Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/332

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320 LIST OP AUTHORITIES Jentsch, Die Sdige Agnes von Bohmen* Jebome (St.). Many editions. Quotations from EpistleB are generally from Frocmanile'i translation. JmECEK, OeschicJUe der Btdgaren. KA.BAH8IN, Ilistoirc de Russie. Kellt, Calendar of Irish Saints^ the Martgrdogy of TaUagh with notices of the PeUron Saints of Ireland. • Kebslake — St. EtcJiardf the King of Englishmen, The Gelt and the Teuton in Exeter. King (Adam), Anc Catechism. Knoblich, Ilerzogin Anna von Schlesien. KuASiNSKA (Fbanoiszka), Countess, The Journal of Countess Frangoisc Krasinsha, KuEN, CoUectio Ilistorico. L*Abbk . . . (author of Le Maudit), Lis Mystiques, Lacboix (Paul) — Louis XII. et Anne de Bretagne. Scenes et Lettres au Moyen Age, Vie militaire et religieuse, au Moyen Age, Lambebtini (Benedict XIV.), De Seruorum Dei . . . Ganontsatione. Langebek (Jacobus), Scriptores Berum Danicarum, Lappenbebo, History of England under the Saxon Kings. Laviqne, La sosur Marie d'Agreda et Philippe IV, tj Lb Beau, Ilistoire du Bos Empire. t Leciineb (Peteb), Ausfilhrliches Martyrologium des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Vcrzmeigungen, Le Cointe, Annates Ecdesia Francormn. Leggendario ddlc Santissime Vergini. Le Glay — Gaule Belgi'jue. Ilistoire des Comtes de Flandre. Leibnitz, Scriptores Brunswicensium. Leland (John). See Heabne. Lbland (Thomas), History of Ireland. Lelono, Bihliothetjuc Historique de France. Le Mibe. See Lb Nain (Piebbe), Essai de Vhistoire de Vordrc de Citcaux. Leon, Aureole de St. Frangois. Le Paige (Joannes), BibliotJieca prxmonstratensis ordinis. Life of Mademoiselle le Gvas, Foundress of the Sisters of Charity. Lima (Manoel de), Agiohgio Dominico. Lingabd, History of England. LippoMANUS (L.), Sancif>rum Priscorum Patrum vitx. Lives of the Saints canonized on Trinity Sunday, Lopez, Historia Oeneral de Sancto Domingo, etc. Second and Third Parts. LuQUET (J. F. 0.), Life of Anna Maria Taigi. Mabillon and d'Ach^by, Acta Sanctorum ordinis Sancti Benedidi, Continued by 3 I .1 .1 RUINABT. ? Mailatu, Qesdiichte der Magyaren. y