Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/636

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

604 Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. and wounded, 217. The Confederates sustained no loss. Harris, Wiley P., member of Vice Presidential notification commit- tee, 30. Harrison, Burton N.: Secretary to President Davis, ap- pointment of, referred to, 200. Transcript of Senate journals re- quested by, for President, 570. Hart's Battery, resolution of thanks tendered, 427. Hatchers Run, Va., Battle of. There were two engagements near Hatchers Run, to the south of Richmond. The first occurred Oct. 27, 1S64, when the Confederates, under Gen. Lee, assaulted the Federals, under Gen. Hancock, and were repulsed after inflicting on the Fed- erals a loss of about 1,900 men. On Feb. 5, 1S65, the Federals, under Gen. Grant, assaulted the Confederate forces at or near the same place, and failed of success, sustaining a loss of about 2,000, the Con- federate loss being about 1,100. Hatteras Expedition. An expedition sent from Fortress Mon- roe, Aug. 26, 1S61, against the Confeder- ate forts, Hatteras and Clark, in North Carolina. The expedition of 10 vessels, •150 guns, and 900 men was under the command of Commodore Stringham and Gen. Butler. The forts were garrisoned by the Confederates, about 650 men, under Capt. Barron. Fort Clark was easily re- duced Aug. 27, and the next day, after heavy bombardment, Hatteras was cap- tured. Capt. Barron and the entire gar- rison were made prisoners. Hatteras Inlet, N. C, capture of, by Federal forces referred to, 129. Hatteras, The, destruction of, by the Alabama referred to, 305. Head, J. W., report of, on affair at Fort Donelson, Tenn., 245. Helena, Ark., Battle of. A battle at Helena, Phillips County, Ark., on the Mississippi River, about 100 miles below Memphis, July 4, 1863. The Federals were commanded by Gen. Pren- tiss; the Confederates, by Generals Holmes and Price. The latter made the attack and were repulsed, with loss in killed, wounded, and missing of about 1,000. Federal loss, less than 400. Referred to, 345. Henderson, Tenn., operations at, 402. Hermitage, The. The home of President Andrew Jack- son, in Davidson County, Tenn., a few miles eastward from Nashville. Gen. Jackson lived there when he was elected President. He built the house after his own fashion, and it still remains as when he occupied it. He died at this place, and his remains are buried there. The State of Tennessee has erected a building on a portion of the farm owned by him which is used as a home for indigent ex-Confed- erate soldiers. Heth, Henry, orders to, regarding martial law in counties of Virgin- ia, 224. Hindman, Thomas C: Appropriation to pay interest on money borrowed from banks in Tennessee by, recommended, 255- Orders to, referred to, 242. Report of, on operations of, in Trans-Mississippi District, 3S8. Hoke, Robert F., resolution of thanks tendered command of, 480. Holcomb Legion referred to, 456. Hood, John B.: Correspondence with, regarding Army of Tennessee transmitted, 534. 538, 539- Mentioned, 539. Hospitals, Military: Appropriation for, recommended, 127. In and near Richmond, Va., re- ferred to, 407. Referred to, 318. House of Representatives, Confederate States: Employees of, estimate for in- creased compensation of, trans- mitted, 456. Act relative to, recommendations regarding, 513.