Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/265

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Birmingham Collection

Cornish Association (Midland) (continued):—


235279 235753 71981





Thomas (H.) From Cornwall to Birmingham. Notes [on the Midland Cornish Association banquet (1911), ete.) pp. 30, 8vo, (1911). Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book, 1912 (Ist), ete. Ports, IUus. Map. duo. 1912, ete. —[ Another copy.) Cornish’s Guide and Companion to the Grand Junction and Liverpool and Man- chester Railways, an account of Birmingham, cte. 3rd. edn. Map. duo. 1838. Cornish’s Stranger’s Guide through Birmingham ; see Guides. Cornish’s Visitors’ Hand Book through Birmingham : see Guides, Cornish Brothers, Limited -— Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book. [An account of the removal of Cornish Brothers Lid., from 87 to 3) New Strect.} pp. 10. filus. duo. 1913, Cornish Brothers, Limited: see also Booksellers’ Catalogues ; Palmer (Shirley) . Cornish (WruLtAM) :— Corporation Directorics of Birminghain (1861, 1864) ; see Directories. Cornwall Works: see Tangye’s Limited. Coronation Celebrations : see Edward VIT.; George V. Corporate Buildings : see Council House. Corporation :— Act,for transferring to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Birmingham the estates, properties, and effects now vested in certain Commissioners having jurisdiction over parts of the Borough; and to provide for the better draining, lighting, paving, supplying with water, and otherwise improving the said Borough, and making provision for the ote government, regulation, and management thereof. [Birmingham mprovement Act.] (14 & 15 Vict., ¢. 93,) 4to. 1851. —{ Another edn., with contents.) (Birmingham Improvement Act.) 8vo. 1851. —| Another copy.)

—Concise Abstract of the Birmingham Improvement Act, 1851, comprising all the clauses relating to Buildings. By E. ‘I’. Groves. pp. 31, 8vo, 1851.

Act to amend the Birmingham Improvement Act, 1851 ; ete, (24 & 25 Viet., ¢, 206.) 4to. 1861.

—The New Birmingham Improvement Act, 1861, Published as a supplement to ‘‘ Aris’s Birmingham Gazette,” pp. 31. 8vo, 1861.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Boroughs of Bath and Birmingham, the Distriet of Brentford, ete. [Altering the Birmingham Improvement Acis of 1851 and 1861, ete.]. (39 & 40 Vict., c. 201.) 4to. 1876.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Borough of Birmingham, the Rural Senitary District of the Chesterfield Union, etc, [Altering the Birmingham Improvement Acts of 1851 and 1861, ete.] (39 & 40 Vict., ce. 202.) dto, 1876.

Act to confirm cortain Provisional Onlers of the Local Government Board relating to the Boroughs of Birminghem, Liverpool, Nottingham, and Swansea. [Confirming the Birmingham Lnprovement Seheme under the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875.] (39 & 40 Vict., ¢. 235.) 4to. 1876.

Act to eonfirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Local Government District of Aspull, the Boroughs of Birmingham and Burnley, ete. [Altering the Birmingham Improvement Act, 1851.] (42 & 43 Vict., ¢. 105.) 4to, 1879.