Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/264

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Co-operative Society (Birmingham Industrial) (continued):—








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The Wheetiel a Seathity co-operative’ record & magazine. (Birmingham Industrial Co-operative Society, Ltd.) April, 1911, ete. Ports. Illus. 8vo, 1911, ete. g

Co-operative Society (Soho) :— “Rinles of the Soho Co-operative Society, Limited. pp, 52. duo. 1908. ear Association (Labour) : see Labour Co-partnership Association. OPAS (i. 0.) >—

Nae a Mr. Lawson Tait’s paper, ‘‘ The uselessness of vivisection upon animals as a method of scientific research.” Read before the Birmingham Philosophical Society. pp. 12. 8vo. 1883.

Cope (David) Work relating to :—

Holmes (W.) Catalogue of important & interesting sale of gold & silver coins, antique plate, ete., the property of the late Mr. D. Cope [of Bir- mingham], which will be sold by auction, Dec. 13 & 14, 1866. pp. 29. Svo. 1866.

Corr (Jon’.) of Handsworth :—

The Word of Jehovah Jesus, in blank verse. Vol. 3, (Deut. 23—1 Sam. 22).

Manuscript, 8vo, 1840. Core (WILLIAM) :—

A Faithful and particular account of God’s gracious dealings with W. Cope fof Birmingham], written by himself. pp. 24. duo. 1830.

Copper Trade :-—

Copper Mines and Copper Trade. [Evidence of George Simcox and others concerning Birmingham, May 7, 1799.) Jn Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, Vol. 10. [Parliamentary Report.| fol. 1803.

Copy of a Letter, addressed to a Member of the Brotherly Society, 1809: see

Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society.

Corrienp (LUKE) :—

Corfield’s list of local Instrumentalists, containing the names, addresses, instruments, ete., of the best known players in Birmingham. pp. 80. duo, 1903.

    • At the Canal,” Birmingham. [The Old Wharf.] Jius. In The Dickensian,

Vol. 8. 8vo. 1912. ©

Birmingham Statues. and Memorials. [Cuttings from Notes and Queries, Mar. 14—May 9, 1914.] 8vo. [1914],

CorFretp (Witmo7) Collection made by :—

[A collection of Cartoons relating to Birmingham, from the Arrow, Circle, Dart, Lion, Owl, Town Crier, etc., collected by Wilmot Corfield.] 2 vols, fol. [1861-91].

Cormack (Joun Dewar) :—

In the days of Watt: being the Watt anniversary lecture for 1915. (Papers

of the Greenock Philosophical Society). pp. 17. (G@reenock.) 8vo. [1915]. Corn Trade: see Industries and Commerce, Cornes (JAMES) :—

Modern Housing in town and country, [including references to Bournville, Rowton House, ete.]. Jus, 4to. 1905.

Cornforth’s Pic-nic at Knowle, 1858. [Descriptive poem on a Birmingham works outing, by J. Gill.) pp. 7. duo. 1859, Cornish Association (Midland) :-—

[A collection of circulars, leaflets, lists of members, etc., relating to the Midland

Cornish Association.] fol. 1908, eto. .