Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/317

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ST. EXUPERIA 803 St. Evantia (2), June 2. One of 227 Eoman martyrs commemorated together in the Martyrohgy of St. Jerome. AA,SS. St. Evasia, June 2. One of 227 Eoman martyrs commemorated together in the Martyrology of St, Jerome, AAJSS. St. Eve, Dec. 19, Jan. 18, 23, the first woman. In the catacombs, Adam and Eve are represented, he with a spade and she with a sheep or ram, to indicate that Adam delved and Eve span. They are patrons of gardeners. In the Greek Church they are honoured the Sunday before Christmas Day. Baillet. Cahier. Gu6rin. St. Eve, Ew6. French corruption of A VIA, same as Ad visa, or Aukea. St. Everildis, July 9, V. 7th century. Of noble parents in England, in the reign of St. Oswald. She was converted to Christianity when Kinegils, king of the West Saxons, was baptized by St. Berinus, in 635. She took the veil, and lived with great sanctity with two other virgins, Bega and Waldreda, at a place afterwards called Evereldsham, given her by St. Wilfrid. Seller gives this account from a manuscript martyr- ology of Usuard and from the lessons of her office, but he doubts the authenticity of the sources of the story. Brit, Sancta, Seller in AA.SS. Butler. She is per- haps the same as Evbrilla. St. Everilla. In the Diario BanianOy March 14, 1840, this saint is said to be patron of Everingham, in Yorkshire, where a magnificent church was then being built by Contestabile Maxwel, Esq., of Everingham Park, at a cost of £30,000. Sixteen statues were ordered for it from an Italian sculptor. They were to repre- sent the twelve apostles, the Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalen, and St Everilla. Perhaps the same as Everildis. St. Evilla. Invoked in the Dunkeld Litany. Forbes. St. Evocks, Kbvoca. Forbes. St. Evodia, Euodias. St. Evox, Kkvoca. St. Evronia, or Evroine, July 15, Y. in Champagne. Same as Apronia. Chastelain. St. Ewe, or Evil Same as Avia, Advisa, Aurea. St. Ewe, or EwA, pronounced Eve, is the name of a parish and village in Cornwall. Parker. It is spelt by John of Tinmouth, Iwy. Ewa is perhaps Ia. Miss Arnold Forster, ii. 267. Smith and . W AAA St. Ewyne, Dec. 21. "The feest also of saynt Ewyne, a queue." Mart, of Salisbury, St. Expergentia, or Expergentus, June 4, M. in Sicily or Cilicia. AA.SS, SS. Extricata, June 2. Two of 227 Boman marty)*s commemorated together in St, Jermne's Martyrohgy, AA.8S, St. Exupera, or Erenpebe, Sept. 28. Harris Nicolas, Notitia Hist. St. Exuperantia, April 26. V. at Troyes. Her body is kept in the church of St. Frodobert, at Troyes, in a gilded wooden case, curiously ornamented. Mentioned in the Boman Mart,, in the German Mart, of Canisius, and by Molanus; in some manuscript martyr- ologies she is styled Exuperia ; Ferrarius speaks of one Uxupebantia. Hen- schenius in AA.SS, St. Exuperia (l). Wife of St. Qui- rinus and mother of St. Balbina. AA.SS., March 30 and 31, lives of SS. Quirinus and Balbina. Elsewhere said to be the wife of St, Hermes ; but this is probably a mistake. St. Exuperia (2), or Exsuperia, July 26, Oct. 31. 2nd or 3rd centtjry. M. c. 161 or 259. Wife of Olympius, a Eoman tribune, who was converted by seeing the constancy of St. Sempronius under the tortures to which he (Olympius) condemned him, and by seeing a statue of Mars miraculously fall down in presence of the holy confessor. Olympius told the story to his wife, and they sent for St. Stephen (Pope), who instructed and baptized them and their son, Theo- dulus. Their conversion was soon dis- covered, and they were condemned to be burnt. The fires were kindled before the statue of the sun near the entrance to the Colosseum. Their remains were buried by St. Stephen. B,M. AA^S, If their martyrdom occurred in the time of Stephen, the later of the above dates must be the right one. Hemans, Monuments in Some, gives the date 259. St. Exuperia (3), June 3. Roman martyr. AA£8,