Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/58

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

Whereupon the President appointed Mr. Curry and Mr. Miles as tellers.

The vote being taken by States for President, the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, received all the votes cast, being six, and was duly declared unanimously elected President of the Provisional Government.

On motion of Mr. Toombs, a committee of three was appointed to inform Mr. Davis of his election.

Whereupon the President appointed Mr. Toombs, Mr. Rhett, and Mr. Morton.

The vote was then taken by States for Vice President, and the Hon. Alexander Hamilton Stephens, of Georgia, received all the votes cast, being six, and he was duly declared unanimously elected Vice President of the Provisional Government.

Mr. Perkins moved that a committee of three be appointed to inform Mr. Stephens of his election, which was agreed to.

And the President appointed Mr. Perkins, Mr. Harris, and Mr. Shorter.

Congress then adjourned till Monday next at 11 o'clock.


Montgomery, Ala., February 9, 1861.

Hon. Jefferson Davis, Jackson.

Sir: We are directed to inform you that you were this day unanimously elected President of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, and to request you to come to Montgomery immediately. We send also a special messenger. Do not wait for him.

R. Toombs,
R. Barnwell Rhett,
Jackson Morton.

Montgomery, Ala., February 9, 1861.

Hon. Alexander H. Stephens.

Sir: The Congress for the Provisional Government for the Confederate States of America have this day unanimously elected you to the office of Vice President of the Confederate States, and we