Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/984

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A910097 - A910142
JUL-DEC. 1977

A910097. Lines of love. By Robert Ediiard Caapbell. 1 p. Bobert Eduard Caapbell; 12Sep77: A910097.

S910098. cooking unlimited: nutrition at work. No. 1. compiled £ edited by Gladys A. wriaht. sketches by the author. 213 p- © Gladys A. Hriqht; 1No*77: A9 10098.

A910099. Thornber's E-Z guide for election ludqes, 1978: paper ballot. 40 p. Prank Thornber Company; 1Noy77; J910099.

A910100. Fort Liqonier poetry review. 1976 Vol- 31. 33 p. Fort Liqonier Poetry Society: 25Jun77; 1910100.

4910101. The Birth of a monitrice; a compre- hensive guide for establishing a Lamaze monitrice program. 39 p. Manchester Bonitrice Associates; 270ct77; A910101.

A910102. Hearing impairment among aging persons. By Baymond H. Hull, Kith information on hearing aids prepared by Bobert H. Traynor. 83 p. Appl. au: Cliffs Notes, Inc. , employer for hire. Cliffs Notes, Inc.: 3NOV77; A910102.

A910103. The PatchBork ceiling. By Buth Clarke Hamilton. 1 6 p. C Buth C. Hamilton; 3Nov77: A910103.

A91010lt. The Neglected malority: facilities for commuting students. A Beport from Educational Facilities Laboratories. 76 p. Educational Facilities Laboratories; 15JU177: A91010it.

A910105. Space costing: who should pay for the use of college space? A report from Educational Facilities Laboratories. HI p. e Educational Facilities Laboratories; 15JU177: A910105.

A910106. Housing for new types of students. A report by Educational Facilities Laboratories. 75 p. 6 Educational Facilities Laboratories; 15Jul77; A910106.

A910 107. Hartburg College, 1952-1977. By Gerhard ottersberg. 46 p. S Bartburq College; 210ct77; A910107.

A910108. Self analysis and self knowledge. Translation G commentary by Bamamurti Hlshra. 272 p. English G Sanskrit; based on Atma bodha of Shankaracharya. e Bamamurti Bishra; 3 10ct77 ; A910108.

A910109. Neu marriage: a handbook for young couples. Editor: Phillip H. Moffitt £ other editors, art director: Shelley uilliams. 63 p. Appl. au: 13-30 Corporation. © 13-30 Corporation (ii notice: Approach 13-30 Corporation); 21Apr77: A910109.

A910110. The Bordeaux cathedral top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) overhead Door corporation; 2211ar71; A910110.

A910111. The Stockbridge glass and panel overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door Corporation; 22[lar71: A910111.

A910112. The Bomford cathedral top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) © Overhead Door Corporation; 22Har71: A910112.

A910113. The Honaco cathedral top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim)- Q Overhead Door Corporation; 22llar71: 4910113.

A910114. The Norwood corner trim glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) e Overhead Door Corporation; 22Mar71; A910114.

A910115. The aadero cathedral top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Q Overhead Door Corporation; 22Mar71; A910115.

A910116. Besidential garage doors and automatic openers. 1 1 p. NM; revisions G additions. Overhead Door Corporation; 15Dec76; A910116.

A910117. The Providence corner trim glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) 6 Overhead Door corporation; 10Jun71; A910117

A91011B. Besidential garage doors and automatic openers. 2 p. (The "overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door Corporation; 14Dec75 (in notice: 1974); A910118.

A910119. The Californian arch top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door corporation; 10Jun71; A910119.

A910120. The Sheffield scallop top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door Corporation; 10Jun71; A910120.

A910121. The Santa Fe arch top glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) O Overhead Door Corporation; 10Jun71; A910121.

A910122. The Kingsbury corner trim glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door corporation; 22(lar71; A910122.

A910123. The Saint Augustine sunburst glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door corporation: 10Jun71; A910123.

A910124. The Winchester split arch glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door corporation; 10Jun71; A910124.

A910125. The Cambridge corner trim glass overlay. 2 p. (The "Overhead Door" innovator series design trim) Overhead Door Corporation; 22llar71; A910125.

A910126. Systems automation division: 1977 automation survey. 1 v. Financial Managers Society for Savings Institutions, Inc.; 190ct77; A910126.

A910127. A Charter of children's rights: a proposal. Submitted by Patric 0. Peske. 1 V. Patric 0. Peske; 3Nov77; A910127.

A910 128. iihere they hurt: a study of the life coping problems of unemployed adults. By Rinthrop B. Adkins, in collaboration with Edward A. Hattauer, Mark H. Kessler G Caroline A. Manuele. 1 v. Hinthrop B. Adkins; 24Aug77: A910128.

A910129. The Errant Israelis. By Max A. Lebuw. 1 V. Max A. Lebow; 3Nov77; A9iai29.

A910130. The Thunderbirds' story: San Antonio's Ist-graders' soccer. By Monica Cas- tanares, illus. by Marisa Castanares. 33 p. Monica Castanares; 280ct77; A910130.

A910131. U. Kent Griffith medical hypnotist. 5 p. Appl. au: Billiam Kent Griffith. ». Kent Griffith; 26Mar77; A910131.

A910132. Denville, Dover, fiockaway Borough, HJf and others tele-pages, 1977-78. Tele-Pages, Inc.; 1Nov77; A910132.

A910133. Western Michigan Oniversity faculty, student, staff directory. 1977-78. Appl. au: Martin B. Gagie. 6 Western Michigan Oniversity; 260ct77; A910133.

A910134. Tax-saving advantages for everyone. Edited by Alan H. Shneider. 14 p. Appl. au: Mariner Enterprises, Inc. NM: compilation. Mariner Enterprises, Inc.; 1NOV77; A910134.

A910135. Zexxo, Inc., body heat conservation basic therapeutics. 1 p. Appl. au: John F. Zemkoski. zexxo. Inc., solely owned by John F. Zemkoski; 28ov77; A9101J5.

A910136. Encouraging creative awareness and expression: a program guide for elementary school teachers and volunteers. 106 p. Appl. au: Beth Wittman Griffith. Beth iittman Griffith; 26Sep77; A910136.

A910137. Anniversary illustration. Printout. Appl. au: William J. H. Hard. William J. H. Ward; 1Nov77; A910137.

A910138. The Leadership machine. Created by Morris A. stein. 6 p. Morris A. Stein; 220ct77; A910138.

A910139. Fuzzy owl on a ring. 1 p. Appl. au: Karen B. piper. Karen B. Piper; 23Aug77; A910139.

A910140. Apocalypse. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1978. Edited by Harry Lorayne, illustrated by fiichard Kaufman, pre-illustrative photography by Michael Lew £ Larry Feld. 12 p. H. Lorayne, Inc.; 3Nov77 (in notice: 1978) ; A910140.

A910141. Anabolic steroids in sport: a biop- hysical evaluation. By John P. O'Shea. 20 p. e John P. O'Shea; 1Nov77; A910141.

A910142. Daytime TV super special. No. 3.

Editorial director: Paul Denis, editor:


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