Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/947

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4908589 - 1908630
JUL-DEC. 1977

4908588 (con.) semice aanual. 1 ». Add. ti: I-Y recorder 7010B. C Heulett-Pacltard coapaoy/SaD Dieqo Division (in notice: Healett- Packard) : 154<iq77; 4908588.

4908589. 98724 graphics plotter; operating and service aanual. 1 v. Add. ti: Graphics plotter 9872A. Heiilett-Packard Coapanv/San Oieqo Division (in notice: Be«lett-Pacicard) ; 15Sep77; 4908589.

4908590. Sadtler standard carbon- 13 NUB spectra. Vol. 11-1<(. Sheets. Sadtler Besearcfa Laboratories, Inc. « subsidiary Bloc)c Enqineerinq. Inc.; 27Har77: A908590.

4908591. San Harcos. »ith Hartindale, TX, exchanqe telephone directory » 1978. San Harcos Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 270ct77 ; A908591.

4 908 592. Mineral Hells, includinq Hillsap. TI, telephone directory, October 1977. O Southvestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 270ct77; 4908592.

4908593. Beat the auabers: Daily Lottery Results, Inc. 20 p. Appl. au: Harcay A. Davis. Na: update of statistical coapilations 6 revision of table of contents. Hurray 4. Davis: 250ct77: 4908593.

4908594. Barbershoppers do it with all H parts. SticKer. 4ppl. au: Charles B. Tinqley. O Charles H. Tinqley: 120ct77: 4908591.

4908595. Soul food: black Aaerican recipes. 60 p. Appl. au: Albert I)cner. O 41bert IJcner; 290ct77: A908595.

A908S96. Ponderinqs. By Lil» pseud, of Lillian Tsenbart. 1 v. Lillian Ysenbart; 280ct77; A908596.

A908597. Classical cookinq and aore. By flarqaret Hundley Harinq. 132 p. O Harqaret Hundley Harinq; 250ct77; A908597.

A908598. Frequency- shift, audio-tone protective relayinq systea; aanual of instructions. Ser. 67115. 1 V. Add. ti: Hanual of instructions, series 6715, frequency- shift, audio-tone protective relayinq systea. VH; revision. BFL Industries, Inc.; 260ct77: A908598.

A908599. Boae Planners 185 hoaes; one-story desiqns over 2,000 square feet. Vol. 2, book no. 8<l. By Bichard B. Pollaan, desiqner. 172 p. Add. ti: 185 hoaes — one story desiqns over 2,000 square feet. Appl. au: Hoae Planners, Inc. Nil: additional illustrative aaterial. Hoae Planners, Inc.; 7oct77: A908599.

4908600. Hedical records procedures aanual. By Steven OeAlaeida. 138 p. Appl. au: Hidwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqraa, Inc. O Hidwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqraa, Inc.; 1Peb77; A908600.

A908e01. The De Laval stand-by alternators size selectinq data. 1 v. Appl. au: Bichard Hoysey. The De Laval Separator Coapany: 29Sep77; A908601.

A908602. Hedia 3 for Tounq In vators: on the Bove. 8 V. Add. ti: Hedia 3/grapeviQe. Nfl: additional text e pictorial natter. lounq Innovators, Inc.; 28oct77; 4908602.

4908603. Kostick's Perception and preference inventory (P4PI) system. 1 v. Add. ti: PAPI: Kostick's perception and preference inventory. Appl. au: Han a. Kostick (H. H. Kostick). NH: new coapllation of prev. pub. aaterial & additional text £ editorial revisions, e H. H. Kostick; 200ct77; A908603.

490860U. Lowell area, HA, NU, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. O New England Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 310ct77; 4908601.

4908605. SPI quide to portfolio analysis. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Donald J. Swire. The Strateqic Planainq Institute; 30ct77; 4908605.

A908606. Questions you can ask the Pias data bases; or, Problea solving with AQD. 1 v. Appl. au: Hark Chussil S Boberta Bauer. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908606.

A908607. Pricing in business strategy. 1 v. Appl. au: Stephen B. Land. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908607.

A908608. The Pias "English-speaking" analysis of a business. Folder. Appl. au: Jeroae Hiller. O The strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908608.

4908609. The Beport on "look-alikes." 8 p- 4ppl. au; Joaquia Branco. G The strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908609.

A908610. Couplinq. 1 V. Appl. au; Donald F. Heany. The strateqic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908610.

A908611. Pias planning qaide qrow-share case study: Aa2Llgaaated Betail. 36 p. Appl. au: Donald Hitchell. e The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908611.

A908612. Businesses whose BOI is above par or below par aove toward par. 8 p. Appl. au: Bradley T. Gale, e The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908612.

4908613. The Pias strategy report--an overview. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Jaaes Conlin. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908613.

4908611. Soae factors influencing changes in aarket share. 1 v. Appl. au: B. Valerie Kijewski. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908611.

A908615. PIHS planning guide case study: Global Cheaicals, Inc., Fats and Oils Division. 1 V. Appl. au: Gerard Badler. The strateqic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908615.

4908616. Key factors influencing eaployee productivity. 1 v. Appl. ao: Bradley T. Gale. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908616.

4908617. Bow to define a business and its served aarket. 8 p. Appl. au: Bradley T. Gale. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908617.

490B618. The Lioited inforaation report: a strategic planning tool for business decision making when inforaation is difficult to obtain. By Bradley T. Gale 6 Donald J. Swire. 10 p. 4ppl. au: The Strateqic Planning Institute. NH: updating. The Strategic Planning Institute; 15Sep77; 4908618.

4908619. Soae portfolio analyses. 1 v. Appl. au: Paul Nowill. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908619.

A908620. The Strategy analysis report; draft August 1, 1977. 18 p. Beissue of Strategy sensitivity report. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30Aug76 (in notice: 1977) ; A908620.

A908621. "Troubled" businesses: diagnosis and reaedies. 7 p. Appl. au: Donald F. Beany. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908621.

A908622. Pias planning guide: identifying harvest-share candidates. 7 p. Appl. au: Gerard Badler. The strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908622.

A908623. Pias planning guide: analyzing acquisition candidates, the Baaa*s case. 1 V. Appl. au: Peter Patch. The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908623.

A908624. The Start-up business project. 1 v. Appl. au: Balph Biggadike & Donald J. Swire. NH: updating. C The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; 4908624.

A908625. Pias workshop. 163 p. Appl. au: Gerard Badler C Donald J. Swire. O The Strategic Planning Institute; 30ct77; A908625.

A908626. Problea sets taken from Hestern Onion applications with alternative UOS solutions. Technical report no. 8. By Bonald Pankiewicz, prepared for Hestern Onion. 13 p. O Bigher Order Software, Inc.; 29JU177; A908626.

A908627. The Software security problea and how to solve it. Technical report no. 6. By Steven Cushing. Bevision 1. 70 p. O Higher Order Software, Inc.; 25Jul77; A908627.

A908628. The Software security problea and how to solve it. Technical report no. 6. By Steven Cushing. 71 p. Higher order Software, Inc.; 21Jul77; A908628.

A908629. The Hanager as an abstract systeas engineer. Technical report no. 5. By Hargaret H. Haailton e Saydean Zeldin. 8 p. Higher order Software, Inc.; 25Jun77; A908629.

A908630. Teaching your Down*s syndroae infant: a guide for parents. By Harci J. Hanson. 221 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Oregon.

e University of Oregon; 30ct77; 4908630.


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