Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/232

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218 ST. DAMNODA imperial princess, who sent a large sum of money to St. Gregory the Pope, for the liberation of slaves, as did St. Sopatra and St. Theodolina. Damiana was honoured as a saint at Jerusalem. Mas Latrie. Patil La Croix, Vie Militaire et BeligieuXy p. 380. St. Damnoda, Damhkade. St Danacha, Nov. 20, V. M. in Persia with St. Bahuta. St. Danda, March 7. Two saints of this name are mentioned among certain martyrs in Thrace. AA.SS, St. Danne, Domna (l), sister of Indes, M. with Agape and Theophila, in the reign of Gralerius Maximianus (805-311). St. Darbelin, Oct. 26, V. One of four daughters of Mac Taar, who lived at Eillininny, near Tallaght. The others were Darinnill, Gael, and Coimgheall. Gammaok,in Smith AndW&ce'B Dictionary of Christian Biography, St. Darbile, Derbhiledh, or De- ri vla, Aug. 3 and Oct. 20. Daughter of Cormac, in county Mayo. 5th or 6th century. Gammack, in Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography, St. Dardalucha, or St. Dardulacha (2), Darlugdacha. St Dardulacha, Feb. l, V. Sup- posed to be one of the three sisters of SS. Gunifort and Gunibald, who went with them on their mission to Germany. She was worshipped in great devotion in Frisingen,as appears in the Breviario Fri- singensi. Martyred with her brothers and sisters, 420, Feb. 1 . Dempster, Ex Aucto- ribua Laudatis, Bollandus, in AA.SS,, thinks Dempster has no good ground for this opinion, and that the saint worshipped in the new Breviary at Frisingen, and not mentioned in the old, is the second abbess of Kildare, Darlugdacha. St Darerca (l), March 22. Youngest sister of St. Patrick. Daughter of Cal- phurnius, a Briton, and Concessa, sister or niece of St. Martin of Tours. Besides St. Patrick, she had a brother Sannan, {ftid two, three, or four sisters. Darerca was married, first to Con or Gonis, Kccondly to Ecstitutus, a bard, or a Lombard, or surnamed Huabard. She had seventeen sons, all bishops, and two daughters, SS. Ecuea and Lalloca. Con, her first husband, died in England, leav- ing her enceinte. She went to Ireland, where she soon died and was buried, but her brother, St. Patrick, raised her to life, whereupon she was immediately seized with labour pains, and gave birth to a son, afterwards distinguished as St. Bolcan. The most famous of her chil- dren were sons of her first husband, SS. Mel-Moch, Eioch of Inis-bofinde, and Munis. The other bishops are called Crumanius of Leccan, Midgna, Loman, Lurach, Loam, Eieran, Carantoc, Mo- calle, Columbus, Brochan, Broohad, Brendan, Fine, Melchu. Her sisters were SS. Lupita, Richella, W., and SS. Tigrida and Liemania, who were mothers of saints. Liemania has been supposed to be the same as Darerca. It has also been said that these sisters of St. Patrick were not sisters by birth, but disciples ; also that they were sisters, but that their marriages and families of saints are of later inven- tion. Colgan. O'Hanlon. Smith and Wace. St. Darerca (2), Sarbilia, or Mo- NINNA, July 0. 5th or Gth century. Abbess of Kil Sleibhe, that is Mount Cullen, in Armagh, Ulster. She was called by her parents Sarbilia, and took the name of Darerca, either at her bap- tism, or on making her religious profes- sion ; a dumb man to whom she gave the power of speech called her Nin, Nin, which led to her being called Moninna, or Monenna. She is perhaps the same as Modwenna. She visited St. Bridget, and won her approbation by her great humility. He- turning home with her nuns, she was entertained by Deneth, who, having no- thing to give them for supper, killed his calf and set it before them. Next morn- ing the same calf alive and well, or another exactly like it, was found in the stable with the mother cow. Deneth afterwards asked hospitality from Da- rerca. She had but a little drop of beer (cervisia) to give him, but she blessed the cup, and immediately it was full. She raised a dead girl to life, and per- formed other miracles. After her death, another abbess changed water into whisky by praying to St. Darerca on