynecology annual. Vol. 6, 1977. Editor: Balph H. Bynn. 403 p. Appleton-Century-Crof ts, a publishing division of Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 19Sep77; A902739.

A902740. The Bany lives of Benjaain Franklin. Uritten down £ illustrated by Aliki, pseud, of Aliki Brandenberg. 1 v. O Aliki Brandenberg; 26Sep77; A902740.

A902741. Onassis: an extravagant life. By Frank Brady. 218 p. O Frank Brady; 17Aug77; A902741. (3rd print., deposited)

A902742. Private industry in a public world. By Curt Nicolin. 127 p. Adapted froa Bakt och ansvar. NB: additional text £ editorial revisions. Addison- Besiey Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 26Jul77; A902742.

A902743. Green book, 77-78; distributors fi aauuf acturers confidential beauty £ barber buying guide. 231 p. O Service Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; A902743.

A902744. Eastward hal By Sidney Joseph Perelaaji. 126 p. Bajor part of text appeared in Travel and leisure. O S. J. Perelaan; 19Sep77; A902744.

A902745. Eastward ha! By Sidney Joseph Perelaan. 126 p. e on illus. ; Albert Hirschfeld; 19Sep77; A902745.

A902746. Decorating ideas for casual living. By Barbara Taylor Bradford. 237 p. Barbara Taylor Bradford; 4Aug77: A902746.

A902747. SiDon's List book. By Howard Siaons. 449 p. O Howard Siaons; 12Hay77: A902747.

A902748. Aaerican philosophy from Edwards to Quine. Edited £ with an introd. by Bobert H. Shahan £ Kenneth B. Berrill. 200 p. University of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the Oniversity; 40ct77; A902748.

A902749. Disorders of the patello-f eaoral joiat. By B. Paul Float £ David S. Hungerford. 249 p. O The Billiaas and uilkins coapany; 22Sep77; A902749.

A902750. Perinatal aedicine: aanageaent of the high risk fetus and neonate. By fionald J. Bolognese £ Bichard H. Schwarz. 306 p. The Billiaas and Hilkins Coapany; 27Sep77; A902750.

A902751. The Synthesis of prostaglandins. By Abhijit aitra, foreword by Gilbert Stork. 444 p. John alley and Sons, Inc. ;

15Sep77; A902751.


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