Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/663

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Index. 631 Stone's River, or Murfreesboro, Tenn., Battle of. A battle on Stone's River, near Mur- freesboro, Tenn., about 30 miles to the southeast of Nashville, Dec. 31, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1S63. The Federals, about 47,000, were commanded by Gen. Rosecrans; the Confederates, about 36,000, by Gen. Bragg. The heaviest righting occurred on the Confederate left, Wednesday, Dec. 31, in which the Federal lines were driven back for more than a mile. Friday after- noon, the fighting was on the Confederate right, commanded by Gen. Breckinridge. After the battle, the Confederates retired to Murfreesboro Jan. 3d, and on the 4th evacuated the town and retired to the southward about 25 miles to Duck River. Federal loss, 1,733 killed, 7,245 wounded, and about 3,500 prisoners; Confederate loss, about 9,000 killed, wounded, and missing. This battle is called by the Confederates the battle of Murfreesboro. The Federals call it the battle of Stone River, although the name of the river on which it was fought is Stone's River. Referred to, 317. Stuart, J. E. B., resolution of thanks tendered command of, 434. Submarine Defenses discussed, 204. Submarine Telegraph Cable at Charleston, S. C, appropriation for, recommended, 319. Sumter, The: Mentioned, 79. Resolution of thanks tendered offi- cers and crew of, 275. Superintendent of Public Printing, ap- propriation requested by, 146. Supreme Court, organization of, rec- ommended, 192. Surgeon General: Appropriation for, recommended, 315- Report of, transmitted, 301. Surgeons, Assistant, in Army, act for appointment of additional, ve- toed, 130. Surry Light Artillery, resolution of thanks tendered, 433. Taliaferro, William B., report of, on action at Carrick's Ford, W. Va., transmitted, 198. Tariff discussed, 361. Tax, War: Appropriation recommended to re- fund excess of, paid by — Louisiana, 253. North Carolina, 239. Propriety of providing for paymt nt of loans by, discussed, 259. Taxation: Constitutional questions regarding, discussed, 363. Discussed, and recommendations regarding, 139, 259, 293, 361, 489, 49°, 547- Income tax referred to, 364, 490, 547- Tax in kind — Collection and distribution of, re- ferred to, 391. Delivery of, at Government de- pots by producers referred to, 4°3- Referred to, 364, 499. Taxes: Assessment and collection of, re- ferred to, 403, 500. Due on sequestered property re- ferred to, 153. Taylor, Richard: Report of, on operations in Trans- Mississippi Department trans- mitted, 530. Resolution of thanks tendered com- mand of, 481. Teaser, The, resolution of thanks ten- dered officers and crew of, 231. Telegraph Lines: Government control of, discussed, 307. Shares held in, by alien enemies re- ferred to, 308, 309. Telegraphic Service: Appropriation for, recommended, 298.