Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/621

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Index. 589 Confiscation Bill passed by United States Congress discussed, 233. Confiscation of Property: Belonging to alien enemies re- ferred to, 308. Brandy, referred to, 515. Claims for, referred to, 401. Appointments under act for pay- ment of, referred to, 502. Appropriation to pay, recom- mended, 247, 296, 395. Recommendations regarding payment of, 546. In Petersburg and Lynchburg re- ferred to, 304. Payment of assessments of dam- ages by officers without interven- tion of courts-martial or boards of survey referred to, 390. Referred to, 247, 262, 301, 30S, 310, 3*i. Taxes due on, referred to, 153. Temptation to hoard supplies checked by impressment, 374. Congress, Confederate States. The legislative powers of the Confed- erate States were vested in the Congress, which was organized along the same lines, and was clothed with similar authority to that exercised by the Congress of the United States. The first, or Provisional, Congress was organized in Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 4, 1S61. The first session of the Permanent Congress was organized In Richmond, Va., Feb. 18, 1862. Act providing for holding elections for Representatives in Tennessee vetoed, 324. Adjournment of, postponement of, requested, 539. Referred to, 544. Advice of Senate regarding neces- sity of renominating certain offi- cers requested, 246. Bills and acts retained by Presi- dent, reasons therefor, 214. Constitutional powers of Executive and Senate regarding nomina- tions discussed, 388. Congress, Confederate States (Con- tinued): Employees of, estimate for in- creased compensation of, trans- mitted, 456. Act relative to, recommendations regarding, 513. Extraordinary sessions of Provi- sional, convened, 60, 133. Information requested by "House re- garding naval employees abroad refused, reasons therefor, 302. Members of, estimate of increased salary and mileage of, trans- mitted, 456. Act relative to, recommendations regarding, 513. Message to — Error in, corrected, 83, 299. Return of, requested, 299. Preparation of journals of Provi- sional, referred to, 516. Provisional, invited to hold session in Memphis, Tenn., 100. Request of House that President cause State Department to trans- mit estimate for diplomatic affairs refused, reasons therefor, 253. Resolution providing for meeting of, in Richmond, Va., vetoed, 100. Resolutions of thanks of. (See Res- olutions of Thanks.) Transcript of Senate journal re- quested, 570. Transmission of Army report re- quested by House referred to, 192. Congress of Paris, principles of war declared by, discussed, 283, 349, 358. 359- Conscription Law: Act- Diminishing number of exemp- tions and details, recommen- dations regarding, 540, 547. Regulating business of conscrip- tion, recommendations regard- ing, 542.