Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/671

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Index 639 War between the States (Continued): Letters of marque and reprisal — Issuance of, 102. Act authorizing, 104. Amendment to, 113. Form of bond, 1 12. President's instructions regard- ing, in. Lexington, Mo., battle of, referred to, 137- Little Rock, Ark., retreat of Confed- erate Army from, discussed, 345. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., battle of, discussed, 347. Louisiana — Operations in, 3S6, 448, 482. United States armies in, defeat- ed, 345- McDowell, Va., battle of, referred to, 320. McjRae, the, mentioned, 79. Manassas, Va., first battle of. (See Bull Run, hereunder.) Manassas, Va., or Bull Run, second battle of— Discussed, 240. Referred to in proclamation, 268. Martial law extended, and orders regarding, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226. Merrimac- Monitor engagement in Hampton Roads, Ya., 197, 210. Military preparations discussed, 7S. Military preparations of United States discussed, 71 (see also 60, 63, S2), 11S, 277. Military supplies — Appropriation for, recommend- ed, 58, 78. Funds sent abroad for, referred to, 242, 261. Recommendations for procuring, 53 2 . 545. 552. Transfer of, from State deposito- ries to General Government, recommendations regarding, 56. War between the States (Continued): Militia law, general, recommended, 49 1. 54 s - Missionary Ridge, Tenn., battle of, discussed, 347. Mississippi, operations in, 385, 386, 448, 483. Mississippi River, war on, referred to, 345- Missouri, operations in, 137,483. Mobile, Ala., naval attack on, re- ferred to, 448. Mobile Bay, outer defense of, cap- ture of, referred to, 4S3. Monitor-Merrimac engagement in Hampton Roads, Ya., 197, 210. Morris Island, S. C, operations on, 499- Murfreesboro, Tenn., battle of, re- ferred to, 317. Nashville, Tenn., evacuation and removal of public property from, referred to, 245. Navy, Confederate States, in. (See Navy, Confederate States.) Negroes in. (See Slaves.) Neutrality of foreign powers in, discussed, 2S0, 34S, 444. Partiality in favor of United States discussed, 280, 348, 444. Retaliatory measures dis- cussed, 35S. New Orleans, La., capture of, pro- ceedings of court in inquiry re- garding, transmitted, 457. Newbern, N. C, battle of, referred to, 212. North Carolina, operations in, 298, 44 s - Number of troops in, furnished by each State referred to, 246. Ordnance supplies. (See Ordnance and Ordnance Supplies.) Outrages committed by Federal authorities and soldiers re- ferred to, 115, 119,127, 12S, 137, 140, 1S4, 233, 289, 298, 329, 376, 379, 443. 493, 564-