Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/266

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Corporation (continued):—













177502 177503

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Improvement Act, District of Bethesde, the Borough of Birmingham, ete. [Partially repealing and altering certain Birmingham local and confirming acts (Corporation stock)], (43 & 44 Vict., c, 178.) 4to. 1880. ;

Act to confirm a Provisione] Order of the Local Government Board relating to the Borough of Birmingham. [Altering and amending 43 & 44 Vict., ce. 178 (Corporation stock)]. (44 & 45 Vict., c. 68.) 4to. 1881.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Local Government Districts of Askern and Atherton, the Borough of Birmingham, ete. [Altering the Birmingham Improvement Acts of 1851 and 1861, ete.] (44 & 45 Vict., ¢. 98.) 4t0. 1881.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Borough of Birmingham (two), the Local Government Districts of Gainsborough, Smethwick, and South Blyth, ete. [Altering the Birmingham Confirming Acts of 1880 and 1881 (Corporation stock) and the Improvement Act of 1851 (Street betting)]. (45 & 46 Vict., c. 61.) 4to. 1882.

Act to consolidate with amendments the Laval Acts and Orders in force in the Borough of Birmingham ; etc. [Birmingham Corporation (Consolidation) Act.] (46 & 47 Vict., [c. 70.}) [With table of contents.} fol. 1883. ;

—The Birmingham Corporation (Consolidation) Aet, 1883, with introduction, table of contents, notes, etc., by E. O. Smith and C. A. Carter, (Published jor the Corporation.) Svo. 1883.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Onlers of the Locel Government Board relating to the Urban Sanitary Districts of Birmingham, Brighton, etc. {Altering the Birmingham Corporation (Consolidation) Aci, 1883 (Audis of eccounts)]. (57 & 58 Vict., ¢. 123.) 4to, 1894,

Act to confirm certein Provisional Orders of the Local Goyernment Board under the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, relating to Birmingham, Limehouse District, etc. [Confirming the Milk Street Improvement Scheme. ] (98 & 59 Viet., c. 93.) 4to. 1895.

Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Loce] Government Board relating to Aberystwyth, Birmingham [Superannuation of Officers, ete.], etc. [Partially repealing and altering the Birmingham Corporation (Con- solidation) Act, 1883.] (60 & GL Vict., c. 143.) 4to. 1897.

Act to authorise the transfer of the undertaking of the Birmingham Electric Supply Company Limited to the Corporation of Birmingham, to make further provision as to the Birmingham School of Art and as to the Rubery Hill Lunatic Asylum Loans, ete. (Birmingham Corporation Act), (62 & 63 Vict., ¢. 169.) 4to, 1899.

Act to amend the provisions of the Local Acts and Orders in force in the City of Birmingham which relate to Birmingham Corporation Stock, end to make further and better provisions with respect to the borrowing of money hy the Corporation of Birmingham, (63 & 64 Vict., ¢. 74.) 4to. 1900.

Act to empower the Corporation of Birmingham to work tramways and to construct an additional tramway, and to confer further powers on them in regard to streets, buildings and sewers and the health, local government and improvement of the eity ; etc. (Birmingham Corporation Act.) (3 Edw. VIL., c. 192.) 4to. 1603.

—| Another cn.) fol, 1903,

—{ Another copy.)