Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/316

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Wulfhere, king of Moroia. If so, he had three holy abbesses for wives at once, for we know that St. Ebmenilda was one, and survived him. The History of Gloucester says Eva was consecrated by Wilfrid of Worcester in 735.

B. Eva (5), or Eve, Dec. 2. Early 12 th century. Bom in England. Daughter of Apis, a powerful lord of the kingdom of "Outre-Manche" (beyond Channel) ; her mother's name was Oliva. They brought her up carefully, and consecrated her to God in the Abbey of Clington. Her sanctity soon attracted 60 much attention, and such crowds of people flocked to see her and ask for her prayers, that she found her spiritual life hindered, and left England and went to France. There she soon hoard of the wonderful holiness of Bobort d'Arbrissei (founder of Fontevrault) and his disciples, and particularly of St. Herve, who is believed to have been bom in England, and whoso name may have been known to her in her childhood. Hearing that he lived as a hermit in a solitary place near Angers, she made her way to his cell, and persuaded him to receive her as a servant and disciple. He did not take • this step without consulting the Bishop of Anjou, and other persons eminent for sanctity and wisdom. A narrow cell was built for her, communicating by a door with that of her master, and she was installed with the accustomed prayers and blessings. Geoffrey, or Jeffrey, abbot of Yendome, wrote to Herve and Eve a letter beginning: '^Jeffirey, the humble servant of the monastery of Yendome, to the servants of God, Herve and Eve, secluded, in order that what they have so well begun may have a still better ending." He sets before them the truths that were henceforth to be the object of their contemplation, and bids them not forget the punishment of those who fail to persevere to the end. Eve took upon herself the part of Martha and of Mary too, faithfully serving and tending her master, who already suffered from the infirmities of age, and spending all the rest of her time in religious con- templation and other exercises, in which he was her director. Her austerities shortonevl Lcr life. She died young ; and Herve, notwithstanding his advanced age, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. On his return he would not again inhabit the cell where he had formerly lived, but passed his few remaining years at Chalonnes, and is generally called Saint Herve de Chalonnes. He died 1119. Chamard, Saints persimnatjes (T Anjou. Ferrarius, Dec. 2. B. Eva (6), or Eve, June 4, April 5. 1 3th century. Becluse at Liege. Friend of St. Juliana of Liege. When St. Juliana's vision began to be talked about, and people sought her advice on spiritual matters, one of those who came to con- sult her was a young girl, named Eve, who experienced a profound distaste for the world, and conceived the idea of living as a recluse beside the ancient church of St. Martin, on the hill of Publ^mont, at Liege. Juliana encouraged her in her intention, and without delay Eve had herself walled up in a cell, looking into the church. Juliana promised to visit her at least once a year, and they agreed to have no conceal- ments from each other. When, in 1248, Juliana was obliged to leave her convent, she went to Eve, who procured shelter for her.

After Juliana's death Eve lost no time in influencing John of Lausanne to persuade the Pope to make obligatory the observance of the feast of Corpus Christi : this was done in 1264.

Eve died in 12G5 or 1260, and was buried in the church of St. Martin. On June 4, 1622, she was translated from her first resting-place under the altar of the venerable sacrament whose festival she had been instrumental in establishing. Her relics are kept with great veneration atVienna, and at Brussels. Biographie Nat, de Belgique, "Julienne." Her Life to be found as corollary to that of B. Juliana of Corneillon, April 5. AA.SS., Præter. Bucelinus. Henriquez, Lilia, p. 145.

St. Eval has a church and village in Cornwall. Parker. Possibly Evilla, invoked in the Dunkeld Litany.

St. Evanthia, April 27 (Euanthia, Evantia), M. at Nicomedia, in Bithynia. AA.SS.

St. Evantia (1), Evanthia.