Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/233

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ST. DARIA 219 behalf of a bishop named Fibartns, who was very old and feeble. She was consecrated by St. Patrick, and had eight companions and one adopted son, Lnger, afterward bishop of Conallia Marthemnensi. Some writers call her " Virgin," but it is possible that she is the same person as Daberca (1), mother of several saints. Pinins, AA.SS, BoUandi, gives her Life from a MS. in the Irish Jesuit Seminary at Salamanca. St. Darerca (3), April 4. Of Dmim Dubhain, or Derfrochea, or Derbh fraich. Mother of St. Tighemach, bishop of Clnain-cois, now Clones, in Monaghan, Ireland. She was one of several saints of the family of the Orghelli. She mar- ried a man of royal race. For the three SS. Daberca, and whether they were three, two, or only one, consult Colgan's Irish Saints ; Lanigan's Ecclesiastical History of Ireland; the Bollandists, AAJSS., July 6; Gammack, in Smith and Wace's Dictionary. Bishop Forbes's Kalendars. St. Darerca (4), Jan. 15, V. Daugh- ter of Oairbre. The Martyrology of Tallaght com- memorates the daughters of Gairpre, but only Darerca is named in the Martyrology of Donegal J. O'Hanlon, i. 221. St. Daretia, July 19. More gene- rally called Daria (8). M. at Constan- tinople. AA.SS. St. Daria (l), June 17. 1st or 2nd century. Either in the reign of Domi- tian or that of Marcus Aurelius. Wife of St. Nicander, who was martyred with St. Marcian in Terra di Lavoro (lately in the kingdom of Naples). When the two martyrs were questioned by the judge Mazimus concerning their religion, and exhorted to abjure it and sacrifice to the gods, St. Daria encouraged her hus- band in his adherence to his faith, advising him to suffer even death for Christ's sake. Maximus therefore said to her, " Wicked and shameless woman, why do you ad rise your husband to do that which will cause his death ? " She said, "In order that he may not die eternally." He answered, " Not so ; you wish for his death that you may be free to marry some one else." Daria said. " If you think so, order me to be put to death first, for our Lord's sake, if your oonmiission authorizes you to sacnfice women as well as men." Maximus said he had no command to put women to death, but he would have her put in prison for the present. After about a month, SS. Nicander and Marcian were beheaded, and as they were led to the place of execution their wives followed them, each accompanied by her little son, Marcian's wife reproaching him with the folly and cruelty of abandoning her and his child, and entreating him yet to relent and save his life. Daria, on the contrary, congratulated her hus- band that he was accounted worthy of martyrdom. Marcian entreated a Chris- tian friend who was present to lead away his wife and take care of his child, and let him meet his death with courage. Then she was led unwillingly home. Daria took leave of her husband, rejoicing in the honour of being a martyr's wife. Nicander blessed his child, and the two holy men were beheaded. Hensohenius, in AA,SS.i from several Acts of different dates preserved in various libraries. Cahier. St. Daria (2), also called Minerva, Oct. 25 and Aug. 12, V. M. under the Emperor Valerian. Daria and her husband, St. Chrysan- thus, or Crysaunt, are joint patrons of Beggio, Modena, and Orio in Otranto. Chrysanthus was a native of Alex- andria, and went to Home with his father, who was a senator. Chrysanthus was instructed in the Christian religion un- known to his father, and was baptized by a bishop who was hiding in a cave, probably in the catacombs. When his father heard of it he was very angry, and finding himself unable to persuade Chrysanthus to renounce his religion, and understanding that chastity was the great point with the Christians, and the condition on which their God helped them, he engaged five beautiful young women to seduce his son, promising them immense rewards if they succeeded in doing so, and threatening various forms of painful death in case of failure. When these women tried to please or amuse Chrysanthus, he prayed, and they fell