Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/946

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JUL-DEC. 1977

J908550. Portland, OK, street address telephone directory. May 1977. C Pacific Sorthuest Bell Telephone Company; 26&pr77; 1908550.

4908551. Staten Island, NT, address telephone directory, October 7, 1977. 6 Ne« York Telephone Coupany; 70ct77: 4908551.

4906552. Queens, NY, address telephone directory, October t, 1977. C New York Telephone company; 10ct77; 4908552.

A908553. The Bronx, N7, address telephone directory, October 13, 1977. 6 New York Telephone Company; 130ct77: 4908553.

49085514. Southern Bestchester, NY, address telephone directory, September 19, 1977. e New York Telephone Company; 19Sep77: 49085511.

4908555. Danger ahead. &rt 6 desiqn by Miller Pope, Jr. 32 p. (Reading plus, level A) 4ppl. au: 4ddison-llesley Publishing Company, Inc. Q 4ddison'Nesley Publishing Company, Inc.: 1Har76; 4908555.

4908556. Two champions. 4rt & design by Miller Pope, Jr. 32 p. (Beading plus, level A) 4ppl. au: 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company. 6 4ddisoD-llesley Publishing Company, Inc.: 1Jul76: 4908556.

4908557. One of a kind. 4rt & design by Miller Pope, Jr. 31 p. (Beading plus, level 4) 4ppl. au: 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company. @ 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Mar76; 4908557.

4908558. Sour grapes. Art £ desiqn by Miller Pope, Jr. 3 2 p. (Beading plus, level 4) 4ppl. au: 4ddiEon-flesley Publishing Company. © Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jul76; 4908558.

4908559. Federal rules of evidence. 38 p. Distributed as a suppl. to the video handbook Practical trial evidence. Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation & additional text. @ Practising Law Institute; 20Oct77: 4908559.

4908560. Operating losses and tax considerations in insolvency, 1977. 264 p. (Tax law and estate planning series: tax law practice course handbook series, no. 114) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 170ct77: 4908560.

4908561. Industrial development and pollution control financing. 536 p. (Tax law and estate planning series: tax law practice course handbook series, no. 113) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NH: compilation £ additional text. Q Practising Law Institute; 170ct77: 49 08561.

4908562. Update '77. 576 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 172) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. S Practising Law Institute; 1Nov77: A908562.

A908563. Ninth Annual Institute on Securities Bequlation. Vol. 1-2. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 257) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NH: compilation G additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 1Nov77; A908563.

A90856l(. Eepresenting professional and college sports teams and leagues. 720 p. (Patents, copyrights, trademarks and literary property course handbook series, no. 84) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation & additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 23Jun77; 4908564.

4908565. Trusts, estates and fiduciary practice after the Tax reform act of 1976. 560 p. (Estate planning and administration course handbook series, no. 77) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation 8 additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 5May77; A908565.

A908566. Products liability of manufacturers: prevention and defense. 744 p. (Litigation and administrative practice series) (Litigation course handbook series, no. 106) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation £ additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; 4908566.

4908567. Basic labor relations, 1977. 768 p. (Litigation and administrative practice series) (Litigation course handbook series, no. 104) 4ppl. au: Practising Law Institute. 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. © Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; 4908567.

4908568. Hospital liability: current problems, 1977. chairman: Lee S. Goldsmith. 160 p. (Litigation and administrative practice series) (Litigation course handbook series, no. 107) 4ppl. au: Practising Law Institute. 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; 4908568.

4908569. Litigating an antitrust case. Chairman: Michael Halina. 168 p. (Litigation and administrative practice series) (Li- tigation course handbook series, no. 105) 4ppl. au: Practising Law Institute. 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. MM: compilation £ additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; 4908569.

A908570. College choirs at Christmas. IS p. NH: compilation, arr. £ editing of song texts, arr. of photos., additional text, article by James B. Bjorge £ song title index. © Book-of-the-Month Club, Inc.; 190ct77; A908570.

A908571. Sectets. By Skip Scarborough 6 P. Pilate. On 2 p. insert for album entitled Con funk shun. © Onichappell Music, Inc. E Val-ie Joe Music; 15Aug77: A908571.

4908572. 4 Guide to the determinants of capital investment. Conference Board report no. 721. By Elliot S. Grossman. 41 p. Appl. au: The conference Board, Inc. S The Conference Board, Inc.; 3Aug77; A908572.

A908573. The Political economics of today's antitrust. Information bulletin no. 25, Aug. 1977. 19 p. © The Conference Board, Inc. ; 184ug77; 4908573.

4908574. Community economic development program: the private sector view in nine cities. Information bulletin no. 26, July 1977. By Leonard Lund. 11 p. 4ppl. au: The Conference Board, Inc. 3 The Conference Board, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4908574.

A908575. Corporate organization structures: service companies. Conference Board report no. 722. By Allen R. Janger. 103 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board, Inc. © The Conference Board, Inc.; 19Aug77; A908575.

4908576. VIOP job functions inventory: MOIS access. 14 p. 4ppl. au: Kenneth J. Shaw £ John K. Bosker. © VIOP, Inc.; 154ug77; A908576.

4908577. Guidelines. By Eugene D. Chiles, Jr. 1 V. © Eugene D. Chiles, Jr.; 19Sep77; 4908577.

4908578. Museum for Country and Bestern music; agreement. 5 p. 4ppl. au: Edward Huffman. © Edward Huffman; 254ug77; 4908578.

4908579. The Family budget minder and financial record system. 29 p. 4ppl. au: James 4. Bobb. © J and N Enterprises; 15Nov76: 4908579.

4908580. History of Massena, the Orphan Town. By Eleanor L. Dumas £ Nina E. Dumas, illustrated by Jane 4shley. 194 p. © Eleanor L. Dumas £ Nina E. Dumas; 19Sep77; 4908580.

4908581. Now that you are my teacher. Folder (8 p.) Appl. au: Mary E. Sheldon, Pete Garcia £ Liz Cantrell. © High Plains Epilepsy 4ssociation; 19Sep77; 4908581.

A908582. Psychosocial typology of substance abusers. Pt. 1-2. By 4rie Cohen. 1 v. Based on a presentation at the National Drug 4buse Conference, 1977. 6 Arie Cohen; 13Jul77; A908582.

A908583. It's great to be on the Lord's side; a book of poems. Britten by Susan Gail Sartain. 8 p. 3 Susan Gail Sartain; 12Feb77: 4908583.

A908584. Buildings committee packet. 13 p. O The J. E. Doty Company (in notice: J. E. Doty) ; 184ug77; 4908584.

4908585. Family and Proverbs. Quotations from New 4merican Standard Bible, Proverbs 31:10-31, illustrated by Pamela Susan Sipe (Pan sipe) 1 v. © Pamela Susan Sipe (Pam Sipe); 14Jun77; 4908585.

A908586. Optometric Extension Program, continuing education courses. Vol. 50, Nov. 1977. 1 V. © Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.; 240ct77; 4908586.

4908587. Baycomp-100 operator training manual, September 1977. 1 v. O Baytheon Company; 22Sep77; 4908587.


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