Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/985

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i910143 - 4910185
JUL-DEC. 1977

»9101it2 (con.) Patricia Kearaey, act editor: k. J. Budolph, art dicectoc: Bob Schactoff e 11 Boseoberq, associate art director: Herb Herschlaq. 96 p. Sterling's Hagazines, Inc.; 20»pr76; »9101il2.

A9101U3. Hovie Biccor yearbook. No. 19. Editor: Florine HcCain & other editors^ executive art director: Bobert Sctartoff, associate art director: Herb Berschlaq. 90 p. O sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 204pr76; 4910143.

49 10 144. Beginnings. By Daniel Podgorny. 1 v. O Daniel Podgorny: 170ct77; 49 10144.

491014S. In our need we cried out. Artist: Ellen Flannerv. Folder. Appl. an; Kentucky Bight to Life Association, Inc. C Kentucky Bight to Life Association. Inc.; 184ug77: A910145.

4910146. Saint Louis union list of periodicals, representing holdings of libraries in the Saint Louis aetropolitan area. 1977 suppl. Edited by Jenny Preston. 314 p. 4ppl. au: Saint Louis Public Library. Board of Directors, Saint Louis Public Library; 19Sep77; 4910146.

4910147. Oniyersal aatheiatical addition and subtraction chart. Ho. 1121218-67914. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Carl P. Harris (4bdullab Islaa Huhaaaad) C Carl P. Harris (in notice: Carl Harris a. k. a. Abdullah Islaa nuhaaaad) : 2S0ct77; A910147.

A910148. Uelcoae to Hac Tools, Inc. Folder. aac Tools, Inc.; 110ct77; 4910148.

A910149. New! wrench set organizers. 1 p. Mac Tools, Inc.; 16Sep77: 4910 149.

4910150. Mac Tools aerchandising aids. 8 p. Mac Tools, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4910150.

49 10151. SMS presents the body shop organization and tiae control schedule pcograas. Sec. 3. 1 V. O valter J. Laces d.b. a. SMS, Inc.; 23May77; A910151.

A910152. Interpersonal dynaaics. By fi. E. Zackrison. 31 p. Growth Dynaaics Associates; 310ct77: 4910152.

4910153. Interpersonal dynaaics inventory. Folder. 4ppl. au: R. E. Zackrison, C. B. GustaCson £ H. Marovich. O Growth Dynaaics 4ssociates; 24Har77; 4910153.

4910154. Voters guide; candidates. Prepared by the League of Uoaen Voters of San Francisco. 4 p. League of Uoaen Voters of San Francisco: 29Sep77: 4910154.

4910155. Voters guide: propositions. Prepared by the League of Noaen Voters of San Francisco. 4 p. League of Hoaen Voters of San Francisco: 29Sep77: 4910155.

4910156. Gee-Nee operating instructions. 5 p. Appl. au: Harry 4rthur Bood. Harry Arthur aood; iaar77: A9101S6.

A910157. The Sweetest story never told. Pt. 3. By Everett B. Bolters. 31 p. Ewerett B. Bolters; 1Nov77; 4910157.

4910158. History of New Providence Baptist Church of Guyton, Georgia- Coapiled by Mary Cubbedge Cook. 66 p. O Mary Cubbedge Cook; 210ct77; 4910158.

4910159. The Censorship game and how to play it. Bulletin 50. By C. Benjaain Cox. 47 p. O National Council foe the Social Studies; 154uq77: 4910159.

4910160. Wheels, deals and leaon peels: car shopping aade easy — the Northeast C0HB4T guide. Coapiled by Christina Fernandez 6 Cindy Strout. 28 p. 4ppl. au: Northeast C0MB4T, Inc. O Northeast C0BB4T, Inc.; 23Sep77; A910160.

A910161. How to do oore with your power router. No. 9 2948. Prepared for Seacs, Boebuck and Company. 31 p. Appl. au: Edward H. Pipe. Midwest Technical Publications. Inc.; 240ct77: 4910161.

4910162. The Lincoln conspiracy. By David Balsiqer 6 Charles E. Sellier, Jr. 320 p. 4ppl. au: Schick Sunn Classic Productions, Inc. O Schick Sunn classic Productions, Inc.; 16Sep77; 4910162.

4910163. The Secret 6; a new detective aagazine. 113 p. Add. ti: The Secret six. Appl. au: Bobert Beinberg. 1st pub. Oct. 1934. NB: coapilation. Bobert Heinberg; 250ct77; 4910163.

4910164. The Oalli Capper. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Dallas Uobbs. O Dallas Hobbs; 130ct77: 4910164.

4910165. Financial cepocting for segaents of a business enterprise. 18 p. (Office education series) O Ernst and Ernst; 1No»77; 4910165.

4910166. Grandaother Grosvenor's 1827 cookbook. By Virginia S. 411ee. 1 v. C Virginia S. Allee; 1Bov77; A910166.

A910167. 4 History of the Seventh Day Church of God. Vol. 1, Aug. 31, 1973. By Bichard C. Nickels. 1 V. Bichard c. Nickels; 22Aug77: A910167.

A910168. Federal oaissions standards. Card. Appl. au: Boger P. Borthen. NM: coapilation. Eaton Corporation; 240ct77: 4910168.

4910169. Going to the dogs--and loving it! 1 p. O 4. J. Industries; 2B0ct77; 4910169.

4910170. Continuing practitioner diary/audit for the vision care industry; study cepoct. No. 14- IB. 2 V. (Optical products study) Analysis/Besearch, Ltd.; 1SFeb77; A910170.

A910171. Horkbook for puap design, specification, application and aaintenance. Vol. 1-2. Edited by K. S. Sunder Sal. Appl. au: Energy Manageaent Services. NM: revisions 6 additions to chap. 1-3 of vol. 1. O Energy Manageaent Services; 7Sep77; 4910171.

4910172. Left hand IQ: applied hacaonic concepts for guitar. By Lacry Huoson C John Scauaon. 53 p. Contemporary Guitar Publications; 3Sov77; 4910172.

4910 173. Ghosts are everywhere. By Stanley L. Nojcik, illustrated by 41ice Kupper, photographer, £ Glenn Toapkins, artist. 290 p. O 4aboy Press, Inc.; 310ct77; A910173.

4910174. Nuclear evolution: discovery of the rainbow body. By Christopher B. Hills. 2nd ed. 1009 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1968. O Christopher Hills; 20Sep77; 4910174.

4910 175. Energy, aatter and fora: toward a science of consciousness. By Phil 411en, 41astair Beacne £ Boger Saith. 2nd ed. 294 p. (The Supersensitive life of aan, vol. 2) University of the Trees Press; 180ct77; 4910175.

A910176. Sacramento's attempt at city-county consolidation. By Glen H. Sparrow. 87 p. (California governaent ser. 2, no. 7, Aug. 1977) Appl. au: Institute of Governmental Affairs. The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 22Sep77; A910176.

A910177. John Deere JD693-B feller-buncher ; technical manual. No. TM-1170, Sept. 1977. 1 V. Appl. au; John Deere Dubuque Horks £ Deere and Company Service Publications Department. Deere and Company: 180ct77; 4910177.

4910178. The 4nswer: Pyramid Power for deh- ydrating fruits and vegetables. By £ Illustrated by Jan Norriss. 99 p. Jan Norriss; 8Jul77; 4910178.

4910179. The Econoaics of criae control: a provisional text. By Llad Phillips £ Harold L. Votey, Jr. 1 v. O Llad Phillips £ Harold L. Votey, Jr.; 50ct77; 4910179.

A910180. Cheat; an adult strategy game of cards for four people; general rules and comments. 6 p. Appl. au: Karen Halters, Ballace Baiters, Cheryl Taylor £ Joe Taylor. Karen Baiters. Ballace Halters, Cheryl Taylor 6 Joe Taylor; 1Nov77; 49 10 180.

4910181. Microprocessors, aicroprogcaaaing and ainicoaputers. Edited by B. Chattergy G 0. U. Pooch, with guest editors: T. Lewis S B. Shriver. 273 p. O Hestern Periodicals Company; 20Oct77; 4910181.

4910 182. Marshall High School G04LS: Guidance outlook and learning services program. 1 V. Appl. au: Marshall Public Schools, Karen Jones Visser £ Anthony L. DeBose. O Marshall Public Schools (in notice: Marshall Public Schools, visser/DeBose) ; 280ct77; 4910182.

4910 183. Design Painter; mailer. No. AEl. 2 p. O Action Marketing, Inc.; S0ct77: A910183.

A910184. Miracle Decorator: mailer. No. ABl. 2 p. Action Marketing, Inc.; 50ct77; A910ie4.

4910185. Miracle Designer; mailer. No. 4C1. 2 p. O 4ction Marketing, Inc.; 50ct77;



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